The dative/accusative alternations in Old Romanian
This paper contrasts the dative/accusative alternations
in Romance languages with Romanian: In Romance, this alternation mediates
the emergence of a DOM particle for direct objects, in addition to the
preservation of the same particle with the indirect object (morphological
extension). The case assigning property of this particle is paramount in
both contexts. On the other hand, in Romanian, the dative/accusative
alternation ends up with the complete substitution of one syntactic pattern
by the other in the same position; e.g., dative inflected direct objects of
Old Romanian (theme/patient theta-role) are substituted by accusatives with
or without DOM in Modern Romanian. The change concerns the general option
for analytical versus synthetic case in the grammar, irrespective of DOM.
This contrast confirms the conclusions of previous studies that the
development of DOM in Romanian involves different morpho-syntactic patterns
than those proposed for Romance languages (e.g., Spanish), especially with
respect to the origin and function of the DOM particle and the pairing of
case marking on DP and the theta-roles they spell out.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Data and methodology
- 3.The verbs
- 4.Indirect objects
- 4.1Implementation
- 4.2Structure
- 5.Adjuncts
- 6.Direct objects
- 7.Summary and conclusions
List of texts
References (40)
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