Cenoz, Jasone, Alaitz Santos & Durk Gorter
Pedagogical translanguaging and teachers’ perceptions of anxiety.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27:9
► pp. 1234 ff.

Désirée Lange, Sarah & Seyat Polat
Scoping review on primary school teachers’ beliefs on multilingualism in classroom teaching.
International Journal of Multilingualism ► pp. 1 ff.

Fuster, Carles, Sofia Antera & Brendan Munhall
Translanguaging as an official support measure for newly arrived students in Sweden.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Fuster, Carles & Camilla Bardel
Translanguaging in Sweden: A critical review from an international perspective.
System 121
► pp. 103241 ff.

Henehan, Alison & Joana Duarte
Unveiling Pre-Service Teachers’ Cognitions of Multilingualism and Multilingual Identities Using a Multi-Method Approach.
Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies / Razprave in Gradivo, Revija za narodnostna vprašanja 93:93
► pp. 29 ff.

Jasor, Ingrid, Pierre-Luc Paquet & Nina Woll
De la théorie à l’action : cohérence entre croyances et enseignement-apprentissage dans la mise en pratique des approches plurilingues.
The Canadian Modern Language Review 80:2
► pp. 134 ff.

Leonet, Oihana, Eider Saragueta & Eli. Arocena
Shifting the perception of languages and their status through the use of pedagogical translanguaging as a tool to increase language awareness.
Language, Culture and Curriculum 37:3
► pp. 363 ff.

Orcasitas-Vicandi, María & Andrea Perales-Fernández-de-Gamboa
Promoting pedagogical translanguaging in pre-service teachers’ training: material design for a multilingual context with a regional minority language.
International Journal of Multilingualism 21:1
► pp. 258 ff.

Osidak, Viktoriia , Maryana Natsiuk & Karin Vogt
Advanced Education 12:24
► pp. 92 ff.

Portolés, Laura & Lauren Basgall
Translanguaging and the Role of the L1 in CLIL Classrooms: Beliefs of In-Service Teachers. In
Modern Approaches to Researching Multilingualism [
Second Language Learning and Teaching, ],
► pp. 183 ff.

Roman, Gorka
A Multifaceted Approach to Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion for Migrants and Refugees in Europe. In
Transformative Intercultural Global Education [
Advances in Educational Marketing, Administration, and Leadership, ],
► pp. 370 ff.

Romanowski, Piotr
Language awareness, strategy training and the facilitative role of L2 English: Polish L3 teachers' perceptions of multilingualism.
International Journal of Multilingualism 21:2
► pp. 728 ff.

Spaliviero, Camilla
Enhancing teachers’ multilingual language awareness through a course on language learning strategies and multilingual education.
EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages 11:2
► pp. 27 ff.

Tannenbaum, Michal, Orly Haim & Elana Shohamy
Incorporating translanguaging in English instruction: teachers’ beliefs, practices, and influencing factors.
International Multilingual Research Journal ► pp. 1 ff.

Cerezo Herrero, Enrique & María Rosario García-Bellido
Plurilingual education.
Revista Española de Lingüística Aplicada/Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics 36:1
► pp. 120 ff.

Dekker, Suzanne V., Linde M. Kootstra, Hanneke Loerts & Joana Duarte
‘We Can Do More With It’: Dominant Language Constellations of Teachers in Multilingual Frisian Primary Schools. In
Language Awareness and Identity [
Multilingual Education, 45],
► pp. 263 ff.

Duarte, Joana, Sibrecht Veenstra & Nelly van Dijk
Mediation of Language Attitudes Through Linguistic Landscapes in Minority Language Education. In
Linguistic Landscapes in Language and Teacher Education [
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► pp. 165 ff.

Gartziarena, Mikel & Jon Altuna
The Influence of the L3 on In-Service Teachers’ Beliefs About Language Teaching Approaches and Multilingualism.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education ► pp. 1 ff.

Makarova, Irina, Joana Duarte & Marcela I. Huilcán
Experts’ views on the contribution of language awareness and translanguaging for minority language education.
Language Awareness 32:1
► pp. 74 ff.

Neokleous, Georgios & Sviatlana Karpava
Comparing pre-service teacher attitudes toward the use of students’ home language(s) in linguistically diverse English as an additional language classrooms in Norway and Cyprus.
Frontiers in Education 8

Osidak, Viktoriya, Maryana Natsiuk & Karin Vogt
Creating a Questionnaire to Explore Language Teacher Multilingual Beliefs and Practices.
East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 
Too, Wei Keong
‘People are already doing it’: Malaysian English language teachers’ perceptions on translanguaging.
Asian Englishes 25:2
► pp. 192 ff.

Boillos Pereira, Mari Mar, Nora Aranberri Monasterio, Eneko Zuloaga Román & Miren Ibarluzea Santiesteban
¿Es una buena idea el Tratamiento Integrado de Lenguas? Percepciones del profesorado de Educación Primaria.
Didáctica. Lengua y Literatura 34
► pp. 161 ff.

Cenoz, Jasone, Oihana Leonet & Durk Gorter
Developing cognate awareness through pedagogical translanguaging.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:8
► pp. 2759 ff.

Gartziarena, Mikel & Nerea Villabona
Teachers' beliefs on multilingualism in the Basque Country: Basque at the core of multilingual education.
System 105
► pp. 102749 ff.

Gopalakrishnan, Anuradha
Ecological perspectives on implementing multilingual pedagogies in adult foreign language classrooms – a comparative case study.
International Journal of Multilingualism 19:1
► pp. 85 ff.

Idoiaga Mondragon, Nahia, Maria Orcasitas-Vicandi & Gorka Roman Etxebarrieta
Impact of emergency eLearning in a multilingual context with a minority language: how has the absence of school affected the use of Basque, English, and Spanish in the Basque context?.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 25:10
► pp. 3533 ff.

Jiang, Zhihui Will, Lawrence Jun Zhang & Naashia Mohamed
Researching Translanguaging as a Feasible Pedagogical Practice: Evidence from Chinese English-as-a-Foreign-Language Students’ Perceptions.
RELC Journal 53:2
► pp. 371 ff.

Karpava, Sviatlana
Multilingualism in EFL Classrooms. In
Handbook of Research on Multilingual and Multicultural Perspectives on Higher Education and Implications for Teaching [
Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development, ],
► pp. 213 ff.

Lovrits, Veronika
Patterns and Variation in English Language Discourse. 9th Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English,
► pp. 59 ff.

Mani, Manisha & Sreeparna Bhattacharjee
Achieving Equality Among Gender and Ethnic Groups through Multicultural Education: A Review. In
Gender Equity: Challenges and Opportunities,
► pp. 289 ff.

Martí Arnandiz, Otilia & Laura Portolés Falomir
The effect of individual factors on L3 teachers’ beliefs about multilingual education.
Language, Culture and Curriculum 35:4
► pp. 353 ff.

Musyoka, Millicent Malinda
Confronting Assumptions in Immigrant Multilingual Deaf Education. In
Deaf Education and Challenges for Bilingual/Multilingual Students [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 40 ff.

Möller-Omrani, Christine & Ann-Kristin H. Sivertsen
Should the Elementary School EFL Classroom Contribute to Developing Multilingualism? Pre-Service Teacher Cognitions about Pluralistic Approaches to EFL Teaching and Cross-Linguistic Awareness.
Languages 7:2
► pp. 109 ff.

Putrawan, Gede E., Mahpul, Tuntun Sinaga, Son K. Poh & Olga V. Dekhnich
Beliefs about Multilingualism with Respect to Translanguaging: A Survey among Pre-Service EFL Teachers in Indonesia.
Integration of Education 26:4
► pp. 756 ff.

Robinson-Jones, Charlie, Joana Duarte & Mirjam Günther-van der Meij
“Accept All Pupils as they are. Diversity!” – Pre-Service Primary Teachers’ Views, Experiences, Knowledge, and Skills of Multilingualism in Education.
Sustainable Multilingualism 20:1
► pp. 94 ff.

Aguirre, Leire Ituiño, Karin van der Worp, Eider Saragueta, Oihane Galdos & Artzai Gaspar
Linguistically Sensitive Teaching in a Multilingual Context: Perceptions of Pre-Service Teachers of the Basque Autonomous Community.
Sustainable Multilingualism 18:1
► pp. 45 ff.

Birello, Marilisa, Júlia Llompart-Esbert & Emilee Moore
Being plurilingual versus becoming a linguistically sensitive teacher: tensions in the discourse of initial teacher education students.
International Journal of Multilingualism 18:4
► pp. 586 ff.

Hickey, Tina M.
Heritage Language Early Years’ Immersion: Irish-Medium Preschools in Ireland. In
Handbook of Early Language Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 1 ff.

Hickey, Tina M.
Heritage Language Early Years’ Immersion: Irish-Medium Preschools in Ireland. In
Handbook of Early Language Education [
Springer International Handbooks of Education, ],
► pp. 317 ff.

Pérez-Izaguirre, Elizabeth, Marie-Anne Châteaureynaud & José F. Amiama
Teachers’ view on the elements that enhance and hamper Basque and Occitan teaching in southern France: an exploratory approach.
Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 15:3
► pp. 151 ff.

Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
Teaching English through pedagogical translanguaging.
World Englishes 39:2
► pp. 300 ff.

Cerezo Herrero, Enrique, María Candelaria Romeu Peiró & Almudena Grao Rodríguez
Key competences and plurilingual education in the Valencian Region (Spain): A curricular analysis of Primary Education.
Pulso. Revista de educación :43
► pp. 35 ff.

Galante, Angelica
Pedagogical translanguaging in a multilingual English program in Canada: Student and teacher perspectives of challenges.
System 92
► pp. 102274 ff.

Galante, Angelica
Translanguaging for Vocabulary Development: A Mixed Methods Study with International Students in a Canadian English for Academic Purposes Program. In
Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens [
Educational Linguistics, 45],
► pp. 293 ff.

Gorter, Durk & Eli Arocena
Teachers’ beliefs about multilingualism in a course on translanguaging.
System 92
► pp. 102272 ff.

Llompart, Júlia & Marilisa Birello
Migrant and Non-Migrant Origin Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs about Multilingualism and Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms: Convergences and Divergences.
Sustainable Multilingualism 17:1
► pp. 102 ff.

Portolés, Laura & Otilia Martí
Teachers’ beliefs about multilingual pedagogies and the role of initial training.
International Journal of Multilingualism 17:2
► pp. 248 ff.

Toward a New Multilingual Educational Policy in Israel: Attitudes and Perceptions of Teachers and Students.
The Modern Language Journal 104:3
► pp. 581 ff.

Woll, Nina
Towards crosslinguistic pedagogy: Demystifying pre-service teachers’ beliefs regarding the target-language-only rule.
System 92
► pp. 102275 ff.

Calafato, Raees
The non-native speaker teacher as proficient multilingual: A critical review of research from 2009–2018.
Lingua 227
► pp. 102700 ff.

Calafato, Raees
Teachers’ reported implementation of multilingual teaching practices in foreign language classrooms in Norway and Russia.
Teaching and Teacher Education 105
► pp. 103401 ff.

Nguyen, Trang Thi Thuy
Translanguaging as trans-identity: The case of ethnic minority students in Vietnam.
Lingua 222
► pp. 39 ff.

Leonet, Oihana, Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter
Challenging Minority Language Isolation: Translanguaging in a Trilingual School in the Basque Country.
Journal of Language, Identity & Education 16:4
► pp. 216 ff.

Leonet, Oihana, Jasone Cenoz & Durk Gorter
Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition.
Language Awareness 29:1
► pp. 41 ff.

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 9 january 2025. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.