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2022. The Causes of Learner Pronunciation Problems in English. In Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices,  pp. 1495 ff. DOI logo
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2019. Enhanced Second Language Vocabulary Learning Through Phonological Specificity Training in Adolescents. Language Learning 69:1  pp. 222 ff. DOI logo
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Han, Jeong-Im & Sujin Oh
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Shea, Christine
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Amengual, Mark
2016. Cross-Linguistic Influence in the Bilingual Mental Lexicon: Evidence of Cognate Effects in the Phonetic Production and Processing of a Vowel Contrast. Frontiers in Psychology 7 DOI logo
Han, Jeong-Im
2015. Processing of allophonic variants from optional vs. obligatory phonological processes. Phonetics and Speech Sciences 7:3  pp. 27 ff. DOI logo

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