Partner language development in TWI
Teachers’ beliefs and practices
Prior research has sought to describe how teachers view and approach attention to partner language (PL)
development in Spanish immersion settings (
Cammarata & Tedick, 2012;
Fortune et al., 2008;
Lindholm-Leary, 2001;
Walker & Tedick, 2000). However, it has not focused specifically on the
particularities of two-way immersion (TWI), which is unique for its inclusion of both heritage speakers and second language
learners. The current project adds to existing knowledge by using teacher interviews and a survey to report a qualitative case
study of three TWI teachers’ beliefs and practices. Data is triangulated through PL student testing and analysis of classroom
observations. Results confirm many of the findings of prior research, especially regarding teachers’ perceived need for increased
guidance and resources. They also provide insight into how TWI teachers view PL development in the two groups of learners.
Implications for teacher training and future research are discussed.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Literature review
- 2.1Fostering PL development for L2 learners and HSs in TWI
- 2.2Teachers’ beliefs and practices
- 3.Current study
- 3.1Study design
- 3.2Participants and setting
- 3.3Data collection
- 3.4Data analysis
- 3.5Qualitative results
- 3.5.1Resourcefulness and personal judgment in teaching language
- 3.5.2Feelings of being unguided
- 3.5.3Need for additional collaboration and resources
- 3.5.4Different perspectives on HSs and L2 learners
- 3.5.5Writing-focused language instruction
- 3.6Results of supporting data on teachers’ beliefs and practices
- 3.7Discussion and implications
- 3.8Limitations
- 4.Conclusion
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