Cited by (230)

Cited by 230 other publications

Albarqi, Ghadah
2024. Investigating EFL oral production in a technology mediated TBLT context. Journal of China Computer-Assisted Language Learning 0:0 DOI logo
Baqué, Lorraine & María-Jesús Machuca
2024. Dysfluency in primary progressive aphasia: Temporal speech parameters. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gao, Jianmin & Peijian Paul Sun
2024. How does learners’ L2 utterance fluency relate to their L1? A meta‐analysis. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:1  pp. 276 ff. DOI logo
García-Amaya, Lorenzo
2024. Investigating the relation between L2 pauses, syntactic complexity, and pause location: Longitudinal data from L2-Spanish study-abroad learners. Second Language Research 40:2  pp. 399 ff. DOI logo
Gu, Qianqian & Kris Van den Branden
2024. The effects of two methods of on-line planning on L2 task-based speaking performance and strategy use. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Hanzawa, Keiko
2024. Development of second language speech fluency in foreign language classrooms: A longitudinal study. Language Teaching Research 28:3  pp. 816 ff. DOI logo
Isbell, Daniel R., Junkyu Lee & Juhyun Jang
2024. Linguistic influences on comprehensibility and accentedness in second language Korean speech. International Journal of Applied Linguistics DOI logo
Li, Wenchao, Zhentao Zhong & Haitao Liu
2024. A computer-assisted tool for automatically measuring non-native Japanese oral proficiency. Computer Assisted Language Learning  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Magne, Viktoria
2024. Replication research in the domain of perceived L2 fluency: Approximate and close replications of Kormos and Dénes (2004) and Rossiter (2009). Language Teaching  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Mareková, Lucia & Štefan Beňuš
2024. Speech Fluency Production and Perception in L1 (Slovak) and L2 (English) Read Speech. Language and Speech DOI logo
Mora, Joan C., Ingrid Mora‐Plaza & Gonzalo Bermejo Miranda
2024. Speaking anxiety and task complexity effects on second language speech. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 34:1  pp. 292 ff. DOI logo
Mroz, Aurore & Julia Gorham
2024. From Caterpillar to Butterfly: Story of an Ordinarily Extraordinary Generation Z L2 Student Abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 36:1  pp. 312 ff. DOI logo
Nishizawa, Hitoshi
2024. Authenticity of academic lecture passages in high-stakes tests: A temporal fluency perspective. Language Testing DOI logo
Qin, Jie
2024. Relationship between learner creativity, task planning, and speaking performance in L2 narrative tasks. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 0:0 DOI logo
Qin, Jie & Dilin Liu
2024. Introducing/Testing New SFL-Inspired Communication/Content/Function-Focused Measures for Assessing L2 Narrative Task Performance. Applied Linguistics DOI logo
Sadeghi, Karim & Azadeh Hamidi
2024. The Effect of Different Planning Conditions versus Explicit Grammar Instruction on Young EFL Learners’ Oral Production of a Picture Promoted Task and Grammar Gain. Revista de Lingüística y Lenguas Aplicadas 19  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Skehan, Peter, Gavin Bui, Zhan Wang & Sabrina Shum
2024. Re-examining accuracy measures in second language task-based spoken performance. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 3:1  pp. 100098 ff. DOI logo
Takizawa, Kotaro
2024. What contributes to fluent L2 speech? Examining cognitive and utterance fluency link with underlying L2 collocational processing speed and accuracy. Applied Psycholinguistics  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Wang, Xiaoman & Binhua Wang
2024. Identifying fluency parameters for a machine-learning-based automated interpreting assessment system. Perspectives 32:2  pp. 278 ff. DOI logo
Woolridge, Lyndsay R., Amy-May Leach, Chelsea Blake & Elizabeth Elliott
2024. Do Accents Speak Louder Than Words? Perceptions of Linguistic Speech Characteristics on Deception Detection. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 43:2  pp. 195 ff. DOI logo
Zhan, Ju, Qiyu Sun & Lawrence Jun Zhang
2024. Effects of manipulating writing task complexity on learners’ performance in completing vocabulary and syntactic tasks. Language Teaching Research 28:3  pp. 1011 ff. DOI logo
Albarqi, Ghadah & Parvaneh Tavakoli
2023. The effects of proficiency level and dual-task condition on L2 self-monitoring behavior. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:1  pp. 212 ff. DOI logo
Bao, Gui
2023. Factor structures of speed and breakdown fluency in EFL learners’ story retelling performances. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:2  pp. 631 ff. DOI logo
Cavicchio, Federica & Maria Grazia Busà
2023. Lending a hand to speech. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 14:2  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Gan, Qiao & Lin Ma
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Han, Chao & Liuyan Yang
2023. Relating utterance fluency to perceived fluency of interpreting. Translation and Interpreting Studies 18:3  pp. 421 ff. DOI logo
Hanzawa, Keiko & Yuichi Suzuki
2023. Does automaticity in lexical and grammatical processing predict utterance fluency development?. Journal of Second Language Studies 6:2  pp. 290 ff. DOI logo
Hasnain, Shazia & Santoshi Halder
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Hasnain, Shazia & Santoshi Halder
2024. Intricacies of the Multifaceted Triad-Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency: A Review of Studies on Measures of Oral Production. Journal of Education 204:1  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Huensch, Amanda
2023. Effects of speaking task and proficiency on the midclause pausing characteristics of L1 and L2 speech from the same speakers. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:4  pp. 1031 ff. DOI logo
Jiang, Michael Yi‐Chao, Morris Siu‐Yung Jong, Wilfred Wing‐Fat Lau, Ching‐Sing Chai & Na Wu
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Kim, Nayoung
2023. The effects of different task sequences on novice L2 learners’ oral performance in the classroom. Language Teaching Research 27:2  pp. 415 ff. DOI logo
Liao, Jianling
2023. Disfluency and self‐repair in presentational and interpersonal speech modalities. Foreign Language Annals 56:2  pp. 401 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Bingjie, Lewen Wei, Mu Wu, Tianyi Luo, Nancy Baym & Nicole Ellison
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Liu, Yingsheng & Pui-sze Yeung
2023. The effects of using L1 Chinese or L2 English in planning on speaking performance among high- and low-proficient EFL learners. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 8:1 DOI logo
Mora, Joan Carles, Sapna Sehgal & Raquel Serrano
2023. Chapter 8. Oral fluency measures in study abroad research. In Methods in Study Abroad Research [Research Methods in Applied Linguistics, 4],  pp. 183 ff. DOI logo
Morrison, Astrid & Parvaneh Tavakoli
2023. Task communicative function and oral fluency of L1 and L2 speakers. The Modern Language Journal 107:4  pp. 896 ff. DOI logo
Ngoc Thanh, Trinh
2023. Speech Rate and Speaking Performance in Picture-Description Speaking Task. In Competence-Based Curriculum and E-Learning in Higher Education [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 141 ff. DOI logo
Park, Yujong
2023. Task type completion in lower level EFL classes: A conversation analytic study. Language Teaching Research 27:6  pp. 1352 ff. DOI logo
Rezaei, Amir & Antonella Valeo
2023. Investigating the impact of task complexity on uptake and noticing of corrective feedback recasts. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 61:4  pp. 1271 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya, Konstantinos Macmillan, Magdalena Kachlicka, Takuya Kunihara & Nobuaki Minematsu
2023. Automated assessment of second language comprehensibility: Review, training, validation, and generalization studies. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:1  pp. 234 ff. DOI logo
Simard, Daphnée, Michael Zuniga & Florian Hameau
2023. How do attention-shift and foreign language anxiety interact with objective and subjective measures of fluency?. Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882211463 ff. DOI logo
Stoichkova, Elitsa
2023. Reflections on Language Teaching at Tertiary Level. Sprin Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2:03  pp. 29 ff. DOI logo
Sun, Yanshu & Tong Wang
2023. The effects of planning and task on Chinese high school students’ English language performance. Journal of Language Teaching 3:8  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Szyszka, Magdalena & Pekka Lintunen
2023. Zooming into the L2 Speech Fluency Markers of Anxious and Non-Anxious Advanced L2 Learners – an Extreme Case Sampling Report. Research in Language 21:4  pp. 357 ff. DOI logo
Tavakoli, Parvaneh, Gill Kendon, Svetlana Mazhurnaya & Anna Ziomek
2023. Assessment of fluency in the Test of English for Educational Purposes. Language Testing 40:3  pp. 607 ff. DOI logo
Wolfaardt, Jacobus Francois & Alex Ho-Cheong Leung
2023. The Impact of Filipina Domestic Workers on Hong Kong Primary School Children’s L2 English Spoken CAF and Reading Accuracy and Fluency. Applied Linguistics DOI logo
Yenkimaleki, Mahmood & Vincent J. van Heuven
2023. Effect of pedagogic intervention in enhancing speech fluency by EFL students: A longitudinal study. Language Teaching Research DOI logo
Aubrey, Scott
2022. The relationship between anxiety, enjoyment, and breakdown fluency during second language speaking tasks: An idiodynamic investigation. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Parvaneh Tavakoli
2022. Task complexity, language proficiency and working memory: Interaction effects on second language speech performance. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Belz, Malte & Carolin Odebrecht
2022. Abschnittsweise Analyse sprachlicher Flüssigkeit in der Lernersprache: Das Ganze ist weniger informativ als seine Teile. Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik 50:1  pp. 131 ff. DOI logo
Bui, Gavin & Kevin W. H. Tai
2022. Revisiting functional adequacy and task-based language teaching in the GBA: insights from translanguaging. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 7:1 DOI logo
Gao, Jie & April Ginther
2022. Chapter 9. L2 speaking. In Understanding L2 Proficiency [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 13],  pp. 285 ff. DOI logo
Gatiyatullina, Galiya M. , Ludmila A. Gorodetskaya, Marina I. Solnyshkina & Elzara V. Gafiyatova
2022. Investigating the Differences Between Prepared and Spontaneous Speech Characteristics: Descriptive Approach. International Journal of Criminology and Sociology 9  pp. 2591 ff. DOI logo
Koizumi, Rie, Yo In'nami & Eun Hee Jeon
2022. Chapter 10. L2 speaking and its internal correlates. In Understanding L2 Proficiency [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 13],  pp. 307 ff. DOI logo
Matsuura, Ryuki, Shungo Suzuki, Mao Saeki, Tetsuji Ogawa & Yoichi Matsuyama
2022. 2022 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC),  pp. 1312 ff. DOI logo
Mueller, Charles M. & Peter Richardson
2022. Talking about oneself. Journal of Second Language Studies 5:2  pp. 344 ff. DOI logo
Ogawa, Chie
2022. CAF indices and human ratings of oral performances in an opinion-based monologue task. Language Testing in Asia 12:1 DOI logo
Qin, Jie & Yan Zhang
2022. Pre-task planning and discourse cohesion: Analysis of Chinese EFL learners’ referential use in oral narratives. Language Teaching Research 26:1  pp. 60 ff. DOI logo
Qiu, Xuyan
2022. Picture or non-picture? The influence of narrative task types on lower- and higher-proficiency EFL learners’ oral production. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 60:2  pp. 383 ff. DOI logo
Qiu, Xuyan & Gavin Bui
2022. Pre-task planning effects on learner engagement in face-to-face and synchronous computer-mediated communication. Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882211352 ff. DOI logo
Qiu, Xuyan & Gavin Bui
2022. “We Are Responsive on Zoom, but…”. International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching 12:2  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Suzuki, Shungo, Toshinori Yasuda, Keiko Hanzawa & Judit Kormos
2022. How Does Creativity Affect Second Language Speech Production? The Moderating Role of Speaking Task Type. TESOL Quarterly 56:4  pp. 1320 ff. DOI logo
Suzuki, Yuichi, Masaki Eguchi & Nel de Jong
2022. Does the Reuse of Constructions Promote Fluency Development in Task Repetition? A Usage‐Based Perspective. TESOL Quarterly 56:4  pp. 1290 ff. DOI logo
Uchihara, Takumi, Masaki Eguchi, Jon Clenton, Kristopher Kyle & Kazuya Saito
2022. To What Extent is Collocation Knowledge Associated with Oral Proficiency? A Corpus-Based Approach to Word Association. Language and Speech 65:2  pp. 311 ff. DOI logo
Yenkimaleki, Mahmood, Vincent Van Heuven & Mostafa Hosseini
2022. The Effect of Fluency Training on Interpreter Trainees’ Speech Fluency: Does Content Familiarity Matter?. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Yu, Yue
2022. The role of psycholinguistics for language learning in teaching based on formulaic sequence use and oral fluency. Frontiers in Psychology 13 DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Rashed Alhamad
2021. Online task planning and L2 oral fluency: does manipulating time pressure affect fluency in L2 monologic oral narratives? . International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 59:4  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Awwad, Anas & Rashed Alhamad
2021. Online task planning and L2 oral fluency: does manipulating time pressure affect fluency in L2 monologic oral narratives? . International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 59:4  pp. 605 ff. DOI logo
Doe, Timothy
2021. Fluency development in an EFL setting: A one-semester study. Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882110585 ff. DOI logo
el Majidi, Abid, Rick de Graaff & Daniel Janssen
2021. Debate as a pedagogical tool for developing speaking skills in second language education. Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882110506 ff. DOI logo
2020. Debate as L2 Pedagogy: The Effects of Debating on Writing Development in Secondary Education. The Modern Language Journal 104:4  pp. 804 ff. DOI logo
Majidi, Abid el, Rick de Graaff & Daniel Janssen
2023. Debate pedagogy as a conducive environment for L2 argumentative essay writing. Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882311569 ff. DOI logo
Gu, Qianqian
2021. Impact of task preparedness on L2 oral performance and strategy use. TASK. Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning 1:2  pp. 196 ff. DOI logo
Han, Chao & Kerui An
2021. Using unfilled pauses to measure (dis)fluency in English-Chinese consecutive interpreting: in search of an optimal pause threshold(s). Perspectives 29:6  pp. 917 ff. DOI logo
Inoue, Chihiro & Daniel M. K. Lam
2021. The Effects of Extended Planning Time on Candidates' Performance, Processes, and Strategy Use in the Lecture Listening‐Into‐Speaking Tasks of the TOEFL iBT® Test. ETS Research Report Series 2021:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lei, Yuyun
2021. Exploring Fluency and Disfluency Features of Oral Performances in Chinese as a Second Language. In The Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language Pronunciation [Prosody, Phonology and Phonetics, ],  pp. 281 ff. DOI logo
Liu, Yanmeng
2021. Exploring a Corpus-Based Approach to Assessing Interpreting Quality. In Testing and Assessment of Interpreting [New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],  pp. 159 ff. DOI logo
Michaud, Gabriel
2021. L’incidence d’un enseignement centré sur la forme sur la performance orale. The Canadian Modern Language Review 77:3  pp. 269 ff. DOI logo
Mostafa, Tamanna, Scott A. Crossley & YouJin Kim
2021. Predictors of English as second language learners’ oral proficiency development in a classroom context. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 31:3  pp. 526 ff. DOI logo
Nair, Veena & Shruti Sircar
2021. Task Complexity and Language Proficiency: Its Effect on L2 Writing Production. In Task-Based Language Teaching and Assessment,  pp. 139 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya, Shungo Suzuki, Tomoko Oyama & Yuka Akiyama
2021. How does longitudinal interaction promote second language speech learning? Roles of learner experience and proficiency levels. Second Language Research 37:4  pp. 547 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya, Yui Suzukida, Mai Tran & Adam Tierney
2021. Domain‐General Auditory Processing Partially Explains Second Language Speech Learning in Classroom Settings: A Review and Generalization Study. Language Learning 71:3  pp. 669 ff. DOI logo
Stroud, Robert
2021. The effects of strategic planning and rehearsal on second language group discussion task performance. The Language Learning Journal 49:5  pp. 499 ff. DOI logo
2021. The Relationship Between Utterance and Perceived Fluency: A Meta‐Analysis of Correlational Studies. The Modern Language Journal 105:2  pp. 435 ff. DOI logo
Suzuki, Yuichi
2021. Individual differences in memory predict changes in breakdown and repair fluency but not speed fluency: A short-term fluency training intervention study. Applied Psycholinguistics 42:4  pp. 969 ff. DOI logo
Tran, Mai Ngoc & Kazuya Saito
2021. Effects of the 4/3/2 activity revisited: Extending Boers (2014) and Thai & Boers (2016). Language Teaching Research  pp. 136216882199413 ff. DOI logo
Weerasooriya, Thilini Nilanka
2021. Enhancing the English oral competence of undergraduates. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Wu, Zhiwei
2021. Chasing the Unicorn? The Feasibility of Automatic Assessment of Interpreting Fluency. In Testing and Assessment of Interpreting [New Frontiers in Translation Studies, ],  pp. 143 ff. DOI logo
Yan, Xun, Yuyun Lei & Hyunji Park
2021. Speech Fluency. In Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics [Springer Texts in Education, ],  pp. 493 ff. DOI logo
2021. Effects of Task Complexity on Text Easibility and Coherence of EFL Learners’ Narrative Writing. Adıyaman Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 11:1  pp. 36 ff. DOI logo
Abdi Tabari, Mahmoud
2020. Differential Effects of Strategic Planning and Task Structure on L2 Writing Outcomes. Reading & Writing Quarterly 36:4  pp. 320 ff. DOI logo
Ben Maad, Mohamed Ridha & Ibrahim Saadi
2020. The role of group dynamics in low‐achieving EFL students’ speaking development. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 30:2  pp. 264 ff. DOI logo
Duran-Karaoz, Zeynep & Parvaneh Tavakoli
2020. PREDICTING L2 FLUENCY FROM L1 FLUENCY BEHAVIOR. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42:4  pp. 671 ff. DOI logo
García-Amaya, Lorenzo & Sean Lang
2020. FILLED PAUSES ARE SUSCEPTIBLE TO CROSS-LANGUAGE PHONETIC INFLUENCE. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 42:5  pp. 1077 ff. DOI logo
Han, Chao, Sijia Chen, Rongbo Fu & Qin Fan
2020. Modeling the relationship between utterance fluency and raters’ perceived fluency of consecutive interpreting. Interpreting. International Journal of Research and Practice in Interpreting 22:2  pp. 211 ff. DOI logo
Khezrlou, Sima
2020. Training planning in second language narrative writing. ELT Journal 74:1  pp. 49 ff. DOI logo
Matsumoto, Kazumi, Maki Hirotani & Atsushi Fukada
2020. Examining Oral Performance Characteristics of L2 Learners With the CAF Calculator. In Recent Tools for Computer- and Mobile-Assisted Foreign Language Learning [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 132 ff. DOI logo
Mizza, Daria & Fernando Rubio
2020. Creating Effective Blended Language Learning Courses, DOI logo
2020. A COMPARISON OVER COMPLEXITY, ACCURACY, AND FLUENCY IN A TASK SUPPORTED LANGUAGE TEACHING SETTING. i-manager’s Journal on English Language Teaching 10:1  pp. 30 ff. DOI logo
Saito, Kazuya, Hui Sun & Adam Tierney
2020. Domain-general auditory processing determines success in second language pronunciation learning in adulthood: A longitudinal study. Applied Psycholinguistics 41:5  pp. 1083 ff. DOI logo
Song, Shuxian & Dechao Li
2020. The Predicting Power of Cognitive Fluency for the Development of Utterance Fluency in Simultaneous Interpreting. Frontiers in Psychology 11 DOI logo
Suzuki, Shungo & Judit Kormos
Suzuki, Shungo & Judit Kormos
2023. The multidimensionality of second language oral fluency: Interfacing cognitive fluency and utterance fluency. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 45:1  pp. 38 ff. DOI logo
Suzuki, Shungo & Judit Kormos
2024. The moderating role of L2 proficiency in the predictive power of L1 fluency on L2 utterance fluency. Language Testing DOI logo
2020. Aspects of Fluency Across Assessed Levels of Speaking Proficiency. The Modern Language Journal 104:1  pp. 169 ff. DOI logo
Tavakoli, Parvaneh & Takumi Uchihara
2020. To What Extent Are Multiword Sequences Associated With Oral Fluency?. Language Learning 70:2  pp. 506 ff. DOI logo
van Os, Marjolein, Nivja H. de Jong & Hans Rutger Bosker
2020. Fluency in Dialogue: Turn‐Taking Behavior Shapes Perceived Fluency in Native and Nonnative Speech. Language Learning 70:4  pp. 1183 ff. DOI logo
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2020. Verarbeitung von Hinweisreizen beim Beurteilen von mündlichen Sprachproben von Schülerinnen und Schülern durch Hochschullehrende im Fach Französisch. Unterrichtswissenschaft 48:4  pp. 551 ff. DOI logo
Zabihi, Reza, Seyed Hamzeh Mousavi & Afsaneh Salehian
2020. The differential role of domain-specific anxiety in learners’ narrative and argumentative L2 written task performances. Current Psychology 39:4  pp. 1438 ff. DOI logo
Bui, Gavin
2019. Chapter 11. Task-readiness and L2 task performance across proficiency levels. In Researching L2 Task Performance and Pedagogy [Task-Based Language Teaching, 13],  pp. 253 ff. DOI logo
Bui, Gavin
2021. Influence of learners’ prior knowledge, L2 proficiency and pre-task planning on L2 lexical complexity. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 59:4  pp. 543 ff. DOI logo
Dawadi, Saraswati
2019. Effects of task repetition on EFL oral performance. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 170:1  pp. 3 ff. DOI logo
Fukuta, Junya, Yu Tamura & Yusaku Kawaguchi
2019. Written languaging with indirect feedback in writing revision: is feedback always effective?. Language Awareness 28:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Granena, Gisela
2019. COGNITIVE APTITUDES AND L2 SPEAKING PROFICIENCY. Studies in Second Language Acquisition 41:2  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo
Huensch, Amanda, Nicole Tracy-Ventura, Judith Bridges & Jhon A. Cuesta Medina
2019. Variables affecting the maintenance of L2 proficiency and fluency four years post-study abroad. Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 4:1  pp. 96 ff. DOI logo
Lam, Daniel M. K.
2019. Interactional Competence with and without Extended Planning Time in a Group Oral Assessment. Language Assessment Quarterly 16:1  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Lee, Ho-Young & Jieun Song
2019. Evaluating Korean learners’ English rhythm proficiency with measures of sentence stress. Applied Psycholinguistics 40:6  pp. 1363 ff. DOI logo
Li, Chenxi
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Liu, Yu
2019. Disfluency in L2 Chinese Academic Oral Presentations and Formulaic Language Instruction. In Chinese for Specific and Professional Purposes [Chinese Language Learning Sciences, ],  pp. 95 ff. DOI logo
Michel, Marije C., Andrea Révész, Danni Shi & Yanmei Li
O’Grady, Stefan
2019. The impact of pre-task planning on speaking test performance for English-medium university admission. Language Testing 36:4  pp. 505 ff. DOI logo
2019. The Social Lives of Adolescent Study Abroad Learners and Their L2 Development. The Modern Language Journal 103:4  pp. 739 ff. DOI logo
Shabani, Karim & Somayeh Hosseinzadeh
2019. A comparative study of the effects of teacher-initiated planned preemptive and reactive focus on form on L2 learners’ accuracy in narrative writing. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 13:1  pp. 76 ff. DOI logo
Shea, Christine & Karen Leonard
2019. Evaluating Measures of Pausing for Second Language Fluency Research. The Canadian Modern Language Review 75:3  pp. 216 ff. DOI logo
Souza Ferraz D'Ely, Raquel Carolina, Mailce Borges Mota & Martin Bygate
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Wang, Zhan, Peter Skehan & Gaowei Chen
2019. The effects of hybrid online planning and L2 proficiency on video-based speaking task performance. Instructed Second Language Acquisition 3:1  pp. 53 ff. DOI logo
Xing, Jiaxin & Shaoqian Luo
Bui, Gavin & Zeping Huang
2018. L2 fluency as influenced by content familiarity and planning: Performance, measurement, and pedagogy. Language Teaching Research 22:1  pp. 94 ff. DOI logo
Bui, Gavin, Peter Skehan & Zhan Wang
2018. Task Condition Effects on Advanced‐Level Foreign Language Performance. In The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition,  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Duijm, Klaartje, Rob Schoonen & Jan H. Hulstijn
2018. Professional and non-professional raters’ responsiveness to fluency and accuracy in L2 speech: An experimental approach. Language Testing 35:4  pp. 501 ff. DOI logo
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Kong, Anthony Pak-Hin, Anastasia Linnik, Sam-Po Law & Waisa Wai-Man Shum
2018. Measuring discourse coherence in anomic aphasia using Rhetorical Structure Theory. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 20:4  pp. 406 ff. DOI logo
2018. Exploring Connections Between First and Second Language Fluency: A Mixed Methods Approach. The Modern Language Journal 102:4  pp. 676 ff. DOI logo
2018. Acoustic characteristics and learner profiles of low-, mid- and high-level second language fluency. Applied Psycholinguistics 39:3  pp. 593 ff. DOI logo
Shintel, Hadas & Miriam Faust
2018. Warming Up the Language Engines: Short-Term Second Language Use Increases Subsequent Fluency. Frontiers in Communication 3 DOI logo
Tavakoli, Parvaneh & Ann-Marie Hunter
2018. Is fluency being ‘neglected’ in the classroom? Teacher understanding of fluency and related classroom practices. Language Teaching Research 22:3  pp. 330 ff. DOI logo
Yang, Liuyan
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[no author supplied]

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