Choi, Min-Seok
Translanguaging space through pointing gestures: Multilingual family literacy at a science museum.
Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 24:3
► pp. 605 ff.

Cipria, Alicia & Erin O’Rourke
Multimodal Analysis of the Spanish Linguistic Landscape in Alabama.
Languages 9:8
► pp. 264 ff.

Domke, Lisa M
How Children Read Multilingual Texts: A Description of Reading Translanguaging Strategies.
Applied Linguistics 45:3
► pp. 407 ff.

Eren, Ömer
Translanguaging in public and digital spaces: integrating telecollaboration to linguistic landscapes studies.
Applied Linguistics Review 
Janík, Miroslav & Marie-Antoinette Goldberger
Homogenization through inclusion: exploring language regimes at four multilingual schools in the Czech Republic.
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 27:3
► pp. 285 ff.

Karpava, Sviatlana
Linguistic landscape of Pyla, a bi-communal village in Cyprus: multilingualism, ethnolinguistic vitality and internationalisation.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Karpava, Sviatlana
Multilingual linguistic landscape of Cyprus.
International Journal of Multilingualism 21:2
► pp. 823 ff.

Li, Songqing
Walking on Huaihai Street: liminality, linguistic landscape, and language policy.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Mao, Yifei, Zhong Lin & Feng Wang
Making sense of trans-translating in blogger subtitling: a netnographic approach to translanguaging on a Chinese microblogging site.
Applied Linguistics Review 15:2
► pp. 555 ff.

Nie, Peng & Xiaofang Yao
Translanguaging in the linguistic landscape: creative scripts in Yi ethnicity students’ handwritten signs.
Applied Linguistics Review 
Soica, Simona & Michelle Metro-Roland
The linguistic landscapes of nature trails: creating presence, marking absence, shaping meaning.
Social Semiotics 34:4
► pp. 553 ff.

Wu, Jia & Lihe Huang
Ethnic identity construction through multimodal linguistic landscape at Ban Arunotai in Thailand.
Asian Ethnicity ► pp. 1 ff.

Yao, Jiazhou, Peng Nie & Liuyan Zhou
Language change and multilingualism in an ethnic city in China: a diachronic linguistic landscape perspective.
International Journal of Multilingualism ► pp. 1 ff.

Yao, Jiazhou, Shuaiying Pan, Xiaohua Zhang & Peng Nie
Linguistic landscape as a way to reflect the tension between mandated language policies and residents’ language preferences: the case of Kashgar in China.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 45:6
► pp. 2252 ff.

Yuan, Mingming
Year”: translating festive language into English in Shantou’s coffee shops
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development ► pp. 1 ff.

Zhang, Hong
Translanguaging space and classroom climate created by teacher’s emotional scaffolding and students’ emotional curves about EFL learning.
International Journal of Multilingualism 21:1
► pp. 298 ff.

Alomoush, Omar Ibrahim Salameh
Arabinglish in multilingual advertising: novel creative and innovative Arabic-English mixing practices in the Jordanian linguistic landscape.
International Journal of Multilingualism 20:2
► pp. 270 ff.

Ambion, Larry
Linguistic Diversity and Ideology in the Linguistic Landscape of the Coffee Capital of the Philippines.
Scientia - The International Journal on the Liberal Arts 12:2
► pp. 14 ff.

Basterretxea Santiso, Gorka
Linguistic landscape in a rural Basque area: a case study in Ondarroa.
International Journal of Multilingualism ► pp. 1 ff.

Esteron, Jerico Juan, Christian Go & Paolo Nino Valdez
Translanguaging in Linguistic Landscapes of Philippine Regional Trial Courts: A Qualitative Inquiry. In
Translanguaging for Empowerment and Equity,
► pp. 175 ff.

Gubitosi, Patricia & Paola Medina González
Helal, Fethi
Dominant Language Constellations and Language Policy and Planning in Two Settings: Perspectives from Tunisia. In
Language Awareness and Identity [
Multilingual Education, 45],
► pp. 21 ff.

Hong, Seong-Yun, Yeorim Kim & Yongchae Lee
Ethnic segregation on linguistic landscapes.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 50:7
► pp. 1916 ff.

Im, Jae-hyun
Translanguaging in Action: A Case Study on Two Korean Students’ Engagement in Translanguaging in Radio-Based English Education.
STEM Journal 24:4
► pp. 41 ff.

Im, Jae-hyun
The Linguistic Landscape as an Identity Construction Site of a United States’ Higher Educational Institution in the Time of COVID-19.
Education as Change 27

Yao, Jiazhou, Xiaojing Yan & Shuting Liu
Linguistic landscape in Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture: the Case of an ethnic minority region in China.
International Journal of Multilingualism 20:2
► pp. 169 ff.

Ambele, Eric A. & Richard Watson Todd
Translanguaging patterns in everyday urban conversations in Cameroon.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 2022:273
► pp. 181 ff.

Biró, Enikő
From Linguistic Landscape to Semiotic Assemblages in a Local Market.
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica 14:2
► pp. 68 ff.

Fei, Yue & Robert Weekly
Examining the parameters of translanguaging in the context of Chinese bilinguals’ discourse practices.
International Journal of Multilingualism 19:3
► pp. 325 ff.

Lavoie, Émilie
La perspective raciolinguistique comme outil de réflexion critique sur certains discours dominants.
Éducation et francophonie 50:3

Abraham, Stephanie, Kate Kedley, Madjiguene Fall, Sharada Krishnamurthy & Daniel Tulino
Creating a translanguaging space in a bilingual community-based writing program.
International Multilingual Research Journal 15:3
► pp. 211 ff.

Gorter, Durk, Jasone Cenoz & Karin van der Worp
The linguistic landscape as a resource for language learning and raising language awareness.
Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 8:2
► pp. 161 ff.

Jordan, Peter & Přemysl Mácha
The Wider Onomastic Scope of the Research Topic. In
Place-Name Politics in Multilingual Areas,
► pp. 13 ff.

Mácha, Přemysl, Uršula Obrusník, Peter Jordan & Alexis Sancho Reinoso
The Challenges of Studying Place-Name Politics in Multilingual Areas. In
Place-Name Politics in Multilingual Areas,
► pp. 45 ff.

Puma Ninacuri, Cristian & Daniela Narváez
Rymes, Betsy & Gareth Smail
Citizen sociolinguists scaling back
Applied Linguistics Review 12:3
► pp. 419 ff.

Calvi, Maria Vittoria & Marcella Uberti-Bona
Negotiating languages, identities and space in Hispanic linguistic landscape in Milan.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 41:1
► pp. 25 ff.

Fernández Juncal, Carmen
Funcionalidad y convivencia del español y el vasco en el paisaje lingüístico de Bilbao.
Íkala 25:3
► pp. 713 ff.

Fernández Juncal, Carmen
El paisaje lingüístico de un área urbana de transición del español y el vasco: identidades y símbolos.
Bulletin hispanique :122-1
► pp. 325 ff.

El paisaje lingüístico de un área rural: frontera, transición y contacto.
Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 97:4
► pp. 325 ff.

Phan, Nhan & Donna Starks
Language in public space and language policies in Hanoi Old Quarter, Vietnam: a dynamic understanding of the interaction.
Language Policy 19:1
► pp. 111 ff.

Seals, Corinne A.
Classroom Translanguaging Through the Linguistic Landscape. In
Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape [
Educational Linguistics, 49],
► pp. 119 ff.

Shang, Guowen
Expanding the linguistic landscape: linguistic diversity, multimodality and the use of space as a semiotic resource.
International Journal of Multilingualism 17:4
► pp. 552 ff.

Sterzuk, Andrea
Building Language Teacher Awareness of Colonial Histories and Imperialistic Oppression Through the Linguistic Landscape. In
Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape [
Educational Linguistics, 49],
► pp. 145 ff.

Yao, Xiaofang & Paul Gruba
Cenoz, Jasone
Translanguaging pedagogies and English as a lingua franca.
Language Teaching 52:1
► pp. 71 ff.

Multilingualism, Translanguaging, and Minority Languages in SLA.
The Modern Language Journal 103:S1
► pp. 130 ff.

Cenoz, Jasone & Durk Gorter
El paisaje lingüístico en contextos educativos.
Revista Iberoamericana de Educación 96:1
► pp. 13 ff.

Gorter, Durk, Heiko F. Marten & Luk Van Mensel
Linguistic Landscapes and Minority Languages. In
The Palgrave Handbook of Minority Languages and Communities,
► pp. 481 ff.

Hiippala, Tuomo, Anna Hausmann, Henrikki Tenkanen & Tuuli Toivonen
Exploring the linguistic landscape of geotagged social media content in urban environments.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 34:2
► pp. 290 ff.

Kim, Sujin & Kim H. Song
Designing a Community Translanguaging Space Within a Family Literacy Project.
The Reading Teacher 73:3
► pp. 267 ff.

Lipovsky, Caroline
Belleville's linguistic heterogeneity viewed from its landscape.
International Journal of Multilingualism 16:3
► pp. 244 ff.

Nguyen, Trang Thi Thuy
Translanguaging as trans-identity: The case of ethnic minority students in Vietnam.
Lingua 222
► pp. 39 ff.

Tódor, Erika-Mária
Translanguaging strategies in describing the bi(multi)lingual profile of the novel Moarte în ținutul secuilor by Caius Dobrescu.
Diacronia :10

Tódor, Erika-Mária
Procedee translingvistice în conturarea portretului bi(multi)lingv din romanul Moarte în ținutul secuilor, de Caius Dobrescu.
Diacronia :10

Bagga-Gupta, Sangeeta & Giulia Messina Dahlberg
Meaning-making or heterogeneity in the areas of language and identity? The case of translanguaging and nyanlända (newly-arrived) across time and space.
International Journal of Multilingualism 15:4
► pp. 383 ff.

Bradley, Jessica, Emilee Moore, James Simpson & Louise Atkinson
Translanguaging space and creative activity: theorising collaborative arts-based learning.
Language and Intercultural Communication 18:1
► pp. 54 ff.

Dooly, Melinda & Claudia Vallejo Rubinstein
Bridging across languages and cultures in everyday lives: an expanding role for critical intercultural communication.
Language and Intercultural Communication 18:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Ferenčík, Milan
Im/politeness on the move: A study of regulatory discourse practices in Slovakia's centre of tourism.
Journal of Pragmatics 134
► pp. 183 ff.

Krompák, Edina & Stephan Meyer
Translanguaging and the Negotiation of Meaning. Multilingual Signage in a Swiss Linguistic Landscape. In
Translanguaging as Everyday Practice [
Multilingual Education, 28],
► pp. 235 ff.

Laihonen, Petteri & Tamás Péter Szabó
Studying the visual and material dimensions of education and learning.
Linguistics and Education 44
► pp. 1 ff.

Savela, Timo
The advantages and disadvantages of quantitative methods in schoolscape research.
Linguistics and Education 44
► pp. 31 ff.

Song, Yang
Translingual strategies as consumer design: A case study of multilingual linguistic landscapes of urban China.
Multilingua 37:5
► pp. 455 ff.

Álvarez-Mosquera, Pedro & Frieda Coetzee
“It makes it legit”: local semiotic perceptions of the linguistic landscape in a market in Soshanguve, South Africa.
Social Semiotics 28:4
► pp. 494 ff.

Álvarez-Mosquera, Pedro & Frieda Coetzee
“A Name That Recognises You”: Local Analysis of Semiotic Dynamics in Semi-Informal Markets in South Africa.
Language Matters 53:3
► pp. 112 ff.

Fritz, Thomas
Mehr, multi, poly metro, trans Sprachigkeit. Von der Verwirrung der Begriffe zu einer möglichen neuen Perspektive.
ÖDaF-Mitteilungen 33:1
► pp. 49 ff.

Gorter, Durk
Jackie Jia Lou , The linguistic landscape of Chinatown: A sociolinguistic ethnography. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 2016. Pp. ix, 156. Hb. $21.60..
Language in Society 46:4
► pp. 591 ff.

Gorter, Durk
Linguistic landscapes and trends in the study of schoolscapes.
Linguistics and Education 44
► pp. 80 ff.

Pennycook, Alastair
Translanguaging and semiotic assemblages.
International Journal of Multilingualism 14:3
► pp. 269 ff.

Abdelhay, Ashraf, Mahgoub Ahmed & Elbashir Mohamed
O’Connor, Brendan H. & Lauren R. Zentz
This list is based on CrossRef data as of 20 december 2024. Please note that it may not be complete. Sources presented here have been supplied by the respective publishers.
Any errors therein should be reported to them.