Article published In:
Journal of Language and Politics: Online-First ArticlesFarmers as symbol of ‘the people’
Nationalism and populism in Vlaams Belang’s discourse about farmers
Despite increased attention to the far right and environmental issues, little research has focused on the
increasingly prominent attempts by populist radical right (PRR) parties to capitalize on farmers’ protests against climate and
biodiversity policies across Europe. This article addresses this gap by analyzing PRR discourse through a case study of the
Flemish PRR party, Vlaams Belang (VB), a party that has only recently started to present itself as the defender of farmers and
rural populations. A discourse-theoretical analysis of VB’s 2019–2024 publications on farmers and agriculture reveals that VB
employs the ‘the rural’ as a symbolic signifier to integrate farmers and their demands into its discourse. The party constructs
farmers as the symbol of ‘the people’ through both nationalism and populism. Through their link with ‘the rural,’ farmers are
positioned as rooted in ‘the nation’ within VB’s nationalist politics and as part of ‘the underdog’ in its populist politics.
Keywords: nationalism, populism, farmers, rural, Vlaams Belang, far right
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Far-right politics and environmental issues
- 3.Nationalism and populism: A discourse-theoretical perspective
- 4.A discourse-theoretical analysis of VB: Case selection and method
- 5.Results
- 5.1Nationalism: The farmer as rooted in the nation
- 5.1.1The rural as the nation
- 5.1.2The urban as the outgroup
- 5.1.3The farmer as rooted in the nation
- 5.2Populism: The farmer as part of the underdog
- 5.2.1The rural as the underdog
- 5.2.2The urban as the elite
- 5.2.3The farmer as part of the underdog
- 5.3Connecting nationalism and populism: The dual identity of the farmer
- 5.1Nationalism: The farmer as rooted in the nation
- 6.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Note
Available under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 license.
For any use beyond this license, please contact the publisher at [email protected].
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