The ergative and its differential marking in Mùwe Ké
This paper showcases the Mùwe Ké ergative -gane /
-gadiː, a unit formed from -ga, a particle of
specificity, with ablative marker -ne or demonstrative
dìː. This is unique in the language family, where ergative
-gi is usually found, and it is shown that ‘modern’
-gane has replaced historical -gi in the
language, which is still found on pronominals. The functions of
-ga and -gane are shown to centre around
precise indication, highlighting, and intersubjective focussing of attention.
The second half of the paper provides a presentation of the differential use of
-gane. Looking at possible differential argument marking
triggers, it is shown that only information structure and the notion of focus
account for the differential patterns found in the language.
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.Methods of data collection
- 3.Terminology
- 3.1Grammatical notions
- 3.2Information structure
- 3.3Differential argument marking
- 4.The Mùwe Ké ergative
- 5.Differential ergative marking in Mùwe Ké
- 6.Conclusion
- Note
- Abbreviations
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