The pursuit of happiness and identity-work in graduate career coaching interaction
Foucault’s notion of governmentality has been the focus of much research. However, little work provides an account
of how governmentality is enacted as social practice. Using transcripts of naturally-occurring talk taken from a face-to-face
coaching session and text taken from a career consultant’s website as data, the purpose of this paper is to make visible, and thus
analysable, the way in which governmentality and the regulation of identities are enacted. In order to do this, we use critical
discursive psychology as a method. Findings indicate that the coach is talked into being as an expert who diagnoses a ‘problem’
concerning the coachee’s career path and provides advice on how to solve the ‘problem’. This advice, drawing on wider social
Discourses of happiness at work, regulates the identity of the coachee by prescribing acceptable ways of thinking about, and
acting on, the self and so enacts governmentality.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Governmentality
- 3.Method – Critical discursive psychology
- 4.Discursive identities
- 5.Data
- 6.Analyses
- 6.1The psychometric test and company website
- 6.2The coaching session
- 6.2.1Extract One: The diagnosis
- 6.2.2Extract Two: The cure
- 6.2.3Extract Three: Resistance
- 7.Observations and discussion
- Note
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