Mediation strategies are deployed when people use translation, interpreting, lingua francas, intercomprehension, language learning, or any combination of these to communicate in situations where there is more than one language in play. Such choices can be seen as enacting trade-offs between the goals of mobility (across geolinguistic borders) and inclusion (primarily into labor markets and government services). Mediation strategies are nevertheless selected in accordance with complex sets of criteria by which they are evaluated and compared in each particular situation. Case studies suggest that, if seen as performative language policy, the strategies tend to give more priority to social inclusion than to language diversity. They might thus constitute a challenge to some approaches to official language policy.
Beerkens, Roos. 2010. Receptive Multilingualism as a Language Mode in the Dutch-German Area. Munster: Waxmann.
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Hale, Sandra. 2011. Public Service Interpreting. Malmkjaer, Kirsten & Kevin Windle eds. The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 343–356.
Lo Bianco, Joe. 2002. Real world language politics and policy. Steven J. Baker ed. Language policy: Lessons from global models. Monterey: Monterey Institute for International Studies. 8–27.
Meylaerts, Reine. 2011. Translational justice in a multilingual world: an overview of translational regimes. Meta 56/41:743–757.
Pokorn, Nike & Jaka Čibej. 2018. Interpreting and linguistic inclusion – friends or foes? Results from a field study. The Translator, 24/2, at [URL] (4January 2018).
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