Axelsson, Emma L., Jessica S. Horst, Samantha L. Playford & Amanda I. Winiger
Toddlers’ looking behaviours during referent selection and relationships with immediate and delayed retention.
Journal of Memory and Language 141
► pp. 104596 ff.

Atik, Naz Deniz, Alexander LaTourrette & Sandra R. Waxman
Preschoolers benefit from sentential context in familiar‐ and unfamiliar‐accented speech.
Developmental Science 27:5

Babineau, Mireille, Monica Barbir, Alex de Carvalho, Naomi Havron, Isabelle Dautriche & Anne Christophe
Syntactic bootstrapping as a mechanism for language learning.
Nature Reviews Psychology 3:7
► pp. 463 ff.

Touching while listening: Does infants’ haptic word processing speed predict vocabulary development?.
Journal of Child Language 51:1
► pp. 37 ff.

Breitfeld, Elise, Anna M. Compton & Jenny R. Saffran
Toddlers' prior social experience with speakers influences their word learning.
Infancy 29:5
► pp. 771 ff.

Cattani, Allegra & Emre Celik
Maternal and Paternal Education on Italian Monolingual Toddlers’ Language Skills.
Brain Sciences 14:11
► pp. 1078 ff.

Ertaş, Sura, Aylin C. Küntay & Aslı Aktan-Erciyes
Maternal underestimations and overestimations of their infants’ word comprehension: effects on mothers’ verbal input and infants’ receptive vocabulary.
Journal of Child Language ► pp. 1 ff.

Foushee, Ruthe & Mahesh Srinivasan
Infants who are rarely spoken to nevertheless understand many words.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:23

François, Clément, Antoni Rodriguez‐Fornells, Xim Cerda‐Company, Thaïs Agut & Laura Bosch
Impact of late to moderate preterm birth on minimal pair word‐learning.
Child Development 
Goupil, Louise, Isabelle Dautriche, Katherine Denman, Zion Henry, Ira Marriott-Haresign & Sam Wass
Leader–follower dynamics during early social interactions matter for infant word learning.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:38

Hagihara, Hiromichi, Lorijn Zaadnoordijk, Rhodri Cusack, Nanako Kimura & Sho Tsuji
Exploration of factors affecting webcam-based automated gaze coding.
Behavior Research Methods 56:7
► pp. 7374 ff.

HUANG, Rong & Tianlin WANG
Novel word learning ability in 24-month-olds: The interactive role of mother’s work status and education level.
Journal of Child Language ► pp. 1 ff.

Karaman, Ferhat, Jill Lany & Jessica F. Hay
Can Infants Retain Statistically Segmented Words and Mappings Across a Delay?.
Cognitive Science 48:3

Kueser, Justin B., Arielle Borovsky, Patricia Deevy, Mine Muezzinoglu, Claney Outzen & Laurence B. Leonard
Verb Vocabulary Supports Event Probability Use in Developmental Language Disorder.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 67:5
► pp. 1490 ff.

Lovcevic, Irena, Denis Burnham & Marina Kalashnikova
Infants’ Lexical Processing: Independent Contributions of Attentional and Clarity Cues.
Language Learning and Development 20:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Mathée-Scott, Janine, Kathryn E. Prescott, Ron Pomper, Jenny Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Prediction by Young Autistic Children from Visual and Spoken Input.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 
Paoletti, Melania, Valentina Focaroli, Giulia Pecora, Rachel Barr, Flavia Chiarotti, Barbara Caravale, Corinna Gasparini, Giorgia Sacco, Serena Gastaldi, Elsa Addessi & Francesca Bellagamba
Maternal Media Use and Infant Media Exposure are Associated with Developmental Outcomes at 4 and 8 Months.
Parenting ► pp. 1 ff.

Perkins, Laurel, Tyler Knowlton, Alexander Williams & Jeffrey Lidz
Thematic Content, Not Number Matching, Drives Syntactic Bootstrapping.
Language Learning and Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Pomiechowska, Barbara, Gábor Bródy, Ernő Téglás & Ágnes Melinda Kovács
Early-emerging combinatorial thought: Human infants flexibly combine kind and quantity concepts.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121:29

POTTER, Christine E. & Casey LEW-WILLIAMS
Frequent vs. infrequent words shape toddlers’ real-time sentence comprehension.
Journal of Child Language 51:6
► pp. 1478 ff.

Seidl, Amanda H., Michelle Indarjit & Arielle Borovsky
Touch to learn: Multisensory input supports word learning and processing.
Developmental Science 27:1

Shi, Huanhuan, Angela Xiaoxue He, Hyun-Joo Song, Kyong-Sun Jin & Sudha Arunachalam
Learning Verbs in English and Korean: The Roles of Word Order and Argument Drop.
Language Learning and Development 20:1
► pp. 19 ff.

Steffan, Adrian, Lucie Zimmer, Natalia Arias‐Trejo, Manuel Bohn, Rodrigo Dal Ben, Marco A. Flores‐Coronado, Laura Franchin, Isa Garbisch, Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann, J. Kiley Hamlin, Naomi Havron, Jessica F. Hay, Tone K. Hermansen, Krisztina V. Jakobsen, Steven Kalinke, Eon‐Suk Ko, Louisa Kulke, Julien Mayor, Marek Meristo, David Moreau, Seongmin Mun, Julia Prein, Hannes Rakoczy, Katrin Rothmaler, Daniela Santos Oliveira, Elizabeth A. Simpson, Sylvain Sirois, Eleanor S. Smith, Karin Strid, Anna‐Lena Tebbe, Maleen Thiele, Francis Yuen & Tobias Schuwerk
Validation of an open source, remote web‐based eye‐tracking method (WebGazer) for research in early childhood.
Infancy 29:1
► pp. 31 ff.

Tan, Alvin W. M., Virginia A. Marchman & Michael C. Frank
The role of translation equivalents in bilingual word learning.
Developmental Science 27:4

Weaver, Haley, Martin Zettersten & Jenny R. Saffran
Becoming word meaning experts: Infants' processing of familiar words in the context of typical and atypical exemplars.
Child Development 95:5

Zhu, Yanxin (Alice) & Theres Grüter
Native speakers and learners of Mandarin predict upcoming arguments in dative constructions based on categorical and gradient verb constraints.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition ► pp. 1 ff.

Bakopoulou, Milena, Megan G. Lorenz, Samuel H. Forbes, Rachel Tremlin, Jessica Bates & Larissa K. Samuelson
Vocabulary and automatic attention: The relation between novel words and gaze dynamics in noun generalization.
Developmental Science 26:6

Bang, Janet Y., Manuel Bohn, Joel Ramírez, Virginia A. Marchman & Anne Fernald
Spanish‐speaking caregivers’ use of referential labels with toddlers is a better predictor of later vocabulary than their use of referential gestures.
Developmental Science 26:4

Barbir, Monica, Mireille J. Babineau, Anne-Caroline Fiévet & Anne Christophe
Rapid infant learning of syntactic–semantic links.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120:1

Curtis, Philip R., Ryne Estabrook, Megan Y. Roberts & Adriana Weisleder
Specificity of phonological representations in U.S. English‐speaking late talkers and typical talkers.
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Curtis, Philip R., Ryne Estabrook, Megan Y. Roberts & Adriana Weisleder
Sensitivity to Semantic Relationships in U.S. Monolingual English-Speaking Typical Talkers and Late Talkers.
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Erel, Yotam, Katherine Adams Shannon, Junyi Chu, Kim Scott, Melissa Kline Struhl, Peng Cao, Xincheng Tan, Peter Hart, Gal Raz, Sabrina Piccolo, Catherine Mei, Christine Potter, Sagi Jaffe-Dax, Casey Lew-Williams, Joshua Tenenbaum, Katherine Fairchild, Amit Bermano & Shari Liu
iCatcher+: Robust and Automated Annotation of Infants’ and Young Children’s Gaze Behavior From Videos Collected in Laboratory, Field, and Online Studies.
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 6:2

Ertaş, Sura, Sümeyye Koşkulu‐Sancar, Ebru Ger, Ulf Liszkowski & Aylin C. Küntay
Relation of infants' and mothers' pointing to infants' vocabulary measured directly and with parental reports.
Infancy 28:6
► pp. 1007 ff.

Huebner, Philip A. & Jon A. Willits
Analogical inference from distributional structure: What recurrent neural networks can tell us about word learning.
Machine Learning with Applications 13
► pp. 100478 ff.

Key, Alexandra P., Sydney Roth, Dorita Jones & Hailee Hunt-Hawkins
Typical and atypical neural mechanisms support spoken word processing in Angelman syndrome.
Brain and Language 236
► pp. 105215 ff.

Kueser, Justin B., Sabrina Horvath & Arielle Borovsky
Two pathways in vocabulary development: Large-scale differences in noun and verb semantic structure.
Cognitive Psychology 143
► pp. 101574 ff.

LaTourrette, Alexander, Sandra Waxman, Lauren S. Wakschlag, Elizabeth S. Norton & Adriana Weisleder
From Recognizing Known Words to Learning New Ones: Comparing Online Speech Processing in Typically Developing and Late-Talking 2-Year-Olds.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 66:5
► pp. 1658 ff.

Lloyd-Fox, Sarah, Sam McCann, Bosiljka Milosavljevic, Laura Katus, Anna Blasi, Chiara Bulgarelli, Maria Crespo-Llado, Giulia Ghillia, Tijan Fadera, Ebrima Mbye, Luke Mason, Fabakary Njai, Omar Njie, Marta Perapoch-Amado, Maria Rozhko, Fatima Sosseh, Mariama Saidykhan, Ebou Touray, Sophie E. Moore & Clare E. Elwell
The Brain Imaging for Global Health (BRIGHT) Project: Longitudinal cohort study protocol.
Gates Open Research 7
► pp. 126 ff.

Lloyd-Fox, Sarah, Sam McCann, Bosiljka Milosavljevic, Laura Katus, Anna Blasi, Chiara Bulgarelli, Maria Crespo-Llado, Giulia Ghillia, Tijan Fadera, Ebrima Mbye, Luke Mason, Fabakary Njai, Omar Njie, Marta Perapoch-Amado, Maria Rozhko, Fatima Sosseh, Mariama Saidykhan, Ebou Touray, Sophie E. Moore & Clare E. Elwell
The Brain Imaging for Global Health (BRIGHT) Project: Longitudinal cohort study protocol.
Gates Open Research 7
► pp. 126 ff.

Marchman, Virginia A., Melanie D. Ashland, Elizabeth C. Loi, Mónica Munevar, Katherine A. Shannon, Anne Fernald & Heidi M. Feldman
Associations between early efficiency in language processing and language and cognitive outcomes in children born full term and preterm: similarities and differences.
Child Neuropsychology 29:6
► pp. 886 ff.

MORNATI, Giulia, Valentina RIVA, Elena VISMARA, Massimo MOLTENI & Chiara CANTIANI
Infants aged 12 months use the gender feature in determiners to anticipate upcoming words: an eye-tracking study.
Journal of Child Language 50:4
► pp. 841 ff.

Perkins, Laurel & Jeffrey L. Lidz
Behavioral Acquisition Methods With Infants. In
The Oxford Handbook of Experimental Syntax,
► pp. 137 ff.

Reuter, Tracy, Carolyn Mazzei, Casey Lew‐Williams & Lauren Emberson
Infants' lexical comprehension and lexical anticipation abilities are closely linked in early language development.
Infancy 28:3
► pp. 532 ff.

Sommerfeld, Linda, Maria Staudte, Nivedita Mani & Jutta Kray
Even young children make multiple predictions in the complex visual world.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 235
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Ståhlberg‐Forsén, Eva, Reija Latva, Anette Aija, Liisa Lehtonen & Suvi Stolt
Language environment and parent‐infant close contact in neonatal care and emerging lexical abilities of very preterm children–a longitudinal study.
Acta Paediatrica 112:4
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Thorson, Jill C., Lauren R. Franklin & James L. Morgan
Role of Pitch in Toddler Looking toNewandGivenReferents in American English.
Language Learning and Development 19:4
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Vicente, Agustín & Ingrid Lossius Falkum
Accounting for the preference for literal meanings in autism spectrum conditions.
Mind & Language 38:1
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Abu‐Zhaya, Rana, Inbal Arnon & Arielle Borovsky
Do Children Use Multi‐Word Information in Real‐Time Sentence Comprehension?.
Cognitive Science 46:3

Bacon, Desia & Jenny Saffran
Role of speaker gender in toddler lexical processing.
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Dale, Rick, Anne S. Warlaumont & Kerri L. Johnson
The fundamental importance of method to theory.
Nature Reviews Psychology 2:1
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Dautriche, Isabelle, Louise Goupil, Kenny Smith & Hugh Rabagliati
Two-Year-Olds’ Eye Movements Reflect Confidence in Their Understanding of Words.
Psychological Science 33:11
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Erel, Yotam, Christine E. Potter, Sagi Jaffe‐Dax, Casey Lew‐Williams & Amit H. Bermano
iCatcher: A neural network approach for automated coding of young children's eye movements.
Infancy 27:4
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Frost, Kyle M., Brooke Ingersoll & Courtney E. Venker
Revisiting the simplification of adult language input in the context of naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions: A commentary.
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Ganczarek, Joanna, Karolina Pietras, Anna Stolińska & Magdalena Szubielska
Titles and Semantic Violations Affect Eye Movements When Viewing Contemporary Paintings.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16

Gangopadhyay, Ishanti & Margarita Kaushanskaya
The effect of speaker reliability on word learning in monolingual and bilingual children.
Cognitive Development 64
► pp. 101252 ff.

Hauschild, Kathryn M., Anamiguel Pomales-Ramos & Mark S. Strauss
Object label and category knowledge among toddlers at risk for autism spectrum disorder: An application of the visual array task.
Infant Behavior and Development 67
► pp. 101705 ff.

Hauschild, Kathryn M., Anamiguel Pomales‐Ramos & Mark S. Strauss
The visual array task: A novel gaze‐based measure of object label and category knowledge.
Developmental Science 24:2

Key, Alexandra P., Sydney Roth & Courtney Venker
Spoken language comprehension in children and adults with Angelman Syndrome.
Journal of Communication Disorders 100
► pp. 106272 ff.

Mathée-Scott, Janine, Caroline Larson, Courtney Venker, Ron Pomper, Jan Edwards, Jenny Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Use of Mutual Exclusivity and its Relationship to Language Ability in Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 52:10
► pp. 4528 ff.

Moore, Charlotte & Elika Bergelson
Examining the roles of regularity and lexical class in 18–26-month-olds’ representations of how words sound.
Journal of Memory and Language 126
► pp. 104337 ff.

Pomiechowska, Barbara & Gergely Csibra
Nonverbal Action Interpretation Guides Novel Word Disambiguation in 12-Month-Olds.
Open Mind 6
► pp. 51 ff.

Pomper, Ron, Margarita Kaushanskaya & Jenny Saffran
Change Is Hard: Individual Differences in Children’s Lexical Processing and Executive Functions after a Shift in Dimensions.
Language Learning and Development 18:2
► pp. 229 ff.

Prescott, Kathryn E., Janine Mathée‐Scott, Tracy Reuter, Jan Edwards, Jenny Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Predictive language processing in young autistic children.
Autism Research 15:5
► pp. 892 ff.

Read, Kirsten, Lily Padula, Julia Piacentini & Vivian Vo
Children’s Lexical Anticipation When Listening to Rhymes.
Journal of Cognition and Development 23:1
► pp. 148 ff.

Reuter, Tracy, Mia Sullivan & Casey Lew-Williams
Look at that: Spatial deixis reveals experience-related differences in prediction.
Language Acquisition 29:1
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RONFARD, Samuel, Ran WEI & Meredith L. ROWE
Exploring the Linguistic, Cognitive, and Social Skills Underlying Lexical Processing Efficiency as Measured by the Looking-while-Listening Paradigm.
Journal of Child Language 49:2
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Shao, Ruxue & Dedre Gentner
Perceptual alignment contributes to referential transparency in indirect learning.
Cognition 224
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Venker, Courtney E., Dominik Neumann & Fashina Aladé
Visual perceptual salience and novel referent selection in children with and without autism spectrum disorder.
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 7

Zettersten, Martin, Ron Pomper & Jenny Saffran
Valid points and looks: Reliability and validity go hand‐in‐hand when improving infant methods.
Infant and Child Development 31:5

Zettersten, Martin, Daniel Yurovsky, Tian Linger Xu, Sarp Uner, Angeline Sin Mei Tsui, Rose M. Schneider, Annissa N. Saleh, Stephan C. Meylan, Virginia A. Marchman, Jessica Mankewitz, Kyle MacDonald, Bria Long, Molly Lewis, George Kachergis, Kunal Handa, Benjamin deMayo, Alexandra Carstensen, Mika Braginsky, Veronica Boyce, Naiti S. Bhatt, Claire Augusta Bergey & Michael C. Frank
Peekbank: An open, large-scale repository for developmental eye-tracking data of children’s word recognition.
Behavior Research Methods 55:5
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Özkan, Deniz, Aylin C. Küntay & Susanne Brouwer
The role of verbal and working memory skills in Turkish-speaking children’s morphosyntactic prediction.
Applied Psycholinguistics 43:6
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Bosworth, Rain G. & Adam Stone
Rapid development of perceptual gaze control in hearing native signing Infants and children.
Developmental Science 24:4

Donnelly, Seamus & Evan Kidd
Onset Neighborhood Density Slows Lexical Access in High Vocabulary 30‐Month Olds.
Cognitive Science 45:9

Ellis, Erica M., Arielle Borovsky, Jeffrey L. Elman & Julia L. Evans
Toddlers’ Ability to Leverage Statistical Information to Support Word Learning.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Gambi, Chiara, Priya Jindal, Sophie Sharpe, Martin J. Pickering & Hugh Rabagliati
The Relation Between Preschoolers’ Vocabulary Development and Their Ability to Predict and Recognize Words.
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Grüter, Theres & Hannah Rohde
Limits on expectation-based processing: Use of grammatical aspect for co-reference in L2.
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Hagihara, Hiromichi, Naoto Ienaga, Kei Terayama, Yusuke Moriguchi & Masa‐aki Sakagami
Looking represents choosing in toddlers: Exploring the equivalence between multimodal measures in forced‐choice tasks.
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Hendrickson, Kristi, Jacob Oleson & Elizabeth Walker
School‐Age Children Adapt the Dynamics of Lexical Competition in Suboptimal Listening Conditions.
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Lidz, Jeffrey, Cynthia Lukyanenko & Megan Sutton
The hunt for structure-dependent interpretation: The case of Principle C.
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Morini, Giovanna & Mackensie Blair
Webcams, Songs, and Vocabulary Learning: A Comparison of In-Person and Remote Data Collection as a Way of Moving Forward With Child-Language Research.
Frontiers in Psychology 12

Newman, R. S., E. A. Shroads, E. K. Johnson, J. Kamdar, G. Morini, K. H. Onishi, E. Smith & R. Tincoff
Introducing BITTSy: The Behavioral Infant & Toddler Testing System.
Behavior Research Methods 53:6
► pp. 2604 ff.

Peters, Ryan E., Justin B. Kueser & Arielle Borovsky
Perceptual Connectivity Influences Toddlers’ Attention to Known Objects and Subsequent Label Processing.
Brain Sciences 11:2
► pp. 163 ff.

Reuter, Tracy, Kavindya Dalawella & Casey Lew-Williams
Adults and children predict in complex and variable referential contexts.
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Rosemberg, Celia Renata & Florencia Alam
Socioeconomic disparities in the comprehension of lexical categories. A study with Spanish-speaking Argentinian toddlers.
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Simeon, Katherine M. & Tina M. Grieco-Calub
The Impact of Hearing Experience on Children's Use of Phonological and Semantic Information During Lexical Access.
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Steil, Jessica N., Claudia K. Friedrich & Ulrike Schild
No Evidence of Robust Noun-Referent Associations in German-Learning 6- to 14-Month-Olds.
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Suárez Brito, Paloma & Elda Alicia Alva Canto
Parental Appraisal of the Vocabulary of Mexican Infants from Families of Different Socioeconomic Status. In
Child and Adolescent Development in Risky Adverse Contexts,
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Trecca, Fabio, Kristian Tylén, Anders Højen & Morten H. Christiansen
Danish as a Window Onto Language Processing and Learning.
Language Learning 71:3
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Venker, Courtney E., Janine Mathée, Dominik Neumann, Jan Edwards, Jenny Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Competing Perceptual Salience in a Visual Word Recognition Task Differentially Affects Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism Research 14:6
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Voelkel, Svenja & Franziska Kretzschmar
Introducing Linguistic Research,

Yoon, Si On, Kyong-sun Jin, Sarah Brown-Schmidt & Cynthia L. Fisher
What’s New to You? Preschoolers’ Partner-Specific Online Processing of Disfluency.
Frontiers in Psychology 11

Zhou, Peng, Jiawei Shi & Likan Zhan
Real-time comprehension of garden-path constructions by preschoolers: A Mandarin perspective.
Applied Psycholinguistics 42:1
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The effects of phonological neighborhood density in childhood word production and recognition in Russian are opposite to English.
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Bergelson, Elika
The Comprehension Boost in Early Word Learning: Older Infants Are Better Learners.
Child Development Perspectives 14:3
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Borovsky, Arielle
When slowing down processing helps learning: Lexico‐semantic structure supports retention, but interferes with disambiguation of novel object‐label mappings.
Developmental Science 23:6

Borovsky, Arielle
Drivers of Lexical Processing and Implications for Early Learning.
Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 4:1
► pp. 21 ff.

Brookman, Ruth, Marina Kalashnikova, Janet Conti, Nan Xu Rattanasone, Kerry-Ann Grant, Katherine Demuth & Denis Burnham
Maternal Depression Affects Infants’ Lexical Processing Abilities in the Second Year of Life.
Brain Sciences 10:12
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Egger, Julia, Caroline F. Rowland & Christina Bergmann
Improving the robustness of infant lexical processing speed measures.
Behavior Research Methods 52:5
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Frazier, Thomas W., Kathryn M. Hauschild, Eric Klingemier, Mark S. Strauss, Antonio Y. Hardan & Eric A. Youngstrom
Rapid Eye-Tracking Evaluation of Language in Children and Adolescents Referred for Assessment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
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Garrison, Hallie, Gladys Baudet, Elise Breitfeld, Alexis Aberman & Elika Bergelson
Familiarity plays a small role in noun comprehension at 12–18 months.
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► pp. 458 ff.

Havron, Naomi, Christina Bergmann & Sho Tsuji
Preregistration in infant research—A primer.
Infancy 25:5
► pp. 734 ff.

Horst, Jessica S. & Zoe M. Flack
Studying Cognitive Development in Infants and Toddlers. In
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Kalashnikova, Marina, Usha Goswami & Denis Burnham
Novel word learning deficits in infants at family risk for dyslexia.
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Koenig, Ashley, Sudha Arunachalam & Kimberly J. Saudino
Lexical Processing of Nouns and Verbs at 36 Months of Age Predicts Concurrent and Later Vocabulary and School Readiness.
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Marchman, Virginia A., Vanessa N. Bermúdez, Janet Y. Bang & Anne Fernald
Off to a good start: Early Spanish‐language processing efficiency supports Spanish‐ and English‐language outcomes at 4½ years in sequential bilinguals.
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Mattson, Julia T., John C. Thorne & Sara T. Kover
Relationship Between Task-Based and Parent Report-Based Measures of Attention and Executive Function in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
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Peng, Z. Ellen, Alan Kan & Ruth Y. Litovsky
Development of Binaural Sensitivity: Eye Gaze as a Measure of Real-time Processing.
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Petit, Selene, Nicholas A. Badcock, Tijl Grootswagers, Anina N. Rich, Jon Brock, Lyndsey Nickels, Denise Moerel, Nadene Dermody, Shu Yau, Elaine Schmidt & Alexandra Woolgar
Toward an Individualized Neural Assessment of Receptive Language in Children.
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Trecca, Fabio, Dorthe Bleses, Anders Højen, Thomas O Madsen & Morten H Christiansen
When Too Many Vowels Impede Language Processing: An Eye-Tracking Study of Danish-Learning Children.
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Venker, Courtney E., Ron Pomper, Tristan Mahr, Jan Edwards, Jenny Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Comparing Automatic Eye Tracking and Manual Gaze Coding Methods in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism Research 13:2
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Borovsky, Arielle, Ryan E. Peters & Masatoshi Koizumi
Vocabulary size and structure affects real-time lexical recognition in 18-month-olds.
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Breen, Ellen, Ron Pomper & Jenny Saffran
Phonological Learning Influences Label–Object Mapping in Toddlers.
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► pp. 1923 ff.

Brito, Natalie H., William P. Fifer, Dima Amso, Rachel Barr, Martha Ann Bell, Susan Calkins, Albert Flynn, Hawley E. Montgomery-Downs, Lisa M. Oakes, John E. Richards, Larissa M. Samuelson & John Colombo
Beyond the Bayley: Neurocognitive Assessments of Development During Infancy and Toddlerhood.
Developmental Neuropsychology 44:2
► pp. 220 ff.

de Carvalho, Alex, Mireille Babineau, John C. Trueswell, Sandra R. Waxman & Anne Christophe
Studying the Real-Time Interpretation of Novel Noun and Verb Meanings in Young Children.
Frontiers in Psychology 10

Ganek, Hillary, Stephanie Nixon, Ron Smyth & Alice Eriks-Brophy
A Cross-cultural Mixed Methods Investigation of Language Socialization Practices.
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Kuchirko, Yana
On differences and deficits: A critique of the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of the word gap.
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Marchman, Virginia A., Melanie D. Ashland, Elizabeth C. Loi, Katherine A. Adams, Anne Fernald & Heidi M. Feldman
Predictors of early vocabulary growth in children born preterm and full term: A study of processing speed and medical complications.
Child Neuropsychology 25:7
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Mason, Gina M., Fiona Kirkpatrick, Jennifer A. Schwade & Michael H. Goldstein
The Role of Dyadic Coordination in Organizing Visual Attention in 5‐Month‐Old Infants.
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Patrucco-Nanchen, Tamara, Margaret Friend, Diane Poulin-Dubois & Pascal Zesiger
Do early lexical skills predict language outcome at 3 years? A longitudinal study of French-speaking children.
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Pomper, Ron, Susan Ellis Weismer, Jenny Saffran & Jan Edwards
Specificity of Phonological Representations for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Pomper, Ron & Jenny R. Saffran
Familiar Object Salience Affects Novel Word Learning.
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Potter, Christine E., Eva Fourakis, Elizabeth Morin‐Lessard, Krista Byers‐Heinlein & Casey Lew‐Williams
Bilingual toddlers’ comprehension of mixed sentences is asymmetrical across their two languages.
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Romeo, Rachel R.
Socioeconomic and Experiential Influences on the Neurobiology of Language Development.
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Venker, Courtney E., Jan Edwards, Jenny R. Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Thinking Ahead: Incremental Language Processing is Associated with Receptive Language Abilities in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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West, Kelsey L., Nina B. Leezenbaum, Jessie B. Northrup & Jana M. Iverson
The Relation Between Walking and Language in Infant Siblings of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Zhou, Peng, Likan Zhan & Huimin Ma
Predictive Language Processing in Preschool Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Eye-Tracking Study.
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► pp. 431 ff.

Ziegler, Jayden & Jesse Snedeker
The use of syntax and information structure during language comprehension: Evidence from structural priming.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34:3
► pp. 365 ff.

Adams, Katherine A., Virginia A. Marchman, Elizabeth C. Loi, Melanie D. Ashland, Anne Fernald & Heidi M. Feldman
Caregiver Talk and Medical Risk as Predictors of Language Outcomes in Full Term and Preterm Toddlers.
Child Development 89:5
► pp. 1674 ff.

Dautriche, Isabelle, Laia Fibla, Anne-Caroline Fievet & Anne Christophe
Learning homophones in context: Easy cases are favored in the lexicon of natural languages.
Cognitive Psychology 104
► pp. 83 ff.

Lexical access in the second year: a study of monolingual and bilingual vocabulary development.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 21:2
► pp. 314 ff.

Deevy, Patricia & Laurence B. Leonard
Sensitivity to Morphosyntactic Information in Preschool Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder: A Follow-Up Study.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61:12
► pp. 3064 ff.

Ganek, Hillary, Ron Smyth, Stephanie Nixon & Alice Eriks-Brophy
Using the Language ENvironment Analysis (LENA) System to Investigate Cultural Differences in Conversational Turn Count.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61:9
► pp. 2246 ff.

Graf Estes, Katharine, Dylan M. Antovich & Jessica F. Hay
Intersecting Constraints on Label Learning: Effects of Age, Label Properties, and Referential Context.
Journal of Cognition and Development 19:5
► pp. 532 ff.

Ji, Yinglin & Jill Hohenstein
English and Chinese children’s motion event similarity judgments
Cognitive Linguistics 29:1
► pp. 45 ff.

Koring, Loes, Pim Mak, Iris Mulders & Eric Reuland
Processing Intransitive Verbs: How Do Children Differ from Adults?.
Language Learning and Development 14:1
► pp. 72 ff.

Lany, Jill, Michael Giglio & Madeleine Oswald
Infants’ Lexical Processing Efficiency is Related to Vocabulary Size by One Year of Age.
Infancy 23:3
► pp. 342 ff.

Infant statistical-learning ability is related to real-time language processing.
Journal of Child Language 45:2
► pp. 368 ff.

Lieberman, Amy M., Arielle Borovsky & Rachel I. Mayberry
Prediction in a visual language: real-time sentence processing in American Sign Language across development.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 33:4
► pp. 387 ff.

MacDonald, Kyle, Todd LaMarr, David Corina, Virginia A. Marchman & Anne Fernald
Real‐time lexical comprehension in young children learning American Sign Language.
Developmental Science 21:6

Shoaib, Amber, Tianlin Wang, Jessica F. Hay & Jill Lany
Do Infants Learn Words From Statistics? Evidence From English‐Learning Infants Hearing Italian.
Cognitive Science 42:8
► pp. 3083 ff.

Valleau, Matthew James, Haruka Konishi, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek & Sudha Arunachalam
An Eye-Tracking Study of Receptive Verb Knowledge in Toddlers.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61:12
► pp. 2917 ff.

Wagner, Katie, Jill Jergens & David Barner
Partial Color Word Comprehension Precedes Production.
Language Learning and Development 14:4
► pp. 241 ff.

Andreu, Llorenç & Mònica Sanz-Torrent
The Visual World Paradigm in Children with Spoken Language Disorders. In
Eye-Tracking Technology Applications in Educational Research [
Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],
► pp. 262 ff.

Brouwer, Susanne, Deniz Özkan & Aylin C. Küntay
BROUWER, Susanne, Deniz ÖZKAN & Aylin C. KÜNTAY
Verb-based prediction during language processing: the case of Dutch and Turkish.
Journal of Child Language 46:1
► pp. 80 ff.

Deevy, Patricia, Laurence B. Leonard & Virginia A. Marchman
Sensitivity to Morphosyntactic Information in 3-Year-Old Children With Typical Language Development: A Feasibility Study.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60:3
► pp. 668 ff.

Escobar, Kelly & Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda
Conceptualizing Variability in U.S. Latino Children’s Dual-Language Development. In
Handbook on Positive Development of Minority Children and Youth,
► pp. 89 ff.

Fotiadou, Georgia & Hélène Vassiliadou
Golinkoff, Roberta M., Kathy Hirsh‐Pasek, Rachel Grob & Mark Schlesinger
“Oh, the Places You'll Go” by Bringing Developmental Science Into the World!.
Child Development 88:5
► pp. 1403 ff.

Haebig, Eileen, Jenny R. Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Statistical word learning in children with autism spectrum disorder and specific language impairment.
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 58:11
► pp. 1251 ff.

M Rivera, Susan
Low-Dose Sertraline Improves Receptive Language in Children with Fragile X Syndrome when Eye Tracking Methodology is used to Measure Treatment Outcome.
Journal of Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry 7:6

Marchman, Virginia A., Lucía Z. Martínez, Nereyda Hurtado, Theres Grüter & Anne Fernald
Caregiver talk to young Spanish‐English bilinguals: comparing direct observation and parent‐report measures of dual‐language exposure.
Developmental Science 20:1

Incremental comprehension of Japanese passives: Evidence from the visual-world paradigm.
Applied Psycholinguistics 38:4
► pp. 953 ff.

Perry, Lynn K. & Jenny R. Saffran
Is a Pink Cow Still a Cow? Individual Differences in Toddlers' Vocabulary Knowledge and Lexical Representations.
Cognitive Science 41:4
► pp. 1090 ff.

Suttora, Chiara, Nicoletta Salerni, Paola Zanchi, Laura Zampini, Maria Spinelli & Mirco Fasolo
Relationships between structural and acoustic properties of maternal talk and children’s early word recognition.
First Language 37:6
► pp. 612 ff.

Venker, Courtney E
Spoken word recognition in children with autism spectrum disorder: The role of visual disengagement.
Autism 21:7
► pp. 821 ff.

Wojcik, Erica H.
2.5-Year-Olds’ Retention and Generalization of Novel Words across Short and Long Delays.
Language Learning and Development 13:3
► pp. 300 ff.

Yurovsky, Daniel & Michael C. Frank
Beyond naïve cue combination: salience and social cues in early word learning.
Developmental Science 20:2

Borovsky, Arielle, Erica M. Ellis, Julia L. Evans & Jeffrey L. Elman
Lexical leverage: category knowledge boosts real‐time novel word recognition in 2‐year‐olds.
Developmental Science 19:6
► pp. 918 ff.

Ellis Weismer, Susan, Eileen Haebig, Jan Edwards, Jenny Saffran & Courtney E. Venker
Lexical Processing in Toddlers with ASD: Does Weak Central Coherence Play a Role?.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46:12
► pp. 3755 ff.

Frank, Michael C., Elise Sugarman, Alexandra C. Horowitz, Molly L. Lewis & Daniel Yurovsky
Using Tablets to Collect Data From Young Children.
Journal of Cognition and Development 17:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Understanding and assessing word comprehension.
Applied Psycholinguistics 37:3
► pp. 529 ff.

Johnson, Elizabeth K.
Constructing a Proto-Lexicon: An Integrative View of Infant Language Development.
Annual Review of Linguistics 2:1
► pp. 391 ff.

Marchman, Virginia A., Katherine A. Adams, Elizabeth C. Loi, Anne Fernald & Heidi M. Feldman
Early language processing efficiency predicts later receptive vocabulary outcomes in children born preterm.
Child Neuropsychology 22:6
► pp. 649 ff.

Ota, Mitsuhiko & Barbora Skarabela
Reduplicated Words Are Easier to Learn.
Language Learning and Development 12:4
► pp. 380 ff.

Plesa Skwerer, Daniela, Samantha E Jordan, Briana H Brukilacchio & Helen Tager-Flusberg
Comparing methods for assessing receptive language skills in minimally verbal children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
Autism 20:5
► pp. 591 ff.

Venker, Courtney E., Eileen Haebig, Jan Edwards, Jenny R. Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Brief Report: Early Lexical Comprehension in Young Children with ASD: Comparing Eye-Gaze Methodology and Parent Report.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 46:6
► pp. 2260 ff.

Attanasio, Orazio P.
Journal of the European Economic Association 13:6
► pp. 949 ff.

Chita-Tegmark, Meia, Sudha Arunachalam, Charles A. Nelson & Helen Tager-Flusberg
Eye-Tracking Measurements of Language Processing: Developmental Differences in Children at High Risk for ASD.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 45:10
► pp. 3327 ff.

Clahsen, Harald, Sabrina Gerth, Vera Heyer & Esther Schott
Hendrickson, Kristi, Samantha Mitsven, Diane Poulin‐Dubois, Pascal Zesiger & Margaret Friend
Looking and touching: what extant approaches reveal about the structure of early word knowledge.
Developmental Science 18:5
► pp. 723 ff.

Koehne, Judith & Matthew W. Crocker
The Interplay of Cross‐Situational Word Learning and Sentence‐Level Constraints.
Cognitive Science 39:5
► pp. 849 ff.

Law, Franzo & Jan R. Edwards
Effects of Vocabulary Size on Online Lexical Processing by Preschoolers.
Language Learning and Development 11:4
► pp. 331 ff.

Levinson, Stephen C. & Francisco Torreira
Timing in turn-taking and its implications for processing models of language.
Frontiers in Psychology 6

Lew-Williams, Casey
Specific Referential Contexts Shape Efficiency in Second Language Processing: Three Eye-Tracking Experiments With 6- and 10-Year-Old Children in Spanish Immersion Schools.
Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 37
► pp. 128 ff.

Newbury, Jayne, Thomas Klee, Stephanie F. Stokes & Catherine Moran
Exploring Expressive Vocabulary Variability in Two-Year-Olds: The Role of Working Memory.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58:6
► pp. 1761 ff.

Newbury, Jayne, Thomas Klee, Stephanie F. Stokes & Catherine Moran
Interrelationships Between Working Memory, Processing Speed, and Language Development in the Age Range 2–4 years.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 59:5
► pp. 1146 ff.

Omaki, Akira & Jeffrey Lidz
Linking Parser Development to Acquisition of Syntactic Knowledge.
Language Acquisition 22:2
► pp. 158 ff.

van der Feest, Suzanne V. H. & Paula Fikkert
Building phonological lexical representations.
Phonology 32:2
► pp. 207 ff.

Venker, Courtney E. & Sara T. Kover
An Open Conversation on Using Eye-Gaze Methods in Studies of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 58:6
► pp. 1719 ff.

Brady, Nancy C., Christa J. Anderson, Laura J. Hahn, Sara M. Obermeier & Leah L. Kapa
Eye Tracking as a Measure of Receptive Vocabulary in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 30:2
► pp. 147 ff.

Grüter, Theres, Nereyda Hurtado, Virginia A. Marchman & Anne Fernald
Relative language exposure, processing efficiency and vocabulary in Spanish–English bilingual toddlers.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17:1
► pp. 189 ff.

Lany, Jill
Judging Words by Their Covers and the Company They Keep: Probabilistic Cues Support Word Learning.
Child Development 85:4
► pp. 1727 ff.

Lany, Jill
Lexical‐processing efficiency leverages novel word learning in infants and toddlers.
Developmental Science 21:3

Sauppé, Allison & Bilge Mutlu
Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing,
► pp. 97 ff.

Tenenbaum, Elena J., Dima Amso, Beau Abar & Stephen J. Sheinkopf
Attention and word learning in autistic, language delayed and typically developing children.
Frontiers in Psychology 5

Arunachalam, Sudha
Experimental Methods for Linguists.
Language and Linguistics Compass 7:4
► pp. 221 ff.

Berman, Jared M. J., Melanie Khu, Ian Graham & Susan A. Graham
ELIA: A software application for integrating spoken language and eye movements.
Behavior Research Methods 45:3
► pp. 646 ff.

Fernald, Anne, Virginia A. Marchman & Adriana Weisleder
SES differences in language processing skill and vocabulary are evident at 18 months.
Developmental Science 16:2
► pp. 234 ff.

Abstract knowledge of word order by 19 months: An eye-tracking study.
Applied Psycholinguistics 34:2
► pp. 323 ff.

Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick, Weiyi Ma, Lulu Song & Kathy Hirsh-Pasek
Twenty-Five Years Using the Intermodal Preferential Looking Paradigm to Study Language Acquisition.
Perspectives on Psychological Science 8:3
► pp. 316 ff.

Gonzalez-Gomez, Nayeli, Silvana Poltrock, Thierry Nazzi & Joy J. Geng
A “Bat” Is Easier to Learn than a “Tab”: Effects of Relative Phonotactic Frequency on Infant Word Learning.
PLoS ONE 8:3
► pp. e59601 ff.

Rämä, Pia, Louah Sirri & Josette Serres
Development of lexical–semantic language system: N400 priming effect for spoken words in 18- and 24-month old children.
Brain and Language 125:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Smith, Linda B. & Chen Yu
Visual Attention Is Not Enough: Individual Differences in Statistical Word-Referent Learning in Infants.
Language Learning and Development 9:1
► pp. 25 ff.

Suanda, Sumarga H., Katherine M. Walton, Tanya Broesch, Laira Kolkin & Laura L. Namy
Why Two-Year-Olds Fail to Learn Gestures as Object Labels: Evidence from Looking Time and Forced-Choice Measures.
Language Learning and Development 9:1
► pp. 50 ff.

Venker, Courtney E., Elizabeth R. Eernisse, Jenny R. Saffran & Susan Ellis Weismer
Individual Differences in the Real‐Time Comprehension of Children with ASD.
Autism Research 6:5
► pp. 417 ff.

Weisleder, Adriana & Anne Fernald
Talking to Children Matters.
Psychological Science 24:11
► pp. 2143 ff.

Weisleder, Adriana & Anne Fernald
Willits, Jon A., Erica H. Wojcik, Mark S. Seidenberg & Jenny R. Saffran
Toddlers Activate Lexical Semantic Knowledge in the Absence of Visual Referents: Evidence from Auditory Priming.
Infancy 18:6
► pp. 1053 ff.

Wojcik, Erica H. & Jenny R. Saffran
The Ontogeny of Lexical Networks.
Psychological Science 24:10
► pp. 1898 ff.

Bergelson, Elika & Daniel Swingley
At 6–9 months, human infants know the meanings of many common nouns.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109:9
► pp. 3253 ff.

Bergelson, Elika & Daniel Swingley
Young Infants’ Word Comprehension Given An Unfamiliar Talker or Altered Pronunciations.
Child Development 89:5
► pp. 1567 ff.

Fernald, Anne & Virginia A. Marchman
Individual Differences in Lexical Processing at 18 Months Predict Vocabulary Growth in Typically Developing and Late‐Talking Toddlers.
Child Development 83:1
► pp. 203 ff.

Grüter, Theres, Casey Lew-Williams & Anne Fernald
Grammatical gender in L2: A production or a real-time processing problem?.
Second Language Research 28:2
► pp. 191 ff.

Mariscal, Sonia, Marta Casla, Irene Rujas & Javier Aguado-Orea
Los métodos basados en la duración de la mirada: ¿una ventana a la cognición temprana?.
Estudios de Psicología 33:3
► pp. 277 ff.

Panneton, Robin & Rochelle Newman
Development of Speech Perception. In
Human Auditory Development [
Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, 42],
► pp. 197 ff.

Abbeduto, Leonard, Sara T. Kover & Andrea McDuffie
Studying the Language Development of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. In
Research Methods in Child Language,
► pp. 330 ff.

Clackson, Kaili, Claudia Felser & Harald Clahsen
Children’s processing of reflexives and pronouns in English: Evidence from eye-movements during listening.
Journal of Memory and Language 65:2
► pp. 128 ff.

Graf Estes, Katharine, Jan Edwards & Jenny R. Saffran
Phonotactic Constraints on Infant Word Learning.
Infancy 16:2
► pp. 180 ff.

Kidd, Celeste, Katherine S. White & Richard N. Aslin
Toddlers use speech disfluencies to predict speakers’ referential intentions.
Developmental Science 14:4
► pp. 925 ff.

Michnick Golinkoff, Roberta & Kathryn Hirsh‐Pasek
Methods for Studying Language in Infants: Back to the Future. In
Research Methods in Child Language,
► pp. 60 ff.

Piotroski, Janina & Letitia R. Naigles
Intermodal Preferential Looking. In
Research Methods in Child Language,
► pp. 17 ff.

Swingley, Daniel
The Looking‐While‐Listening Procedure. In
Research Methods in Child Language,
► pp. 29 ff.

Arunachalam, Sudha & Sandra R. Waxman
Language and conceptual development.
WIREs Cognitive Science 1:4
► pp. 548 ff.

Lany, Jill & Jenny R. Saffran
From Statistics to Meaning.
Psychological Science 21:2
► pp. 284 ff.

Lany, Jill & Jenny R. Saffran
Interactions between statistical and semantic information in infant language development.
Developmental Science 14:5
► pp. 1207 ff.

How vocabulary size in two languages relates to efficiency in spoken word recognition by young Spanish–English bilinguals.
Journal of Child Language 37:4
► pp. 817 ff.

Roseberry, Sarah, Kathy Hirsh‐Pasek, Julia Parish‐Morris & Roberta M. Golinkoff
Live Action: Can Young Children Learn Verbs From Video?.
Child Development 80:5
► pp. 1360 ff.

Fernald, Anne, Virginia A. Marchman & Nereyda Hurtado
2008 7th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning,
► pp. 37 ff.

Hurtado, Nereyda, Virginia A. Marchman & Anne Fernald
Does input influence uptake? Links between maternal talk, processing speed and vocabulary size in Spanish‐learning children.
Developmental Science 11:6

Marchman, Virginia A. & Anne Fernald
Speed of word recognition and vocabulary knowledge in infancy predict cognitive and language outcomes in later childhood.
Developmental Science 0:0
► pp. 080130202934054 ff.

Marchman, Virginia A. & Anne Fernald
Speed of word recognition and vocabulary knowledge in infancy predict cognitive and language outcomes in later childhood.
Developmental Science 11:3

This list is based on CrossRef data as of 19 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
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