Delavan, M. Garrett, James A. Gambrell & G. Sue Kasun
Following Indigeneity to unbuild inequities in teaching for multilingualism: restoring relationship with the Land.
International Multilingual Research Journal 18:4
► pp. 347 ff.

Kissau, Scott, Kristin Davin & Kristen Moore
Preparing Cherokee Language Teachers: Lessons Learned From an Innovative Licensure Program.
Journal of Teacher Education 75:4
► pp. 412 ff.

Nic Aindriú, Sinéad
Inclusion in Immersion Education: Identifying and Supporting Students with Additional Educational Needs.
Encyclopedia 4:4
► pp. 1496 ff.

Kūkea Shultz, Pōhai & Kerry Englert
The Promise of Assessments That Advance Social Justice: An Indigenous Example.
Applied Measurement in Education 36:3
► pp. 255 ff.

Lee, Tiffany S. & James McKenzie
Indigenous language revitalization in the United States and Canada. In
International Encyclopedia of Education(Fourth Edition),
► pp. 50 ff.

Scherzinger, Luisa & Taiga Brahm
A systematic review of bilingual education teachers’ competences.
Educational Research Review 39
► pp. 100531 ff.

Antony-Newman, Marina, Yuliya Desyatova, Adriana Ortiz & Kimberly Cho
Implementing Innovation: Findings from Diverse Classrooms. In
Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom [
Educational Linguistics, 55],
► pp. 141 ff.

McCarty, Teresa L., Tiffany S. Lee, Joaquín Noguera, Winoka Yepa & Sheilah E. Nicholas
“You Should Know the Name of the Wind Where You Live”—Relationality and Relational Accountability in Indigenous-Language Education.
Comparative Education Review 66:3
► pp. 417 ff.

Nic Aindriú, Sinéad, Pádraig Ó Duibhir, Lorraine Connaughton-Crean & Joe Travers
The CPD Needs of Irish-Medium Primary and Post-Primary Teachers in Special Education.
Education Sciences 12:12
► pp. 909 ff.

Pang, Bonnie
The postmonolingual turn: rethinking embodiment with New Confucianism in bodily education and research.
Sport, Education and Society 27:8
► pp. 893 ff.

Wilson, William H., Ryan DeCaire, Brooke Niiyogaabawiikwe Gonzalez & Teresa L. McCarty
Bracknell, Clint, Kylie Bracknell, Susan Fenty Studham & Luzita Fereday
Supporting the performance of Noongar language inHecate.
Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 12:3
► pp. 377 ff.

McCarty, Teresa L.
The holistic benefits of education for Indigenous language revitalisation and reclamation (ELR2).
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 42:10
► pp. 927 ff.

McCarty, Teresa L., Joaquín Noguera, Tiffany S. Lee & Sheilah E. Nicholas
“A Viable Path for Education”—Indigenous-Language Immersion and Sustainable Self-Determination.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 20:5
► pp. 340 ff.

Morrison, Jennifer Adele
Valuing Indigenous Research Paradigms in the Context of Language Acquisition. In
Promoting Qualitative Research Methods for Critical Reflection and Change [
Advances in Knowledge Acquisition, Transfer, and Management, ],
► pp. 140 ff.

Saft, Scott
Introduction. In
Language and Social Justice in Context,
► pp. 1 ff.

Limerick, Nicholas
What’s the Linguistic Variety of Audit Culture? Administering an Indigenous Language Proficiency Exam in Ecuador’s Intercultural Bilingual Education.
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 51:3
► pp. 282 ff.

Limerick, Nicholas
Can State Offices Reclaim Kichwa? Intercultural Bilingual Education Politics and Policy in Ecuador Over Decades.
Applied Linguistics 45:3
► pp. 498 ff.

Petit Cahill, Kevin
Creating places through language rules: A historical and ethnographic perspective on the “Rule of Irish”.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 24:2
► pp. 228 ff.

Hadjiyanni, Tasoulla
Ojibwe Stories: “When the traditions are lost, it is like a person who has no identity”. In
The Right to Home,
► pp. 185 ff.

Anoee, Nunia Qanatsiaq, Shelley Tulloch, Jeannie Arreak-Kullualik, Kerri Wheatley & Sandy McAuley
(Re)Invigorating family and community leadership in Inuit bilingual education.
AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 13:1
► pp. 2 ff.

Does having an Indigenous Political Party in Government make a Difference to Social Policy? The Māori Party in New Zealand.
Journal of Social Policy 46:3
► pp. 475 ff.

McPake, Joanna, Wilson McLeod, Fiona O’Hanlon, Giovanna Fassetta & Mona Wilson
Professional development programmes for teachers moving from majority to minoritised language medium education: lessons from a comparative study.
Language Policy 16:1
► pp. 79 ff.

Tocker, Kimai
Living and Learning as Māori: Language Stories from Three Generations.
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 46:1
► pp. 115 ff.

Tulloch, Shelley, Adriana Kusugak, Cayla Chenier, Quluaq Pilakapsi, Gloria Uluqsi & Fiona Walton
Transformational Bilingual Learning: Re-Engaging Marginalized Learners through Language, Culture, Community, and Identity.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 73:4
► pp. 438 ff.

Hill, Richard
Transitioning from Māori-Medium to English: Pursuing Biliteracy.
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 51:1
► pp. 33 ff.

McCarty, Teresa L. & Serafín M. Coronel-Molina
Language Education Planning and Policy by and for Indigenous Peoples. In
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education,
► pp. 1 ff.

McCarty, Teresa L. & Serafín M. Coronel-Molina
Language Education Planning and Policy by and for Indigenous Peoples. In
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education,
► pp. 155 ff.

Stephen, Christine, Joanna McPake, Irene Pollock & Wilson McLeod
Cenoz, J., F. Genesee & D. Gorter
Critical Analysis of CLIL: Taking Stock and Looking Forward.
Applied Linguistics 35:3
► pp. 243 ff.

Hermes, Mary & Keiki Kawai'ae'a
Hill, Richard & Stephen May
Balancing the Languages in Māori-Medium Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In
Minority Languages and Multilingual Education [
Educational Linguistics, 18],
► pp. 159 ff.

Lindholm-Leary, Kathryn & Fred Genesee
May, Stephen
Contesting public monolingualism and diglossia: rethinking political theory and language policy for a multilingual world.
Language Policy 13:4
► pp. 371 ff.

May, Stephen
Justifying Educational Language Rights.
Review of Research in Education 38:1
► pp. 215 ff.

May, Stephen
Contesting Public Monolingualism and Diglossia: Rethinking Political Theory and Language Policy for a Multilingual World. In
Language Policy and Political Theory,
► pp. 77 ff.

May, Stephen
Language Education, Pluralism, and Citizenship. In
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education,
► pp. 1 ff.

May, Stephen
Language Education, Pluralism, and Citizenship. In
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education,
► pp. 31 ff.

May, Stephen
Language Education, Pluralism, and Citizenship. In
Language Policy and Political Issues in Education,
► pp. 1 ff.

McInnes, Brian D.
Teaching and Learning Ojibwe as a Second Language: Considerations for a Sustainable Future.
Journal of Language Teaching and Research 5:4

Palmer, Deborah K., Susan Ballinger & Lizette Peter
Trinick, Tony & Stephen May
Developing a Māori language mathematics lexicon: challenges for corpus planning in indigenous language contexts.
Current Issues in Language Planning 14:3-04
► pp. 457 ff.

[no author supplied]
2022. ,

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