Native language, L2 experience, and pitch processing in music
The current study investigated how the role of pitch in one’s native language and L2 experience influenced musical
melodic processing by testing Turkish and Mandarin Chinese advanced and beginning learners of English as an L2. Pitch has a lower
functional load and shows a simpler pattern in Turkish than in Chinese as the former only contrasts between presence and the
absence of pitch elevation, while the latter makes use of four different pitch contours lexically. Using the Musical Ear Test as
the tool, we found that the Chinese listeners outperformed the Turkish listeners, and the advanced L2 learners outperformed the
beginning learners. The Turkish listeners were further tested on their discrimination of bisyllabic Chinese lexical tones, and
again an L2 advantage was observed. No significant difference was found for working memory between the beginning and advanced L2
learners. These results suggest that richness of tonal inventory of the native language is essential for triggering a music
processing advantage, and on top of the tone language advantage, the L2 experience yields a further enhancement. Yet, unlike the
tone language advantage that seems to relate to pitch expertise, learning an L2 seems to improve sound discrimination in general,
and such improvement exhibits in non-native lexical tone discrimination.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Materials and methods
- 2.1Participants
- 2.2Materials and procedure
- Musical Ear Test, the melodic aptitude test
- Memory tests
- Self-reported language skills and history questionnaire
- Music background questionnaire
- Lexical tone discrimination task
- 3.Statistical analysis
- 4.Results and discussion
- 5.General discussion
- Acknowledgements
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