Clitic doubling in Brazilian Portuguese as a DOM strategy
This article shows that clitic doubling in Brazilian
Portuguese is possible if the direct and indirect objects correspond to a
first or a second person pronoun. We posit that the clitics are required
whenever the doubled object carries a familiar [topic] feature,
whose presence depends on the semantic properties of the nominal item. We
postulate that the clitics are merged in the head Do to value the
uninterpretable φ-feature of the head Do and the uninterpretable
topic feature of the object. This proposal entails that there is a transfer
of the topic feature from Ko to Do, which explains why
the clitic is spelled out on the head of DP. We claim that the phenomenon of
clitic doubling can be viewed as a side effect of differential object
marking. This mechanism contrasts with typical DOM in Romance
languages in the sense that it does not licence a preposition in a
prenominal position.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Empirical data: Clitic doubling of direct and indirect objects
- 2.1Summary of the section
- 3.Theoretical assumptions
- 4.The syntactic and semantic effects of clitic doubling
- 5.The syntactic derivation of clitic doubling in BP
- 5.1Derivation of the indirect object constructions
- 6.Final remarks