Deux types de représentations des séquences nominales figées en coréen et de leurs formes fléchies avec INTEX
Sun-Mee Bae | Institut Gaspard Monge, Université de Marne-la-Vallée
In this paper, we present the methodology for the construction of electronic dictionaries for frozen nominal sequences in Korean and their inflectional forms. For efficiency, we propose two independent dictionaries : one for frozen nominal sequences using list or graphical representation and the other for nominal postpositions using graphical representation. One could merge the two dictionaries into a single dictionary through the aid of the pre-defined inflectional code of each frozen nominal sequence and the inflection module in INTEX. In spite of the substantial differences between inflectional and agglutinative languages, we can describe frozen nominal sequences in Korean and their inflectional forms in INTEX.
Article language: French