General information on articles
Articles should be shorter than 12.000 words including references; longer manuscripts may not be considered.
It is not necessary that initial submissions adhere fully to the stylesheet below. At that point in the process, clear and consistent presentation are paramount: all pages should be numbered consecutively; figures, charts and tables can be left in the appropriate place in the manuscript rather than moved to the end. If and when a submission is accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit a final version adhering to the stylesheet below.
In order to permit double-blind refereeing, submissions should not carry author information. In particular, please note the following:
- Your name, affiliation, and other personal data should be submitted separately.
- Avoid the use of your name in the text of the manuscript.
- Minimize references to your own work. If necessary, use third person formulations as much as possible; if you are Jones or have worked in Jones’ department, do not write “Building on previous work (Jones 2007), we will now show that ...”, but simply “We build on prior work by Jones (2007)”.
- Avoid references to unpublished work, especially work of which you are a (co-) author. If unavoidable, replace the reference in the text by “Author (in press)”, and describe it in the list of references as “Author (in press). Details omitted for blind reviewing”. (But please remember to fill these out again in the final text for production if your article is accepted for publication!)
- Remember to remove any identifying information from the document properties.
- Please be advised that the editors may return your manuscript to you for anonymization before sending it to reviewers in case it does not, in their opinion, conform to the standards for double-blind reviewing.
General information on book reviews
Book reviews are by invitation only. However, notification of the publication of a new book and request for its review are always welcome and should be submitted to the Editor.
Authors of book reviews are asked to observe the following:
- Please observe the deadline set by the Editor.
- A book review should be shorter than 8.000 words including references.
- Order for the headings: title, author or editor, place of publication: publisher, date. Roman pages, Arabic pages. $xx.xx (cloth), $xx.xx (paper).
- Use full names of individuals, not just surnames with initials.
- Please use the Yale system of Romanization except when quoting verbatim from the book under review.
- The reviewer's name and professional affiliation should appear at the end of the review.
- Please include (at the very end of your review) an address, e-mail address, and telephone numbers where you can be reached if questions arise about your review. The journal editor(s) may make minor stylistic changes in your text to make it conform to the KL style.
Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, contributors must submit revised versions prepared in strict accordance with this style sheet. For information on submitting to the journal, see the submission instructions.
Form of manuscript
Authors are asked to keep codes and formatting to a minimum; for example neither right justification nor automatic hyphenation can be used.
Manuscripts, especially articles and review articles, should be divided into sections and subsections as needed,
with appropriate (short) titles, not mere numbers.
Footnotes should be kept to a minimum, and detailed bibliographical references are to be listed in alphabetical order by author/editor at the end of the manuscript.
For articles, an abstract
of about 150 words is required.
In the final version of an accepted manuscript, following the (sub)title, list the names of all authors as they are to appear in the publication. Please note that, in principle, we will not allow authors to be added after acceptance.
If there is more than one author, please indicate which author is designated 'corresponding author' and will be responsible for proofreading and general correspondence. In the article itself, please include one "Address for correspondence", for this corresponding author. This should be at the minimum an email address; if a postal address is included as well, please keep in mind that this will be published in the article, so we suggest that you do not use a private address for this purpose.
For each author, please provide an email address, and ORCID if available.
Also provide for each author the affiliation(s). Please use the name that the institution (at the highest level, usually the name of the university) has established for international usage, either in English, or in (one of) the official language(s) of the institution, followed by a comma and the country in which the institution is located. If an author has more than one affiliation that is relevant at the time of the acceptance of the article, please provide each affiliation separated by an ampersand '&'.
It is extremely helpful to all concerned if a UNICODE font is used. All special characters (beyond the Latin set) need to be in UNICODE to ensure correct conversion.
Illustrations, tables
These should be numbered consecutively and should stand at the appropriate place in the manuscript, not on separate pages at the end of the manuscript.
References in the body of the text
In the body of the text, use author(s)’s last name(s) plus year (plus page numbers if required), e.g., “Lehmann (1993: 208) has observed . . .” or “. . . as has been observed (see Lehmann 1993: 208), . . .”. When two or more references are listed, they should be separated by commas “… (Chomsky 1986, Luraghi 1988)”. All this, or all minus the author’s name, should be put in parentheses, as the context requires. For example:
According to Jakobson (1944: 188), Boas later “regretted never having attended”
Steinthal’s Lectures (see also Harrington 1945: 98), and Lowie (1943: 184) reports that
Boas once told him that his aim was to realize Steinthal’s goals.
Both in the text and the bibliography, book titles and names of journals are italicized; otherwise, only data cited are to be given in italics, as elaborated in 6(a), below.
Quotations from the critical literature, if not exceeding three lines, should be inserted in the regular text, marked by “double” quotation marks and with the source reference supplied. Single’ quotation marks are also employed for quotations within
Quotations LONGER THAN three lines should be indented and set off from the regular text, with the source of quotation added at the end. These extracts (block quotations) are NOT enclosed in quotation marks.
Linguistic data and glosses
Data cited in the body of the text should be italicized and followed without an intervening comma by the gloss, which is to be enclosed in ‘single’ quotation marks. Double quotation marks are used to mark particular terms or expressions, e.g., “context
of situation”, “underlying form”.
To optimize the accessibility of examples for all readers, authors are asked to supply glosses (at least at a word-by-word level) for all examples in languages other than English.
Please observe the following
- Indent data in numbered examples, as in the example below.
- Enclose example numbers in parentheses, and use such parenthesized numbers also in the body of the text when referring to examples.
- Italicize original data from any attested language. Reconstructed or hypothesized, asterisked forms are not italicized.
- Place word-by-word or morpheme-by-morpheme glosses underneath (not beside) the original; align the left boundary of the corresponding word or morpheme of the original.
- Place the translation underneath the morpheme-by-morpheme gloss (not beside it or the original) and enclose it in ‘single’ quotation marks. Abbreviations of grammatical terms should be set in small caps.
- Please use the following abbreviations in interlinear glosses. In the first footnote of your article, identify any abbreviations you use that are not from this list.
ABL= Ablative |
DP = Determiner Phrase |
OBJ = Object |
For example:
(3) | la masnà | a dis |
/la=mazná | a=díz/ | | | 3sg =say.ind.pres.3sg | |
‘the child says’ |
Funding information
If you received funding through a grant for the research that is discussed in the article, provide details on this, including funder name and grant number in a separate section called “Funding information” before (an Acknowledgment section and) the References.
Please add any acknowledgments (other than funding information, see above) in a separate, unnumbered section entitled “Acknowledgments”, placed before the References section.
Supply relevant citations in the text, not in footnotes, and full bibliographical entries in the References at the end of the manusc – and only – sources mentioned in the text should be given.
Full names of authors, names of publishers, page references,
and mention of earlier or later editions (usually to be supplied at the end of a bibliographical entry in parentheses) must be included. Note that names of periodicals should not be abbreviated. For titles in languages in non-Latin scripts transliterations
should be provided in square brackets.
Please adhere to the following conventions for individual entries:
Books, monographs, or edited volumes
Lehmann, Winfred P. 1993. Historical Linguistics: An introduction. 3rd ed. New York & London: Routledge.
Ramat, Anna Giacalone, Onofrio Carruba & Giuliano Bernini, eds. 1987. Papers from the 7th International Conference on Historical Linguistics. (= Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 48.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Szemerényi, Oswald. 1989. Einführung in die vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. (3., verb. Auflage.)
Articles in periodical or edited volume
Joseph, John E. 1989. Typology, Diachrony, and Explanatory Order. Diachronica 6:1.55-74.
Labov, William. 1982. Building on Empirical Foundations. Perspectives on Historical Linguistics ed. by Winfred P. Lehmann & Yakov Malkiel, 17-92. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Pisowicz, Andrzej. 1989 [1988]. Objections d’un arménologue contre la théorie glottale. Folia Orientalia 25.213-225.
In the last example, brackets are used to distinguish listed year of publication from actual year of publication when journals have appeared late. This is not necessary in all cases, but is useful, for instance, when the chronology of earlier literature
is under discussion.
Use the first format given below, provided that the full reference to the book reviewed is supplied in the bibliography; otherwise the conventions of the second format are to be followed:
Antonsen, Elmer H. 1987. Review of Collinge (1985). Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86.590-592.
Antonsen, Elmer H. 1987. Review of The Laws of Indo-European by N. E. Collinge (Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1985). Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86.590-592.
If an edition other than the original is quoted from, this should be made clear in the entry, usually by a statement added in parentheses after the publisher’s name, as in the Szemerényi entry given above. When editions are immediately relevant to the discussion, this can also be done by referring to the most recent date of publication of the source and adding the date of the original publication in square brackets right after the new date, e.g., Szemerényi 1989 [11970], where the superscript numeral indicates the first edition.