Chapter 4
What the /fʌk/? An acoustic-pragmatic analysis of implicated meaning in a
scene from The Wire
Article outline
- 4.1Introduction
- 4.2Implicated meaning
- 4.3Combining pragmatic and acoustic analytical methods
- 4.3.1Pragmatics
- 4.3.2Acoustics
- 4.3.3Statistics
- 4.4Results
- 4.4.1Pragmatics
- 4.4.2Acoustics
- 4.4.3Statistics
- 4.5Summary
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Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Chapman, Siobhan
Implicature. In
The Pragmatics of Revision,
► pp. 31 ff.

Statham, Simon
The year’s work in stylistics 2019.
Language and Literature: International Journal of Stylistics 29:4
► pp. 454 ff.

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