This paper examines the plural marker =
ɲê in
Cogtse Situ, a Gyalrongic language spoken in Western Sichuan, based on data from
Lin (2016). Although the
etymology of =
ɲê suggests that it was originally a plural
marker, its morphosyntax reveals that its hosts range beyond traditional
nominals and further cover infinitives, clauses, and adverbs, indicating that
ɲê has a wider array of uses beyond simply expressing
plurality in modern Cogtse. In this paper, I discuss the uses and the semantics
of the marker =
ɲê extend to honorific, associative,
approximative, and intensificative. After describing the different functions of
ɲê, I propose an evolutionary pathway for these uses. The
proposal of the pathway provides a possible explanation for the relationship
between different uses of this =
ɲê, and this paper fills the
research gap in the study of the plural marker in Gyalrongic languages.