In this article, I aim to analyse language rights in relation to groups of immigrant origin. Liberal democracies
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national minorities. However, the trend towards increasing levels of immigration is configuring new cultural and language
correlations within territorial boundaries that provoke responses that problematise a fixed conception of language rights. Drawing
on theories of liberal multiculturalism, I examine the case of claims for language recognition in the Spanish autonomous cities of
Ceuta and Melilla and its normative implications. In these territories, factors such as size, concentration, and the historical
ties of Arabic- and Berber-speaking communities challenge conventional approaches to minority groups’ rights based on a national
versus immigrant minority distinction. I argue that these approaches are not satisfactory for language claims in these two cities
and that a contextual approach is better suited to conceptualising the recognition of language rights.
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Cited by (4)
Cited by four other publications
Ali, Farah
2024. Conquest and Colonialism: A Brief History of Morocco-Spain Relations. In Policy, Media, and the Shaping of Spain-Morocco Relations, ► pp. 9 ff.
Erdocia, Iker
2020. The politics of plurilingualism: Immersion, translanguaging, and school autonomy in Catalonia. Linguistics and Education 60 ► pp. 100865 ff.
2022. Participation and deliberation in language policy: the case of gender-neutral language. Current Issues in Language Planning 23:4 ► pp. 435 ff.
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