Olsson, Eva
A comparative study of CLIL implementation in upper secondary school in Sweden and students’ development of L2 English academic vocabulary.
Language Teaching Research 29:1
► pp. 7 ff.

Cao, Yueming, Dan Wang, Yu Bai & Tong Ru
Effect of ethnic stereotype threat on academic performance: Experimental evidence from rural China.
China Economic Review 86
► pp. 102204 ff.

Domke, Lisa M., Laura A. May, Melody Kung, Lauren Coleman, Michael Vo & Gary E. Bingham
Preservice teachers learning to integrate language within content instruction in dual language classrooms.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45:9
► pp. 3712 ff.

ElAtia, Samira & komla essiomle
Les diplômés d’immersion française et leurs motivations liées au choix de la langue dans la poursuite des études postsecondaires.
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy :204
► pp. 157 ff.

Kwakkel, Hedi, Mienke Droop, Ludo Verhoeven & Eliane Segers
How lexical quality predicts L2 reading comprehension in early bilingual education.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27:7
► pp. 993 ff.

Maltseva, S. N. & A. Yu. Pavlova
2024 Systems of Signals Generating and Processing in the Field of on Board Communications,
► pp. 1 ff.

Pollard-Durodola, Sharolyn D., Jorge E. Gonzalez, Laura Saenz & Heather S. Davis
The sustainability of content enriched shared book reading vocabulary practices and preschool emergent bilinguals.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27:3
► pp. 315 ff.

Roquet Pugès, Helena, Noelia Navarro Gil & Florentina Nicolás-Conesa
Friesen, Deanna C. & Chastine Lamoureux
Gülşen, Erhan & Kenan Dikilitaş
Krenca, Klaudia, Kate Cain, Stefka Marinova-Todd & Xi Chen
The Role of Comprehension Monitoring in Predicting Reading Comprehension Among French Immersion Children.
Scientific Studies of Reading 27:6
► pp. 475 ff.

Lee , Jang Ho, Hansol Lee & Yuen Yi Lo
Effects of EMI-CLIL on secondary-level students’ English learning: A multilevel meta-analysis.
Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching 13:2
► pp. 317 ff.

Mac Gearailt, Breandán, Gerry Mac Ruairc & Clíona Murray
Actualising Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Irish-medium education; why, how and why now?.
Irish Educational Studies 42:1
► pp. 39 ff.

Mac Gearailt, Breandán, Gerry Mac Ruairc & Clíona Murray
Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 12:1
► pp. 75 ff.

Scherzinger, Luisa & Taiga Brahm
A systematic review of bilingual education teachers’ competences.
Educational Research Review 39
► pp. 100531 ff.

Scherzinger, Luisa & Taiga Brahm
What does it mean to be(come) a professional bilingual education teacher?.
European Journal of Teacher Education ► pp. 1 ff.

Tribushinina, Elena, Elena Dubinkina-Elgart & Pim Mak
Effects of early foreign language instruction and L1 transfer on vocabulary skills of EFL learners with DLD.
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 37:8
► pp. 683 ff.

Lokhtina, Irina & Elena Theodosis Kkese
Reflecting and Adapting to an Academic Workplace Before and After the Lockdown in Greek-Speaking Cyprus. In
Global Trends, Dynamics, and Imperatives for Strategic Development in Business Education in an Age of Disruption [
Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development, ],
► pp. 126 ff.

Marcu, Nicoleta Aurelia
Content-Based Instruction- A Method of Developing Language and Social Competences.
Acta Marisiensis. Philologia 4:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Marissa K. L. E. & Sabine Tan
Popular Science Fiction Television for the Language Educator: Black Mirror as a Potential Teaching Tool in the ICLHE Classroom. In
Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education,
► pp. 125 ff.

Pollard-Durodola, Sharolyn D., Jorge E. Gonzalez, Laura Saenz, Denise Soares, Heather S. Davis, Nora Resendez & Leina Zhu
The Social Validity of Content Enriched Shared Book Reading Vocabulary Instruction and Preschool DLLs’ Language Outcomes.
Early Education and Development 33:7
► pp. 1175 ff.

Preusler, Sandra, Steffen Zitzmann, Jürgen Baumert & Jens Möller
Development of German reading comprehension in two-way immersive primary schools.
Learning and Instruction 79
► pp. 101598 ff.

Preusler, Sandra, Steffen Zitzmann, Jürgen Baumert & Jens Möller
Nine partner languages, one path: Minority language reading proficiency development among German two-way immersion students.
Learning and Instruction 95
► pp. 102047 ff.

Roquet, Helena, Alexandra Vraciu, Florentina Nicolás-Conesa & Carmen Pérez-Vidal
Adjunct instruction in higher education: examining the effects on English foreign language proficiency.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:4
► pp. 1377 ff.

Serafini, Ellen J., Nadine Rozell & Adam Winsler
Academic and English language outcomes for DLLs as a function of school bilingual education model: the role of two-way immersion and home language support.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:2
► pp. 552 ff.

An, Jiangshan & Nathan Thomas
Students’ beliefs about the role of interaction for science learning and language learning in EMI science classes: Evidence from high schools in China.
Linguistics and Education 65
► pp. 100972 ff.

Ballinger, Susan
Oral Corrective Feedback in Content-Based Contexts. In
The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Second Language Learning and Teaching,
► pp. 539 ff.

Davis, Stephen, Susan Ballinger & Mela Sarkar
Freire, Juan A. & M. Garrett Delavan
The fiftyfication of dual language education: one-size-fits-all language allocation’s “equality” and “practicality” eclipsing a history of equity.
Language Policy 20:3
► pp. 351 ff.

Genesee, Fred & Kathryn Lindholm-Leary
Graham, Keith M., Haemin Kim, Yunkyeong Choi & Zohreh R. Eslami
Grivet, Candice Suzanne, Michelle Haj‐Broussard & Rodger Broomé
School administrators’ perspectives of French immersion programs.
Foreign Language Annals 54:1
► pp. 114 ff.

Hancock, Charlotte R. & Kristin J. Davin
Shifting Ideologies: The Seal of Biliteracy in the United States. In
Language Learning in Anglophone Countries,
► pp. 71 ff.

Lindholm-Leary, Kathryn
Dual Language Education Models and Research in Early Childhood Education in the USA. In
Handbook of Early Language Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 1 ff.

Lindholm-Leary, Kathryn
Dual Language Education Models and Research in Early Childhood Education in the USA. In
Handbook of Early Language Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 403 ff.

Martin, Sarah, Christina Hodder, Emily Merritt, Ashley Culliton, Erin Pottie & Elizabeth Kay-Raining Bird
Molle, Daniella
Content‐Area Teachers’ Appropriation of Language Development Practices During Professional Learning.
TESOL Quarterly 55:2
► pp. 486 ff.

Moreno, Diego Rascón
Student perspectives on dual immersion in California: A comparison with the perceptions of CLIL learners in Madrid.
Linguistics and Education 61
► pp. 100887 ff.

Pontillas, Marlon
Opportunities and Challenges of a Filipino Educator in a Home-based Online EFL Industry: A Single Case Study.
Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies 1:1
► pp. 77 ff.

Saft, Scott
Introduction. In
Language and Social Justice in Context,
► pp. 1 ff.

Ó Ceallaigh, T. J., Máiréad Hourigan & Aisling Leavy
Developing potentiality: pre-service elementary teachers as learners of language immersion teaching.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24:4
► pp. 515 ff.

Alfonso Pena, Celia & Elisabet Pladevall-Ballester
Baditsa, Maryna, Nataliia Kolesnyk & Maryna Polkhovska
Bilingual model of future specialists’ training by means of artistic design.
Educational Dimension 3
► pp. 117 ff.

Brooke, Mark
Guiding teacher talk in the Content and Language Integrated Learning classroom using Semantics from Legitimation Code Theory.
Teaching in Higher Education 25:7
► pp. 812 ff.

Cammarata, Laurent & T.J. Ó Ceallaigh
de Graaff, Rick & Oana Costache
Lindahl, Kristen
Connecting Ideology and Awareness: Critical Multilingual Awareness in CLIL Contexts.
English Teaching & Learning 44:2
► pp. 211 ff.

Lo, Yuen Yi
Introduction. In
Professional Development of CLIL Teachers,
► pp. 3 ff.

Lo, Yuen Yi
Theoretical Models of Professional Development Programmes for CLIL Teachers. In
Professional Development of CLIL Teachers,
► pp. 95 ff.

Tribushinina, Elena, Elena Dubinkina-Elgart & Nadezhda Rabkina
Can children with DLD acquire a second language in a foreign-language classroom? Effects of age and cross-language relationships.
Journal of Communication Disorders 88
► pp. 106049 ff.

Fleckenstein, Johanna, Sandra Kristina Gebauer & Jens Möller
Promoting mathematics achievement in one-way immersion: Performance development over four years of elementary school.
Contemporary Educational Psychology 56
► pp. 228 ff.

Henderson, Kathryn I.
The danger of the dual-language enrichment narrative: Educator discourses constructing exclusionary participation structures in bilingual education.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 16:3
► pp. 155 ff.

Honigsfeld, Andrea & Maria G. Dove
Preparing Teachers for Co‐Teaching and Collaboration. In
The Handbook of TESOL in K‐12,
► pp. 405 ff.

Lo, Yuen Yi & Angel M. Y. Lin
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Hong Kong. In
Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 1 ff.

Lo, Yuen Yi & Angel M. Y. Lin
Content and Language Integrated Learning in Hong Kong. In
Second Handbook of English Language Teaching [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 963 ff.

Lo, Yuen Yi & Angel M.Y. Lin
Lo, Yuen Yi & Angel M. Y. Lin
Lyster, Roy & Fred Genesee
Immersion Education. In
The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics,
► pp. 1 ff.

Lü, Chan
Theoretical Framework, Literature Review, and the Current Project. In
Chinese Literacy Learning in an Immersion Program,
► pp. 27 ff.

Lü, Chan
Introduction. In
Chinese Literacy Learning in an Immersion Program,
► pp. 1 ff.

Morrell, Patricia D., Sally Hood & Erik Mellgren
A first-year middle school science teacher's experiences navigating science content in a Dual Language Immersion Program.
Heliyon 5:10
► pp. e02575 ff.

Preusler, Sandra, Steffen Zitzmann, Isabell Paulick, Jürgen Baumert & Jens Möller
Ready to read in two languages? Testing the native language hypothesis and the majority language hypothesis in two-way immersion students.
Learning and Instruction 64
► pp. 101247 ff.

Basturkmen, Helen
Dealing With Language Issues During Subject Teaching in EMI: The Perspectives of Two Accounting Lecturers.
TESOL Quarterly 52:3
► pp. 692 ff.

Cammarata, Laurent, Martine Cavanagh, Sylvie Blain & Cécile Sabatier
Enseigner en immersion française au Canada : synthèse des connaissances sur les défis et leurs implications pour la formation des enseignants.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 74:1
► pp. 101 ff.

Cammarata, Laurent & T. J. Ó Ceallaigh
Annick De Houwer & Lourdes Ortega
The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism,

Roy, Debopriyo
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology,
► pp. 129 ff.

Schwarz, Mila & Naomi Gorgatt
“Fortunately, I found a home here that allows me personal expression”: Co-teaching in the bilingual Hebrew-Arabic-speaking preschool in Israel.
Teaching and Teacher Education 71
► pp. 46 ff.

Ballinger, Susan, Roy Lyster, Andrea Sterzuk & Fred Genesee
Chen, Ya-Ling, Ting-An Yang & Hsiuling Lydia Chen
Challenges Encountered in a Chinese Immersion Program in the United States.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher 26:3-4
► pp. 163 ff.

Fortune, Tara W. & Zhongkui Ju
Assessing and Exploring the Oral Proficiency of Young Mandarin Immersion Learners.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 37
► pp. 264 ff.

Gorter, Durk & Jasone Cenoz
Language education policy and multilingual assessment.
Language and Education 31:3
► pp. 231 ff.

O Ceallaigh, Tadhg, Siobhán Ní Mhurchú & Déirdre Ní Chróinín
Poarch, Gregory J. & Ellen Bialystok
Assessing the implications of migrant multilingualism for language education.
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 20:2
► pp. 175 ff.

Somers, Thomas
Content and Language Integrated Learning and the inclusion of immigrant minority language students: A research review.
International Review of Education 63:4
► pp. 495 ff.

Titone, Debra, Jason Gullifer, Sivaniya Subramaniapillai, Natasha Rajah & Shari Baum
Almgren, Margareta & Ibon Manterola
The development of narrative skills in learners of Basque as a second language.
Education Inquiry 7:1
► pp. 27627 ff.

Kay-Raining Bird, Elizabeth, Fred Genesee & Ludo Verhoeven
Bilingualism in children with developmental disorders: A narrative review.
Journal of Communication Disorders 63
► pp. 1 ff.

Kay-Raining Bird, Elizabeth, Natacha Trudeau & Ann Sutton
Pulling it all together: The road to lasting bilingualism for children with developmental disabilities.
Journal of Communication Disorders 63
► pp. 63 ff.

Lin, Angel M. Y.
Introduction. In
Language Across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Contexts,
► pp. 1 ff.

Lin, Angel M. Y.
Programming for Integration of Content and Language Learning. In
Language Across the Curriculum & CLIL in English as an Additional Language (EAL) Contexts,
► pp. 143 ff.

Palviainen, Åsa, Ekaterina Protassova, Karita Mård-Miettinen & Mila Schwartz
Two languages in the air: a cross-cultural comparison of preschool teachers’ reflections on their flexible bilingual practices.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 19:6
► pp. 614 ff.

Strickland, Kait & Tina M. Hickey
Tedick, Diane J & Amy I Young
Fifth Grade Two-Way Immersion Students’ Responses to Form-Focused Instruction.
Applied Linguistics 37:6
► pp. 784 ff.

Tedick, Diane J. & Amy I. Young
Two-way immersion students’ home languages, proficiency levels, and responses to form-focused instruction.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 21:3
► pp. 303 ff.

Cenoz, Jasone
Content-based instruction and content and language integrated learning: the same or different?.
Language, Culture and Curriculum 28:1
► pp. 8 ff.

Cenoz, Jasone & Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe
Learning through a second or additional language: content-based instruction and CLIL in the twenty-first century.
Language, Culture and Curriculum 28:1
► pp. 1 ff.

de Zarobe, Yolanda Ruiz
Language Awareness and CLIL. In
Language Awareness and Multilingualism,
► pp. 1 ff.

de Zarobe, Yolanda Ruiz
Language Awareness and CLIL. In
Language Awareness and Multilingualism,
► pp. 149 ff.

Ruiz de Zarobe, Yolanda
Language Awareness and CLIL. In
Language Awareness and Multilingualism,
► pp. 1 ff.

Gibson, Judy & Sylvie Roy
Henderson, Kathryn I. & Deborah K. Palmer
Rodgers, Daryl M.
Incidental Language Learning in Foreign Language Content Courses.
The Modern Language Journal 99:1
► pp. 113 ff.

Séror, Jérémie & Alysse Weinberg
Verspoor, Marjolijn, Kees de Bot & Xiaoyan Xu
Cenoz, J., F. Genesee & D. Gorter
Critical Analysis of CLIL: Taking Stock and Looking Forward.
Applied Linguistics 35:3
► pp. 243 ff.

Dorner, Lisa M. & Angela Layton
“¿Cómo se dice?” Children's multilingual discourses (or interacting, representing, and being) in a first-grade Spanish immersion classroom.
Linguistics and Education 25
► pp. 24 ff.

Genesee, Fred & Tara W. Fortune
Hickey, Tina M. & Anne-Marie de Mejía
Immersion education in the early years: a special issue.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 17:2
► pp. 131 ff.

Hopewell, Susan & Kathy Escamilla
Lindholm-Leary, Kathryn & Fred Genesee
Nikula, Tarja & Karita Mård-Miettinen
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.