In a world where linguistic and cultural diversity is increasingly celebrated, opting for English as the sole working language, as stipulated in the ASEAN Charter, on pragmatic grounds, has made ASEAN an interesting case study from the language policy and planning (LPP) perspective. ASEAN’s LPP can be understood as the manifestation of the principles of the ‘ASEAN Way’, i.e., quiet diplomacy, non-interference, and flexible consensus. Drawing on an analysis of the three overarching principles of the ASEAN Way and with reference to the ASEAN Charter, this paper problematises the ASEAN Way of LPP, arguing that a monolingual and essentialist approach to LPP might be both insufficient and inappropriate, and calls for an ecology-of-languages paradigm for ASEAN LPP. It invites readers to reimagine language policy that is more inclusive, democratic and socially equitable – one that reflects the sociolinguistic diversity of Southeast Asia and the Association.
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Cited by (6)
Cited by six other publications
Lee, Huan Yik
2025. Language Policy and Planning. In The Handbook of Plurilingual and Intercultural Language Learning, ► pp. 167 ff.
Lee, Huan Yik, M. Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy
2024. Theories and Principles of Supranational Language Policy and Planning. In Language Policy at the Supranational Level [Language Policy, 37], ► pp. 21 ff.
Lee, Huan Yik, M. Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy
2024. The Past: Rationalising ‘English-Only’ in ASEAN. In Language Policy at the Supranational Level [Language Policy, 37], ► pp. 55 ff.
Lee, Huan Yik, M. Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy
2024. The Present: English-Only Ideologies and Their Regional Implications. In Language Policy at the Supranational Level [Language Policy, 37], ► pp. 79 ff.
Lee, Huan Yik, M. Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy
2024. The Future: Imagining Alternative Linguistic Possibilities. In Language Policy at the Supranational Level [Language Policy, 37], ► pp. 113 ff.
Lee, Huan Yik, M. Obaidul Hamid & Ian Hardy
2024. Conclusion. In Language Policy at the Supranational Level [Language Policy, 37], ► pp. 157 ff.
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