Article In:
Language and Linguistics: Online-First ArticlesPitch, vowel duration, and phonation in Baima and neighboring languages
This paper focuses on tonal development in Baima, a little-studied Tibetic (Tibeto-Burman) language of China.
Based on newly collected data and an updated phonological analysis, it addresses the phonetic and chronological challenges posited
by the previous analysis of tonal developments in Baima by Huang & Zhang (1995). As
suggested by historical-comparative evidence (correspondences between Baima and Written Tibetan), the three contrastive tonal
categories in Baima have likely arisen through an overlay of the phonation difference in consonants (historically breathy vs.
non-breathy) and the phonation difference in vowels (tense vs. lax, with pitch and vowel duration as co-articulated cues). I
furthermore argue that the development of a tense/lax distinction is likely broadly shared by the Tibetic languages neighboring
Baima. Recognition of such a multidimensional contrast (which may variously implicate differences in phonation, pitch, vowel
duration, and vowel quality) provides a unified explanation for a number of seemingly unrelated and unusual characteristics of
these Tibetic languages (such as rhyme length and onset aspiration as pathways leading to distinctive low register). The
clustering of Tibetic languages with a tense/lax distinction in the historically multilingual area at the border of the
present-day Northern Sichuan and Southern Gansu is further brought in connection with local non-Tibetic languages, some of which
possibly share a structurally similar voice quality contrast that involves sets of correlated phonetic properties associated with
phonatory, tonal, and vowel quality.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Tonal developments in Baima
- 2.1Phonological analyses of Pingwu Baima: A comparison
- 2.2Tonal developments in Baima revisited
- 2.2.1Phonation contrast in Baima vowels
- 2.2.2Phonation contrast in Baima consonants
- 2.2.3Tonal developments in Baima: A revised analysis
- 3.A tense/lax distinction in the Tibetic languages neighboring Baima
- 3.1Historical developments of OT rhymes in the Tibetic languages neighboring Baima
- 3.2Tonal developments in the Tibetic languages neighboring Baima: An alternative analysis
- 4.Tonal developments in Baima in an areal context
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
- List of abbreviations
This content is being prepared for publication; it may be subject to changes.
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