Chapter 13
Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of Pseudo-Coordination
There have been very few attempts to date to provide an explicit semantics/pragmatics for Pseudo-Coordination (PseCo) expressions. This chapter is an attempt to fill that gap, zooming in on the ‘go-(and-)get’-type. To do so, I first provide a syntactic account of PseCo, which derives from a standard coordination structure (which I label Junction), onto and from which a compositional semantic account is derived. The signature pragmatic properties of PseCo of negative-emotive factivity are also derived. Aside from providing the first systematic and cross-modular analysis of PseCo, the chapter also provides a number of new diagnostics for identifying and classifying PseCo expressions which may be useful in future work on the topic.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 1.1Exceptional conjunction: Asymmetry and non-truth-tabularity
- 1.1.1Case number one: Concealed conditionals
- 1.1.2Case number two: PseCo
- 1.2Diagnostics and distribution of PseCo
- 2.Syntax
- 2.1Junction
- 2.2Typology & variation
- 2.3The causative syntax of PseCo
- 3.Semantics & pragmatics
- 3.1Semantics
- 3.1.1The single-event property
- 3.1.2Composing PseCo
- Event identification
- Events of causing and the [cause] feature
- 3.2Pragmatics
- 3.2.1Factivity
- 3.2.2Surprise & emotivity
- 4.Conclusions & outlook
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