Five turns of the screw
A CADS analysis of the European Parliament
The present paper proposes a CADS-based analysis of European Parliament speeches, by merging (C)DA theoretical constructs (inspired by
Laclau and Mouffe 1985) and CL tools. In this fashion, the European Comparable and Parallel Corpus of Parliamentary Speeches Archive (ECPC) is examined along synchronic and diachronic, quantitative and qualitative lines, in an inductive study that commutes from the micro-text to the macro-context.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.(C)DA constructs
- 3.CL tools
- 4.The ECPC Archive
- 5.Analysis
- 5.1.The first turn of the screw: A (static) snapshot of EP_en
- 5.2The second turn of the screw: A moving image of EP_en
- 5.3The third turn of the screw: A qualitative cut
- 5.4The fourth turn of the screw: The political axis
- 5.5Into the macro-context
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Note
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