This study investigated second language (L2)
learners’ use of first language (L1) as a means to resolve lexical
issues during collaborative writing tasks (i.e., L1 languaging).
Participants were 34 8th grade high-proficiency English learners in
Chile who shared their L1 (Spanish). Their vocabulary development
was tested via the vocabulary knowledge scale (VKS). Their
interactions during the collaborative writing tasks were
audio-recorded. The transcripts were first analysed in light of L1
focus such as content, language, and task management. Then, lexical
language-related episodes (LREs) involving L1 were examined. The
regression models of the VKS and LRE scores showed that L1
languaging was associated with higher gains in vocabulary
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2021. “It is impossible to teach English in English”: Preservice teachers’ struggles to facilitate L2 comprehensibility in English. TESOL Journal 12:2
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