A basic bibliography
This basic bibliography of analogy aims to be a useful tool for linguistic research. The compilers have emphasized the years from 1868 onwards, starting with Scherer’s statement, but a few important premonitory works have been included as well.
[Library and Information Sources in Linguistics, 1] 1977. xiv, 50 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 14 November 2011
Published online on 14 November 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Foreword | p. V
Preface | p. XI
Analogy: A Basic Bibliography | p. 1
Year Index | p. 45
Cited by (59)
Cited by 59 other publications
Wu, Junru & Junyuan Zhao
Laasanen, Mikko
2019. Language as a system of norms and the Voloshinovian critique of abstract objectivism. In Normativity in language and linguistics [Studies in Language Companion Series, 209], ► pp. 151 ff. 
Givón, T.
Uth, Melanie
Uth, Melanie
Juul Nielsen, Peter
Joseph, Brian D.
Viti, Carlotta
2015. Historical syntax. In Perspectives on Historical Syntax [Studies in Language Companion Series, 169], ► pp. 1 ff. 
Nesset, Tore & Anastasia Makarova
2014. Testing the Semantic Homogeneity Constraint. Journal of Historical Linguistics 4:2 ► pp. 161 ff. 
Strik, Oscar
2014. Explaining tense marking changes in Swedish verbs. Journal of Historical Linguistics 4:2 ► pp. 192 ff. 
Matos, Maria Amelia & Maria de Lourdes Passos
Ackerman, Farrell, James P. Blevins & Robert Malouf
James P. Blevins & Juliette Blevins
Finkel, Raphael & Gregory Stump
Gerken, LouAnn, Rachel Wilson, Rebecca Gómez & Erika Nurmsoo
Goldsmith, John
Milin, Petar, Victor Kuperman, Aleksandar Kostić & Harald R. Baayen
Skousen, Royal
Wedel, Andrew
De Schryver, Johan, Anneke Neijt, Pol Ghesquière & Mirjam Ernestus
Pharies, David A.
2002. Review of Rini (1999): Exploring the Role of Morphology in the Evolution of Spanish. Diachronica 19:1 ► pp. 198 ff. 
Darian, Steven
Peyraube, Alain
Embleton, Sheila
Embleton, Sheila
Engelhardt, Dietrich
Lawson, Andrew, Taieb Belghazi, Jonathan Hart & Kathleen Kerr
Bubenik, Vit
1989. Review of Anttila (1989): Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Diachronica 6:1 ► pp. 123 ff. 
Bubenik, Vit
1992. Review of Shapiro (1991): The Sense of Change: Language as history. Diachronica 9:2 ► pp. 317 ff. 
Kaye, Alan S. & Angela Della Volpe
1988. Review of Hock (1986): Principles of historical linguistics. Studies in Language 12:2 ► pp. 457 ff. 
Coates, Richard
Nyman, Martti
Bynon, Theodora
Jeffers, Robert J.
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
Traugott, Elizabeth Closs
2008. Review of Fischer (): Morphosyntactic change: Functional and formal perspectives. Functions of Language 15:2 ► pp. 293 ff. 
Kaye, Alan S.
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
[no author supplied]
2020. On the disappearance of August Schleicher in the writings of the
Neogrammarians. In Last Papers in Linguistic Historiography [Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 128], ► pp. 69 ff. 
[no author supplied]
2021. Bibliography of writings by E. F. Konrad Koerner. Historiographia Linguistica 48:2-3 ► pp. 152 ff. 
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers. Any errors therein should be reported to them.
Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General