Processing clause-internal discourse relations in a second language
A case study of specifications in German and French
Coherence relations are expressed differently across languages, often leading to language learners misusing
discourse connectives. We argue that the ability to detect these errors crucially depends on the coherence relation under
scrutiny, as errors may remain unnoticed when the relation is clause-internal and marked with a highly optional connective. We
focus, therefore, on specifications, a relation that German-speaking learners sometimes struggle to correctly indicate when
writing in French. We assessed whether non-native readers detect this error and show preferences for either explicit or implicit
marking of specifications. Findings show that non-native speakers were generally able to detect the error in a sentence-evaluation
task but did not react to it in a self-paced-reading task, contrary to native speakers. They also judged implicit specifications
as more correct than explicitly marked specifications. We conclude that non-native speakers do not always benefit from connectives
during text processing, especially when they are highly optional.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Research background
- 3.Current study
- 3.1Experiment 1: Sentence Evaluation Task
- 3.1.1Participants
- 3.1.2Materials
- 3.1.3Procedure
- 3.1.4Results
- 3.1.5Discussion
- 3.2Experiment 2: Self-paced reading task
- 3.2.1Participants
- 3.2.2Materials
- 3.2.3Procedure
- 3.2.4Results
- Native speakers
- Segment 3
- Segment 4
- Segment 5
- Non-native speakers
- Lextale Scores
- 3.2.5Discussion
- 3.3General discussion
- 4.Conclusion
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