Part of
Language in Language Teacher Education
Edited by Hugh Trappes-Lomax and Gibson Ferguson
[Language Learning & Language Teaching 4] 2002
► pp. 113130
Cited by (51)

Cited by 51 other publications

Kim, Sujin & Jung Yeon Park
2024. Critical awareness toward Content-Language Integrated Education for Multilingual Learners (CA-CIEML): a survey study about teachers’ ideological beliefs and attitudes. Language Awareness 33:2  pp. 261 ff. DOI logo
Llinares, Ana, Tom Morton & Rachel Whittaker
2024. Fostering language awareness for integration through teacher-researcher collaboration in a Spanish bilingual education context. Language Awareness  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Hibbs, Brian
2023. Promoting US-Based Pre-Service ESOL Teachers' Understanding of Language Variation in Multidialectical Settings. In Reconceptualizing Language Norms in Multilingual Contexts [Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, ],  pp. 247 ff. DOI logo
Howerton-Fox, Amanda, Jodi L. Falk & Robert Kretschmer
2023. A Portrait of Grammar Knowledge in Practice. In Cases on Teacher Preparation in Deaf Education [Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development, ],  pp. 67 ff. DOI logo
Gao, Xuesong
2022. Language Education and Teacher Awareness. In International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Gao, Xuesong
2023. Language Education and Teacher Awareness. In International Handbook on Education Development in the Asia-Pacific,  pp. 715 ff. DOI logo
2022. Towards Harmonisation of Language Teacher Education Programmes in Malawi: An Analysis of Language Teacher Programmes. International e-Journal of Educational Studies 6:11  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Marav, Daariimaa, Anna Podorova, Odtsetseg Yadamsuren & Boldsuren Bishkhorloo
2022. Teaching global English in a local context: teachers’ realities in Mongolian public schools. Asia Pacific Journal of Education 42:2  pp. 276 ff. DOI logo
van den Broek, Ellen W. R., Helma W. Oolbekkink-Marchand, Ans M. C. van Kemenade, Paulien C. Meijer & Sharon Unsworth
2022. Stimulating language awareness in the foreign language classroom: exploring EFL teaching practices. The Language Learning Journal 50:1  pp. 59 ff. DOI logo
WEBB, Rhian
2022. The impact of an explicit grammar knowledge course on the development of grammatical awareness in UK native speakers’ pre-service TESOL education. The Literacy Trek 8:1  pp. 31 ff. DOI logo
Elgemark, Anna & Maria Mollstedt
2021. Changing English, Changing Challenges: The Work of Teaching English in a Context of Diverse Experiences. In Engaging with Work in English Studies,  pp. 151 ff. DOI logo
Hu, Jingjing & Xuesong (Andy) Gao
2021. Understanding subject teachers’ language-related pedagogical practices in content and language integrated learning classrooms. Language Awareness 30:1  pp. 42 ff. DOI logo
Inna, Gvozdenko
2021. Review of Richards & Rodgers (2001): Approaches and methods in language teaching. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics  pp. 110 ff. DOI logo
Richter, Karin
2021. Advanced Speaking Skills for English Teachers. In Developing Advanced English Language Competence [English Language Education, 22],  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
2020. What’s in a house name? Student-teachers’ dialogic encounters with multilingual texts in the environment. Language Awareness 29:3-4  pp. 199 ff. DOI logo
He, Peichang & Angel M.Y. Lin
2020. Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher. In Teacher Development for Immersion and Content-Based Instruction [Benjamins Current Topics, 110],  pp. 11 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Patriann
2020. “Mr. Wang Doesn’t Really Care How We Speak!”: Responsiveness in the Practice of an Exemplary Asian-American Teacher. The Urban Review 52:2  pp. 351 ff. DOI logo
Sommer-Farias, Bruna
2020. The linguistic and anthropological dimensions within enunciation in additional languages. In Linguistic Approaches to Portuguese as an Additional Language [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics, 24],  pp. 283 ff. DOI logo
Coniam, David, Peter Falvey & Yangyu Xiao
2019. A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Impact of the Hong Kong LPATE Over the Past Decade and a Half: Changes, Challenges, and Implications. Language Assessment Quarterly 16:1  pp. 105 ff. DOI logo
Lindahl, Kristen & Kathryn I. Henderson
2019. The intersection of language ideologies and language awareness among in-service teachers of emergent bilinguals. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 7:1  pp. 61 ff. DOI logo
Abbas, Randa, Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum, Ari Neuman, Geraldine Mongillo, Dorothy Feola & Rochelle Goldberg Kaplan
2018. The use of modern standard and spoken Arabic in mathematics lessons: the case of a diglossic language / El uso del árabe estándar moderno y del árabe hablado en las clases de matemáticas: el caso de una lengua diglósica. Cultura y Educación 30:4  pp. 730 ff. DOI logo
Dubiner, Deborah
2018. ‘Write it down and then what?’: Promoting pre-service teachers’ language awareness, metacognitive development and pedagogical skills through reflections on vocabulary acquisition and teaching. Language Awareness 27:4  pp. 277 ff. DOI logo
He, Peichang & Angel M. Y. Lin
2018. Becoming a “language-aware” content teacher. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education 6:2  pp. 162 ff. DOI logo
Riordan, Emma
2018. The Non-Native Speaker Language Teacher. In Language for Teaching Purposes,  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
van den Broek, Ellen W. R., Helma W. Oolbekkink-Marchand, Sharon Unsworth, Ans M. C. van Kemenade & Paulien C. Meijer
2018. Unravelling upper-secondary school teachers’ beliefs about language awareness: from conflicts to challenges in the EFL context. Language Awareness 27:4  pp. 331 ff. DOI logo
Hahn, Angela & Tanja Angelovska
2017. Chapter 13. Input-Practice-Output. In L3 Syntactic Transfer [Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 5],  pp. 299 ff. DOI logo
Scarvaglieri, Claudio
2017. ‘Educational Landscaping’: a method for raising awareness about language and communication. Language Awareness 26:4  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Lindahl, Kristen & Laura Baecher
2016. Teacher language awareness in supervisory feedback cycles. ELT Journal 70:1  pp. 28 ff. DOI logo
Andrews, Stephen & Agneta M-L Svalberg
2015. Teacher Language Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Andrews, Stephen & Agneta M-L Svalberg
2016. Teacher Language Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Andrews, Stephen & Agneta M.-L. Svalberg
2017. Teacher Language Awareness. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 219 ff. DOI logo
Argaman, Osnat & Vered Vaknin-Nusbaum
2015. Language Awareness of Teacher Trainees. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 7:1  pp. 9 ff. DOI logo
García, Ofelia
2015. Critical Multilingual Language Awareness and Teacher Education. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
García, Ofelia
2017. Critical Multilingual Language Awareness and Teacher Education. In Language Awareness and Multilingualism,  pp. 263 ff. DOI logo
Lima, Chris
2015. New Technologies in SLTE: A Virtual Teacher Development Experience in Tocantins, Brazil. In Experiences of Second Language Teacher Education,  pp. 198 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Patriann & Alex Kumi-Yeboah
2015. Exploring the Interstices of Literate, Linguistic, and Cultural Diversity. In Handbook of Research on Cross-Cultural Approaches to Language and Literacy Development [Advances in Linguistics and Communication Studies, ],  pp. 238 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Patriann & Alex Kumi-Yeboah
2016. Exploring the Interstices of Literate, Linguistic, and Cultural Diversity. In Teacher Education,  pp. 1486 ff. DOI logo
Smith, Patriann & Alex Kumi-Yeboah
2019. Exploring the Interstices of Literate, Linguistic, and Cultural Diversity. In Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Education,  pp. 1859 ff. DOI logo
Otwinowska, Agnieszka
2014. Does multilingualism influence plurilingual awareness of Polish teachers of English?. International Journal of Multilingualism 11:1  pp. 97 ff. DOI logo
Otwinowska, Agnieszka
2017. English teachers’ language awareness: away with the monolingual bias?. Language Awareness 26:4  pp. 304 ff. DOI logo
Mok, Jane
2013. A case study of developing student-teachers’ language awareness through online discussion forums. Language Awareness 22:2  pp. 161 ff. DOI logo
Myhill, Debra, Susan Jones & Annabel Watson
2013. Grammar matters: How teachers' grammatical knowledge impacts on the teaching of writing. Teaching and Teacher Education 36  pp. 77 ff. DOI logo
Gießler, Ralf
2012. Teacher language awareness and cognitive linguistics (CL): building a CL-inspired perspective on teaching lexis in EFL student teachers. Language Awareness 21:1-2  pp. 113 ff. DOI logo
Svalberg, Agneta M.-L.
2012. Language Awareness in language learning and teaching: A research agenda. Language Teaching 45:3  pp. 376 ff. DOI logo
2015. Understanding the Complex Processes in Developing Student Teachers’ Knowledge About Grammar. The Modern Language Journal 99:3  pp. 529 ff. DOI logo
Yazan, Bedrettin
2012. Second Language Teacher Education: A Sociocultural Perspective. TESOL Quarterly 46:1  pp. 218 ff. DOI logo
Crookes, Graham
2010. Book review: Karen E. Johnson (2009). Second language teacher education: A sociocultural perspective. New York: Routledge. 160 pp. US$37.75 (paperback). ISBN: 978-0-41580-079-2. Language Teaching Research 14:3  pp. 338 ff. DOI logo
Pomphrey, Cathy & Suzanne Burley
2009. Teacher language awareness education and pedagogy: a new discursive space. Language Awareness 18:3-4  pp. 422 ff. DOI logo
Reeves, Jenelle
2009. A sociocultural perspective on ESOL teachers’ linguistic knowledge for teaching. Linguistics and Education 20:2  pp. 109 ff. DOI logo
J. Andrews, Stephen
2008. Teacher Language Awareness. In Encyclopedia of Language and Education,  pp. 2038 ff. DOI logo
Andrews, Stephen
2007. Researching and Developing Teacher Language Awareness. In International Handbook of English Language Teaching,  pp. 945 ff. DOI logo

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