Article published In:
Journal of Language and Politics: Online-First ArticlesStudying affect through discourse theory
Towards a methodology of practice
This article presents a methodological argument for examining the affective dimensions of political identity
formation, with a pivotal focus on the role of practice. Grounded in a psychoanalytically inspired discourse
theory framework, it advocates for expanding research beyond textual sources to investigate the affective investment inherent in
political engagement and the process of collective identity formation. Through an examination of two empirical case studies — the
Just Stop Oil movement in the United Kingdom and the ascent of Javier Milei in Argentinean politics — the article proposes four
principles to study the articulation of political identities through practice: Signifiers are not just words; beyond counting
words; policy is central, and fantasy is a cipher. By underscoring fantasy as a critical dimension in identity formation and,
suggesting that, by transcending the conventional Schmittian friend/enemy divide, novel avenues for analysing collective
identities will surface.
Keywords: discourse theory, affect, practice, fantasy, transgression, Just Stop Oil, Milei
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Studying discourse as text
- 3.Studying affect as discourse
- 4.Towards an affective methodology
- 4.1Signifiers are not just words
- 4.2Beyond counting words
- 4.3Policy is central
- 4.4Fantasy as a cipher
- 5.Just Stop Oil
- 5.1Signifiers are not just words
- 5.2Beyond counting words
- 5.3Policy is central
- 5.4Fantasy as a cipher
- 6.Javier Milei
- 6.1Signifiers are not just words
- 6.2Beyond counting words
- 6.3Policy is central
- 6.4Fantasy as a cipher
- 7.Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
Published online: 6 January 2025
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