Geographical retreat and symbolic advance?
Language policy in Ireland
Language policy in the Republic of Ireland has an unusual starting point: the geographical base of the Irish
language is very weak and territorially dispersed, yet the constitutional status of the language is extremely strong. The article
explores this paradox. It sets Irish language policy in two contexts: that of successful nationalist movements mainly in Central
and Eastern Europe in the early twentieth century, and that of the struggling Celtic languages of Western Europe. It explores the
evolution of the language and its weakening demographic status since the nineteenth century, noting that while its demographic
weakness mirrors that of the other Celtic languages, its constitutional entrenchment resembles that of the national languages of
Central and East European states. It attempts to explain this by suggesting that the language has played a marginal role in
nationalist mobilisation; the language served as a symbol of a specific cultural heritage rather than as the vital lingua franca
of the community. The central role of the language in nationalist ideology, however, failed to address the reality of continuing
decline in the Irish-speaking districts, notwithstanding the emergence of a sizeable population of ‘new speakers’ of the language
outside these districts.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The comparative context
- 3.The historical context
- 4.The nationalist context
- 5.The policy dimension
- 6.Conclusion
- Notes
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