This chapter argues for the relevance of framing L2 writing research associated with language
learning as part of a language curriculum within an instructed second language acquisition (ISLA)
perspective. In line with current ISLA theorizing, we argue that the field should prioritize the conduct of additional
studies of the processing dimension of writing and we envisage this future work as contributing to both
applied ISLA and ISLA applied. We synthesize past research on writing processes
and, against this background, we propose several future avenues and methodological directions for a process-oriented
agenda in the domain. We conclude with a synthesis of the ideas discussed and with an assessment of what our optic
offers to the collective inquiry into writing as a site for language learning that this book attempts to provide.
Article outline
The connection between L2 writing and language learning: An ISLA perspective
ISLA and language learning through writing
Implications for future research on L2 writing as a site for L2 learning
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