Just call me Dave
David Cameron’s perilous populist status
This paper seeks to show how male politicians can draw on performances of masculinity to appeal to voters. The
paper uses former UK Prime Minister David Cameron as an example of how performances of masculinity interact with the opportunistic
use of populist forms of political engagement. It argues that while Cameron’s performances of populism are often situated in
compatible policy initiatives such as the “big society”, we can also identify a more sustained deployment of masculine discourse
in “performances” of alignment with the people. This paper shows how these gendered performances of political leaders mirror
changes in society, while exploring how they can also be politically hazardous. Whilst the “new man” might appeal to Western
voters, this paper shows how Cameron draws on this performance of masculinity in his first term as UK prime minister; at the same
time, showing the limits to such appeal in an age of austerity.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Personalisation and masculinity
- 3.Mediatised personalisation
- 4.Maleness and masculinity
- 5.Campaigning from the kitchen
- 6.Family guy
- 7.Child care for the few, not the many
- 8.Conclusion
- Notes
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Cited by (1)
Cited by one other publication
Smith, Jessica C.
Bulldozing Brexit: the role of masculinity in UK party leaders’ campaign imagery in 2019 UK General Election.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 31:4
► pp. 450 ff.

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