Contemporary Sociolinguistics
Theory, Problems, Methods
Paperback – Not for resale
ISBN 9789027215185
The "common core" of different sociolinguistic schools includes a number of general problems such as the social differentiation of language, the sociolinguistic aspects of bilingualism and diglossia, the typology of linguistic situations, language engineering, national and standard languages and their social functions, etc. Still urgent to the sociolinguists of all countries and all trends is the problem of developing their own methodology and the application of research methods developed by other disciplines to sociolinguistics. The above-mentioned problems constitute the major thrust of this book. It is not merely a summary of studies by a certain sociolinguistic school or even several schools; the main goal of the author is to elucidate a number of major philosophical and theoretical questions, fundamental problems of sociolinguistics and methods of sociolinguistic analysis.
[Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 15] 1986. vii, 193 pp.
Publishing status: Available
Published online on 7 November 2011
Published online on 7 November 2011
© John Benjamins Publishing Company
Table of Contents
Preface to the English edition | p. V
Contents | p. VII
Introduction | p. 1
Chapter I: Philosophical Foundations of Contemporary Sociolinguistics | p. 5
1. Marxist Sociology and Sociolinguistic Theory
2. Behaviouristic Model of Speech Behaviour
3. Social Anthropology and Sociolinguistics
4. The Theory of Isomorphism of Linguistics and Sociocultural Systems
5. Symbolic-Interactionist Sociology and its Influence on Sociolinguistics
6. Ethnomethodology and its Relation to Sociolinguistics
7. Sociolinguistics and Generative Grammar
Chapter II: Theoretical Problems of Sociolinguistics | p. 51
1. The Subject-Matter of Sociolinguistics
2. On the Conceptual Framework of Sociolinguistics
3. Sociolinguistics and Semiotics
4. Sociolinguistics and Stylistics
Chapter III: Some Problems of Sociolinguistics | p. 106
1. Bilingualism and Diglossia
2. Typology of Language Situations
3. Language Policy and Language Engineering
Chapter IV: Methods of Sociolinguistics Studies | p. 148
1. Methods of Obtaining Sociolinguistic Data
2. Methods of Sociolinguistic Analysis
Index of Names | p. 185
Index of Subjects | p. 191
Cited by (2)
Cited by two other publications
Ozolins, Uldis
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Main BIC Subject
CF: Linguistics
Main BISAC Subject
LAN009000: LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General