Kinship in three Tamangic varieties
We examine kinship terms in three closely related Tamangic varieties: Manange, Nar, and Phu. Using Proto-Tamangic and Proto Tibeto-Burman reconstructions, we track cognate forms as well as structural innovations. Our account allows a first examination of lexico-semantic aspects of Phu, an under-documented representative of the Nar-Phu complex. While Nar-Phu is usually treated as a single language, considerable differences exist in the organization of all three kinship term systems. Kinship terms are considered to be conservative, basic vocabulary and thus indicative of close within-family relationships, but our study shows that even closely related varieties can show considerable differences in kin nomenclature.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The languages and methods of data collection
- 3.Form analysis
- 4.Comparison of lexical similarity between varieties
- 5.Concluding comments
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
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Hildebrandt, Kristine A., Oliver Bond & Dubi Nanda Dhakal
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