Niveaux de langue et variations linguistiques dans la comparaison interlangue de tables du Lexique-Grammaire
The purpose of this study is to solve translation problems between French and Italian as they appear on the tables of the Lexique-Grammaire. These difficulties are originated by differences in speech level ; others stem from the specific usages of the Italian language (caused by regional variation, or due to specific cultural references).
After reexamining the criteria traditionally used by the community of the Lexique-Grammaire, the author proposes returning to the criterium of frequency which enables one to draw a distinction between panregionalims and less extensive diatopic data and to identify specific dialectal variations. This encoding is complementary to the three usual layers of electronic dictionaries.
Article language: French
Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Camugli Gallardo, Catherine
Jusqu'où la syntaxe construit-elle le sens ? Réflexions autour d'une comparaison italien-français des locutions verbales figées.
Langages n° 179-180:3
► pp. 243 ff.
Corpus-tested figment: the expressions "V. dire Det Zéro N1 propos" from the Italian table CZER1.
Écho des études romanes 9:2
► pp. 21 ff.
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