Cited by (37)

Cited by 37 other publications

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2024. Revolutionizing Urdu Sentiment Analysis: Harnessing the Power of XLM-R and GPT-2. IEEE Access 12  pp. 99779 ff. DOI logo
Gao, Qingyu & Dezheng (William) Feng
2023. Alignment and antagonism in flux: A diachronic sentiment analysis of attitudes towards the Chinese mainland in the Hong Kong press. Journalism DOI logo
Mirzaaghabeyk, Mitra
2022. Attitude System Realization of News Texts in Light of Appraisal Theory. Journal of Contemporary Language Research 1:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Dolata-Zaród, Anna
2021. Text operators as dialogical mechanisms in judgments of the French Court of Cassation. Language and Dialogue 11:2  pp. 173 ff. DOI logo
Dolata-Zaród, Anna
2024. Les adjectifs évaluatifs dans le discours juridictionnel : Analyse de corpus. Studia Neophilologica  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Che, Siqi, Wenzhong Zhu & Xuepei Li
2020. Anticipating Corporate Financial Performance from CEO Letters Utilizing Sentiment Analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gosselin, Laurent
2020. Chapter 14. Les modalités dans L’Étranger et l’expression de l’absurde. In The Expression of Tense, Aspect, Modality and Evidentiality in Albert Camus’sL'Étrangerand Its Translations /L'Étrangerde Camus et ses traductions : questions de temps, d'aspect, de modalité et d'évidentialité (TAME) [Lingvisticæ Investigationes Supplementa, 35],  pp. 268 ff. DOI logo
Khan, Ali Haider, Muhammad Haroon, Osama Altaf, Shahid Mehmood Awan & Aamna Asghar
2020. Sentimental Content Analysis and Prediction of Text. In Intelligent Technologies and Applications [Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1198],  pp. 287 ff. DOI logo
Awais, Dr. Muhammad & Dr. Muhammad Shoaib
2019. Role of Discourse Information in Urdu Sentiment Classification. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 18:4  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Jha, Ashish Kumar & Snehal Shah
2019. Social Influence on Future Review Sentiments: An Appraisal-Theoretic View. Journal of Management Information Systems 36:2  pp. 610 ff. DOI logo
Mullick, Ankan, Anindya Bhandari, Abhishek Niranjan, Nitesh Sckhar, Shrey Garg, Riya Bubna & Mayank Roy
2018. 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON),  pp. 302 ff. DOI logo
Mullick, Ankan, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly & Manish Gupta
2018. Harnessing Twitter for Answering Opinion List Queries. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 5:4  pp. 1083 ff. DOI logo
Poria, Soujanya, Amir Hussain & Erik Cambria
2018. Literature Survey and Datasets. In Multimodal Sentiment Analysis [Socio-Affective Computing, 8],  pp. 37 ff. DOI logo
Benamara, Farah, Maite Taboada & Yannick Mathieu
2017. Evaluative Language Beyond Bags of Words: Linguistic Insights and Computational Applications. Computational Linguistics 43:1  pp. 201 ff. DOI logo
Mullick, Ankan, Shivam Maheshwari, Soumya C., Pawan Goyal & Niloy Ganguly
2017. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion - WWW '17 Companion,  pp. 827 ff. DOI logo
Negi, S. & P. Buitelaar
2017. Suggestion Mining From Opinionated Text. In Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks,  pp. 129 ff. DOI logo
Poria, Soujanya, Erik Cambria, Rajiv Bajpai & Amir Hussain
2017. A review of affective computing: From unimodal analysis to multimodal fusion. Information Fusion 37  pp. 98 ff. DOI logo
Hoogervorst, Rowan, Erik Essink, Wouter Jansen, Max van den Helder, Kim Schouten, Flavius Frasincar & Maite Taboada
2016. Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on the Web Using Rhetorical Structure Theory. In Web Engineering [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9671],  pp. 317 ff. DOI logo
Touati, Imen, Marwa Graja, Mariem Ellouze & Lamia Hadrich Belguith
2016. Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Touati, Imen, Marwa Graja, Mariem Ellouze & Lamia Hadrich Belguith
2017. Arabic Fine-Grained Opinion Categorization Using Discriminative Machine Learning Technique. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2016 [Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 533],  pp. 104 ff. DOI logo
Trnavac, Radoslava, Debopam Das & Maite Taboada
2016. Discourse relations and evaluation. Corpora 11:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Cislaru, Georgeta
2015. Emotions in tweets: From instantaneity to preconstruction. Social Science Information 54:4  pp. 455 ff. DOI logo
Talib, Nadira & Richard Fitzgerald
2015. INEQUALITY AS MERITOCRACY. Critical Discourse Studies 12:4  pp. 445 ff. DOI logo
Xi Chen & Jaehoon Yeon
2015. A linguistic analysis of lying in negative evaluations: The speech act performance of Chinese learners of Korean. Journal of Korean Language Education 26:null  pp. 55 ff. DOI logo
Daradoumis, Thanasis & Marta María Arguedas Lafuente
2014. Studying the Suitability of Discourse Analysis Methods for Emotion Detection and Interpretation in Computer-Mediated Educational Discourse. In Innovative Methods and Technologies for Electronic Discourse Analysis [Advances in Human and Social Aspects of Technology, ],  pp. 119 ff. DOI logo
Daradoumis, Thanasis & Marta María Arguedas Lafuente
2016. Studying the Suitability of Discourse Analysis Methods for Emotion Detection and Interpretation in Computer-Mediated Educational Discourse. In Psychology and Mental Health,  pp. 1774 ff. DOI logo
Haupt, Jaromír
2014. Contrastive relations, evaluation, and generic structure in science news. In The Pragmatics of Discourse Coherence [Pragmatics & Beyond New Series, 254],  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Legallois, Dominique & Véronique Lenepveu
2014. L'évaluation dans les textes : des relations inter-propositionnelles aux séquences discursives. Langue française n° 184:4  pp. 17 ff. DOI logo
Carrillo‐de‐Albornoz, Jorge & Laura Plaza
2013. An emotion‐based model of negation, intensifiers, and modality for polarity and intensity classification. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64:8  pp. 1618 ff. DOI logo
Daradoumis, Thanasis, Marta Arguedas & Fatos Xhafa
2013. 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems,  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Johansson, Richard & Alessandro Moschitti
2013. Relational Features in Fine-Grained Opinion Analysis. Computational Linguistics 39:3  pp. 473 ff. DOI logo
Sleem-Amer, Mona, Ivan Bigorgne, Stéphanie Brizard, Leeley Daio Pires Dos Santos, Yacine El Bouhairi, Bénédicte Goujon, Stéphane Lorin, Claude Martineau, Loïs Rigouste & Lidia Varga
2012. Intelligent Semantic Search Engines for Opinion and Sentiment Mining. In Next Generation Search Engines,  pp. 191 ff. DOI logo
Soo‐Guan Khoo, Christopher, Armineh Nourbakhsh & Jin‐Cheon Na
2012. Sentiment analysis of online news text: a case study of appraisal theory. Online Information Review 36:6  pp. 858 ff. DOI logo
Souza, Marlo & Renata Vieira
2012. Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Data for Portuguese Language. In Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language [Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7243],  pp. 241 ff. DOI logo
Trnavac, Radoslava & Maite Taboada
2012. The contribution of nonveridical rhetorical relations to evaluation in discourse. Language Sciences 34:3  pp. 301 ff. DOI logo
Taboada, Maite, Julian Brooke, Milan Tofiloski, Kimberly Voll & Manfred Stede
2011. Lexicon-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis. Computational Linguistics 37:2  pp. 267 ff. DOI logo
[no author supplied]
2019. References. In Automatic Detection of Irony,  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo

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