Individuals in Time

Tense, aspect and the individual/stage distinction

ISBN 9789027233585 | EUR 115.00 | USD 173.00
ISBN 9789027293343 | EUR 115.00 | USD 173.00
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This monograph investigates the temporal properties of those predicates referring to individuals – the so-called individual-level (IL) predicates – in contrast to those known as stage-level (SL) predicates. Many of the traditional tenets attributed to the IL/SL dichotomy are not solidly founded, this book claims, as it examines current theoretical issues concerning the syntax/semantics inter­face such as the relation between semantic prop­erties of predicates and their syntactic structure. By using the contrast found in Spanish copular clauses (ser vs. estar), Individuals in Time shows that the conception of IL predicates as permanent and stative cannot be maintained. The existence of nonstative IL predicates is demonstrated through analyzing the correlation between the syntactic presence of certain projections (specifi­cally, preposi­tional complements) and process-like aspect properties. This detailed examin­ation of IL predicates in the domains of inner aspect, outer aspect, and tense will be welcomed by scholars and students with an interest in event structure, tense, and aspect.
[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 94] 2006.  xiv, 281 pp.
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Table of Contents
“Arche brings to light an enormous body of new data, involving paradigms of a sort that have been largely overlooked in previous accounts. Her account of the interaction between discourse structure and the interpretative properties of quantifiers, tense, outer aspect, an inner aspect feels like it is on the right track. The account of the SL/IL distinction that emerges is striking and compelling in its simplicity, even if the overall picture that emerges of the interaction between this and other syntactic phenomena proves to be more complex than what previous researchers had envisaged.”
“This book is impressive in many ways. It offers an innovative and brilliant analysis of an old issue: Spanish copular sentences with ser and estar, and of the adjectives associated with them. It develops a strong case for a syntactic approach to aspectual alternations. Arche has succeeded in developing a new view of the event type and syntactic behaviour of IL predicates based on a fine-grained analysis of the functional syntactic structure of the copular sentences in which they occur. Her work has important implications for a constructional theory of the syntax-semantics interface. Moreover, the book reads like a novel and is an example of elegant deconstruction of arguments in order to build up a minimalist and integrative new approach.”
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[no author supplied]

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