Article published In:
Journal of Historical Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesWhen never meant ever
The polarity item nunca in Old Portuguese
In European Portuguese, nunca ‘never’ is traditionally classified as a temporal adverb and it can
convey sentential negation on its own, therefore behaving as a strong negative polarity item (NPI). Nevertheless, in early stages
of the language we find nunca with a non-negative interpretation, in contexts that are considered ungrammatical
in contemporary Portuguese. Unlike negative indefinites that started as weak NPIs and became inherently negative,
nunca was already a strong negative polarity item in 13th century Portuguese. In this article I will show
that, apart from the strong NPI nunca, there was also an ambiguous item nunca that corresponded
to a modal polarity item. In the Romance context, items originating from Latin numquam also unfold into ambiguous
items with different polarity. In Portuguese, however, ambiguity was not preserved. The evolution of nunca
reinforces the idea that Portuguese is the most innovative of Romance languages regarding the outcomes of polarity items.
Keywords: negative polarity items, never, temporal n-indefinites, Old Portuguese
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.A brief note on data and methodology
- 3.Theoretical background
- 3.
Nunca in Old Portuguese
- 3.1 Nunca as a strong NPI
- 3.2 Nunca as a modal polarity item (MPI)
- 4.(N)umquam descendants in the Romance context
- 5.Conclusion
- Notes
References -
Sources of the examples
Published online: 9 December 2024
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