Chapter 3
Gameful teaching
Exploring language teacher identity and agency through video
The chapter investigates how the identity and agency of a
language teacher are constructed through the use of a suite of videogames
originally designed for vocabulary practice, called ELLE: the EndLess
LEarner. A unique aspect is that the teacher had the rare opportunity to
contribute to the game development and to be one of its first testers in its
multiple versions. Using reflections, autobiographical interviews, and
journal entries, the chapter illuminates how this teacher’s perceptions and
pedagogical values evolved in relation to the game. Her agency as an
instructor, an expert in her discipline, and an emergent gamer were strongly
intertwined. The findings also show that she employed the game as a
technological tool to achieve socially situated goals.
Article outline
- Language teacher identity and agency
- Gameful learning and teaching
- Methods
- Context and data
- ELLE description
- Data collection and participant
- Data analysis
- Findings
- “I used to be very traditional”: Looking back, moving forward
- Intersections between teacher and gamer identities
- Concluding remarks