Article published In:
Lingvisticæ Investigationes
Vol. 16:1 (1992) ► pp.99124
Cited by (10)

Cited by ten other publications

Kleineberg, Désirée
2023. Collection nouns as a derivational category in Spanish1. In Constructions in Spanish [Constructional Approaches to Language, 34],  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Borillo, Andrée, F. Neveu, G. Bergounioux, M.-H. Côté, J.-M. Fournier, L. Hriba & S. Prévost
2016. Emplois actuels dechezet deauprès dedans les textes courants d’information : quelques signes d’une tendance au rapprochement. SHS Web of Conferences 27  pp. 12003 ff. DOI logo
Mihatsch, Wiltrud
2016. Collectives, object mass nouns and individual count nouns. Lingvisticae Investigationes 39:2  pp. 289 ff. DOI logo
Salles, Mathilde
2015. Anaphore possessive et anaphore associative : le cas des noms collectifs. Discours :16 DOI logo
Tristram, Anna
2014. Diachronic Change in Verbal Agreement Patterns withMajorité. Transactions of the Philological Society 112:3  pp. 344 ff. DOI logo
Tristram, Anna
2015. L’accord sujet-verbe en français contemporain. Revue Romane. Langue et littérature. International Journal of Romance Languages and Literatures 50:2  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Arigne, Viviane
2011. La figure du tout intégré et les noms discrets collectifs. Anglophonia Caliban/Sigma 15 (30)  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
Joosten, Frank, Gert De Sutter, Denis Drieghe, Stef Grondelaers, Robert J Hartsuiker & Dirk Speelman
2007. Dutch collective nouns and conceptual profiling. Linguistics 45:1 DOI logo
Haskell, Todd R & Maryellen C MacDonald
2003. Conflicting cues and competition in subject–verb agreement. Journal of Memory and Language 48:4  pp. 760 ff. DOI logo
Michaux, Christine
1998. Reducing the Coordination of Determiners: Some Principles. In Plurality and Quantification [Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy, 69],  pp. 321 ff. DOI logo

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