Compounding and derivation
On the ‘promiscuity’ of derivational affixes
Inflectional affixes only adhere to the head of Noun-Noun (NN) compounds which implies that the plural of
casa cuna (‘crib house’) or
hombre lobo (‘werewolf’) is
casa-s cuna (‘crib houses’) and
hombre-s lobo (‘werewolves’) respectively, while
*casa cuna-s
*hombre lobo-s
‒ with the plural inflectional affix on the modifier ‒ are ungrammatical. There seems to be more flexibility when it comes to derivational affixes since, in principle, the evaluative diminutive affix -
appears to have scope over the whole compound, regardless of whether it is attached to the head or the modifier:
cas-ita cuna /
casa cun-ita
hombre-c-ito lobo /
hombre lob-ito
. This would imply that the operation that results in the expression of plurality of the whole word via the inflectional affix -
located on the semantic argument (the head of the compound), is more categorical than the one that regulates the scope of derivational morphemes (contra
Zwicky, 1985). It would also imply that
Cinque’s (2005) proposal according to which modifiers can c-command Nouns may be more in line with the behaviour of derivational affixes in Spanish NN compounds. Since this is a topic that has neither been discussed by Spanish grammarians nor received attention in the psycholinguistic literature, we have administered a Picture Selection Task with NN compounds exhibiting evaluative diminutive affixes to groups of L1 Spanish and L1 English-L2 Spanish speakers. Results show that for L1 Spanish speakers it is the affix on the head that has scope over the whole compound (in line with
Zwicky’s 1985 proposal) while the L2 Spanish speakers treat derivational affixes as only having scope over the element to which they are attached.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.NN Spanish compounds: Headedness and scope of derivative affixes
- 3.NN compounds in native and non-native Spanish
- 4.The present study
- 4.1Participants
- 4.2Materials
- 4.3Design
- 4.4Procedure
- 5.Results
- 6.Discussion
- 6.1Native and non-native interpretations of -ito
- 6.2Animate versus inanimate compounds
- 7.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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