Chapter 9
Adverbial adjectives and -mente adverbs face to face
Diachronic evidence from Spanish
The paper compares five minimal pairs of adverbial adjectives (aa) and -mente adverbs in two periods of Spanish, the 18th and the 21st centuries. The hypothesis is that aa keeps “traces” or “memory” of its original adjective category, and for that reason, to recategorize as an adverb, aa needs to exhibit more cohesion with the verb, a rigid relative v-aa order, appearing in contexts having a greater number of nominals than -mente, and appearing in sentences or paragraphs with lesser event complexity, as compared to -mente forms. -Mente has surpassed the np status from old times, it is a true adverb, able to enter in more contexts than aa, and able to enter in more complex sentences and event relationships.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction: An intriguing relation
- 2.State of the art
- 2.1Synchronic grammar
- 2.1.1Category
- 2.1.2Types of adverbial adjective
- 2.1.3Scope
- 2.1.4Cohesion and distribution
- 2.1.5Grammaticality
- 2.1.6Lexical restrictions
- 2.1.7Basic meaning, polysemy and the role of context
- 2.1.8Morphological and semantic problems
- 2.2Diachrony
- 2.2.1Historical depth
- 2.2.2Status of -mente adverbs
- 2.2.3Type of change
- 2.2.4Capacity to subjectivize
- 2.3Sociolinguistics, text genre and register
- 2.4Dialectology
- 2.5Summary
- 3.Corpus
- 4.Research questions and hypothesis
- 5.Analysis
- 5.1Adjacency
- 5.2Relative order of verb and adverb
- 5.3Nominality binding
- 5.4Complexity of the event
- 6.Conclusions
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