Categorical versus thetic sentences in the Universal Grammar of Realism
The aim of this paper is to outline that the notions of thetic versus categorical sentences are
characteristic of a long tradition of philosophy, especially of the philosophy of Realism. Characteristic of Realism
is a highly developed theory of the copula. Sentences consist of a subject, a rather abstract copula, and a predicate.
Thus, the structure of any sentence and of any judgment is conceived as being triadic in nature. The copula appears –
overtly or covertly – in synthetic sentences as well as in analytic sentences, both of which are categorical sentences
(Roger Bacon 1240/2009: 70), whereby the analytic copula differs from the
synthetic copula with respect to the mode of signifying reality. It will be evidenced that the function of analytic
sentences is to build up a shared system of knowledge (mental lexicon), whereas synthetic sentences represent a
technique to socialize individual experiences. According to the philosophy of Realism, the copula appears even in
thetic sentences. Sentences without a copula are meant to be inconceivable. The working hypothesis is that in contrast
to categorical sentences, thetic sentences are not triadic, but dyadic in structure. According to the Realist
philosopher Lotze, thetic sentences consist of a copula and an amalgam of linguistically unstructured impressions,
compressed in the predicate. In line with the philosophy of Realism, thetic sentences are conceived as some premature
stage in the evolution of language. Thus, thetic sentences represent an embryonic stage of a categorical sentence as
well as of thought (Lotze 1874/1989: 70–74). Thetic sentences are able to
imitate the structure of categorical sentences (pseudo-subject – copula – pseudo-predicate). The conclusion is that
thetic sentences are pseudo-structured “intransitive” judgments. They consist of a copula and one single chunk of
“intransitive experience” only.
Article outline
- 1.Universal Grammar (Philosophical Grammar) in the paradigm of Realism
- 2.The function of the copula in analytic categorical sentences
- 3.The function of the copula in synthetic categorical sentences
- 4.The function of the copula in thetic sentences
- 5.Outlook
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