Article published In:
Politeness in and across Historical Europe
Edited by Annick Paternoster, Gudrun Held and Dániel Z. Kádár
[Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24:1] 2023
► pp. 160178
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2023. Ritual and modern “politeness” in the Romanian Principalities during the Phanariot period. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24:1  pp. 124 ff. DOI logo
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Kádár, Dániel Z., Gudrun Held & Annick Paternoster
2023. Introduction. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 24:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Paternoster, Annick
2022. Scripts and Lines. In Historical Etiquette,  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo

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