Input and Evidence

The raw material of second language acquisition

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ISBN 9789027224934 (Eur) | EUR 130.00
ISBN 9781588110114 (USA) | USD 195.00
ISBN 9789027298218 | EUR 130.00 | USD 195.00
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ISBN 9780585462462
Input and Evidence: the raw material of second language acquisition is an empirical and theoretical treatment of one of the essential components of SLA: the input to language learning mechanisms. It reviews and adds to the empirical studies showing that negative evidence (correction, feedback, repetitions, reformulations) play a role in language acquisition in addition to that played by ordinary conversation. At the same time, it embeds discussion of input within a framework which includes a serious treatment of language processing, including the problem of modularity and the question of how semantic representations can influence grammatical ones. It lays the foundation for the development of a truly explanatory theory of SLA in the form of the Autonomous Induction Theory which combines a model of induction with an interpretation of Universal Grammar, thereby permitting, for the the first time, a coherent approach to the problem of constraining induction in SLA.
[Language Acquisition and Language Disorders, 25] 2001.  xviii, 461 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 1 January 2003
Table of Contents
“This volume is a refreshing new look at a long discussed problem: language acquisition and the role that input and negative evidence play. Carrol's theory of autonomous induction is clearly explained, and empirical as well as theoretical support is provided. The work is readable and accessible to researchers at all levels in linguistics and SLA.”
Cited by (192)

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Mai, Ziyin
2016. L2 Chinese: Grammatical development and processing. Second Language Research 32:1  pp. 123 ff. DOI logo
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2016. Uneven reassembly of tense, telicity and discourse features in L2 acquisition of the Chinese shì … de cleft construction by adult English speakers. Second Language Research 32:2  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Nassaji, Hossein
2016. Anniversary article Interactional feedback in second language teaching and learning: A synthesis and analysis of current research. Language Teaching Research 20:4  pp. 535 ff. DOI logo
Rankin, Tom & Sharon Unsworth
2016. Beyond poverty: Engaging with input in generative SLA. Second Language Research 32:4  pp. 563 ff. DOI logo
Shamiri, Hajar & Mohammad Taghi Farvardin
2016. The Effect of Implicit versus Explicit Corrective Feedback on Intermediate EFL Learners' Speaking Self-efficacy Beliefs. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 6:5  pp. 1066 ff. DOI logo
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Yilmaz, Yucel, Gisela Granena & Zachary S. Meyer
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Mifka-Profozic, Nadia
2015. Effects of corrective feedback on L2 acquisition of tense-aspect verbal morphology. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 6:1  pp. 149 ff. DOI logo
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Truscott, John
2015. Consciousness in SLA: A modular perspective. Second Language Research 31:3  pp. 413 ff. DOI logo
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2014. The Effect of Implicit and Explicit Types of Feedback on Learners’ Pragmatic Development. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 98  pp. 463 ff. DOI logo
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2014. Processing ‘words’ in early-stage foreign language acquisition: a comparison of first exposure and low proficiency learners. In First Exposure to a Second Language,  pp. 107 ff. DOI logo
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Dugarova, Esuna
2014. Russian speakers’ L2 Chinese acquisition of wh-topicalization at the syntax–discourse interface. Second Language Research 30:4  pp. 411 ff. DOI logo
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2011. INPUT, INTAKE, AND CONSCIOUSNESS. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 33:4  pp. 497 ff. DOI logo
Turell, M. Teresa
2011. The use of textual, grammatical and sociolinguistic evidence in forensic text comparison:. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17:2  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
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2011. Effects of communication mode and salience on recasts: A first exposure study. Language Teaching Research 15:4  pp. 457 ff. DOI logo
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Romanova, Natalia
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Thomas, Anita
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2014. Omnivorous representation might lead to indigestion: Commentary on Amaral and Roeper. Second Language Research 30:1  pp. 65 ff. DOI logo
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This list is based on CrossRef data as of 19 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.



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