The purpose of this study was to test the usability of ultrasound as a visual feedback tool in L2 pronunciation
training. Six Japanese-speaking learners, aged 28–33 years, participating in a course in French phonetics for L2 learners, took
part in the study. Four of them received three individual 45-minute lessons of ultrasound pronunciation training. The other two
participants did not. Articulatory and acoustic data of French isolated /y/ and /u/ and Japanese [ɯ] were recorded before and
after the ultrasound training, as well as two months later for the learners receiving the training. The analysis of the
articulatory data revealed that three speakers with ultrasound feedback improved in the production of the French vowels, the
contrast between them, as well as the contrast between the two French vowels and the Japanese [ɯ], suggesting that ultrasound may
be a useful tool in second language pronunciation learning.
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