Article published In:
Linguistic Variation: Online-First ArticlesNo-Reversal Constraint and beyond
Word-internal language mixing in Anatolia
This study investigates various un(der)studied word-internal language mixing patterns among Turkish, Anatolian
Arabic and Northern Kurdish, in the context of both verbal and nominal domains. The examination of these patterns reveals various
theoretical implications. First, head-directionality may change as a result of language contact. Second, in some instances,
certain functional categories are borrowed as semantically vacuous heads, and are identical to their bare counterparts (cf. Marantz 2013; Anagnostopoulou and Samioti
2014). Therefore, such semantically empty heads are ignored for meaning. Moreover, informed by the rarely-discussed
trilingual language-mixing contexts, the study demonstrates that various formal approaches to code-switching which rely on either
a distinction between functional vs lexical categories or phasehood as the defining constraint on code-switching are not tenable
(e.g., Poplack 1981; Belazi et al. 1994;
López et al. 2017). This study demonstrates language mixing is more permissive for
the languages in question than would be predicted by these approaches, and proposes the No-Reversal Constraint,
whose governing restriction is that code-switching does not allow a switch back to a language that has already been externalized
earlier in the derivation.
Keywords: word-internal language mixing, multilingualism, No-Reversal Constraint, code-switching, light verbs, Anatolia
Article outline
- 1.Introduction
- 2.The sociolinguistic and theoretical background
- 2.1The linguistic situation and multilingualism
- 2.2The theoretical background to word-formation
- 3.Verbal predicate formation
- 3.1Light verb constructions in Turkish and Northern Kurdish
- 3.2LVC borrowing between Kurdish-Arabic and Turkish
- 3.3Patterns of LVC borrowing with -mIş into Kurdish and Arabic
- 3.3.1 -mIş forms in NK
- 3.3.2 -mIş forms in Anatolian/Sason Arabic
- 3.4An analysis of the -mIş patterns
- 3.5A solely intra-linguistic/structural explanation for the asymmetry?
- 3.6Section summary
- 4.The templatic and affixal borrowing
- 4.1The templatic pattern in the verbal domain
- 4.2The templatic pattern in the nominal domain
- 4.2.1Irregular, broken plurals
- 4.2.2Regular and double plurals
- 4.2.3Word-internal language-mixing and No-Reversal Constraint
- 5.Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- Notes
Published online: 12 March 2024
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