Aydın, Nurullah
Analysis of Ömer Seyfettin's Stories about the Balkans in Terms of Narration Techniques.
İçtimaiyat 8:1
► pp. 1 ff.

Császár, Ferenc, Marta B. Erdos, Rebeka Javor & Gabor Kelemen
Narrative Means to Recovery Ends. Novel Psychoactive Substance Users in Early Recovery.
Journal of Loss and Trauma 29:7
► pp. 755 ff.

Heikkinen, Hannu L. T. & Raili Keränen-Pantsu
Making Sense of Narrativity. In
Narratives in Educational Research,
► pp. 179 ff.

Joy, Francis, Peter Armstrand & Elli-Maaret Helander
The Spiritual Significance of Birds in Sámi Tradition.
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 18:2
► pp. 49 ff.

Sunderman, Hannah M. & Jonathan Orsini
Leader(ship) Identity Development and Meaning Making: A Scoping Review.
Journal of Leadership Studies 
Kokko, Sirpa & Niina Väänänen
Broadening the Scope of Craft Teaching.
FormAkademisk 16:4

Lau, Josephine, Katja Vähäsantanen & Kaija Collin
The change and continuity of teachers’ professional agency: a two-year longitudinal study in the case of Hong Kong.
Asia Pacific Journal of Education ► pp. 1 ff.

Mönkkönen, Kaarina & Taru Kekoni
Constructing shared understanding in interprofessional client sessions.
Nordic Social Work Research 13:1
► pp. 76 ff.

Obrębska, Monika & Emilia Soroko
Momenty (nie)ciągłości psychologii narracyjnej.
Człowiek i Społeczeństwo 56
► pp. 7 ff.

Tarvainen, Merja & Vilma Hänninen
Disability and working-life citizenship.
Nordic Social Work Research 13:3
► pp. 460 ff.

Bornemisza, Agnes Y., Rebeka Javor & Marta B. Erdos
Sibling Grief over Perinatal Loss—A Retrospective Qualitative Study.
Journal of Loss and Trauma 27:6
► pp. 530 ff.

Hänninen, Vilma, Le Anh Nguyen Long & Anneke Sools
Cultural story models in making sense of a desired post-corona world.
Futures 141
► pp. 102989 ff.

Lindström, Janika & Timo Toikko
Survival stories as access to society. People with history of a crime as experts by experience.
Nordic Journal of Criminology 23:1
► pp. 3 ff.

Paananen, Pirkko
Musical backgrounds and musical identity development in pre-service music education and primary education students: a narrative study.
Music Education Research 24:1
► pp. 111 ff.

Pastwa-Wojciechowska, Beata & Aneta Chybicka
Outstanding women psychologists mainly from Europe – What helped and what limited them in their scientific careers? Guidelines for gender equity programs in academia.
Frontiers in Psychology 13

Soroko, Emilia & Paweł Majchrzak
Studying Self-Narrative Activity: The Self-Report and Verbal Expression.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 35:4
► pp. 1238 ff.

Hietanen, Lenita & Heikki Ruismäki
Entrepreneurial identity formation through musical identity formation.
Music Education Research 23:4
► pp. 443 ff.

Lindström, Janika & Teemu Rantanen
Experts of the streets: The thoughts of experts by experience with a history of crime and substance abuse on working as a team with professionals.
European Journal of Probation 13:3
► pp. 226 ff.

Pohjola, Hanna & Merja Tarvainen
Identity and Masculinity in Two Cases of Early-Onset Disability Autobiography.
Narrative Works 9:2
► pp. 71 ff.

Talsi, Riikka, Aarno Laitila, Timo Joensuu & Esa Saarinen
The Clip Approach: A Visual Methodology to Support the (Re)Construction of Life Narratives.
Qualitative Health Research 31:4
► pp. 789 ff.

Joy, Francis
The Importance of the Sun Symbol in the Restoration of Sámi Spiritual Traditions and Healing Practice.
Religions 11:6
► pp. 270 ff.

Joy, Francis
Bear and Sun Symbols in the Drum Landscapes of Sámi Artists Peter Armstrand and Elli-Maaret Helander.
Journal of Finnish Studies 27:1
► pp. 42 ff.

Murtorinne-Lahtinen, Minna & Kimmo Jokinen
Stepmothers’ constructions and negotiations of belonging.
Journal of Family Studies 26:1
► pp. 51 ff.

Hirsto, Laura
How do learning environment experiences relate to personal worldviews among the students of theology?.
Journal of Beliefs & Values 40:4
► pp. 416 ff.

Rautamies, Erja, Katja Vähäsantanen, Pirjo-Liisa Poikonen & Marja-Leena Laakso
Parental agency and related emotions in the educational partnership.
Early Child Development and Care 189:6
► pp. 896 ff.

Sallinen, Merja & Anne Marit Mengshoel
“I just want my life back!” - Men’s narratives about living with fibromyalgia.
Disability and Rehabilitation 41:4
► pp. 422 ff.

Tarvainen, Merja
Ableism and the Life Stories of People with Disabilities.
Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research 21:1
► pp. 291 ff.

Tarvainen, Merja
Loneliness in life stories by people with disabilities.
Disability & Society 36:6
► pp. 864 ff.

B. Erdős, Márta
„…Úgy érzem, mintha kiesnék ebből a világból.” A lélektani krízis átmeneti tapasztalatának narratív sajátosságai.
Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle 73:1
► pp. 59 ff.

Järvenpää, Pirkko & Vilma Hänninen
Stability of Repeated Work-Related Life Stories.
Journal of Constructivist Psychology 31:2
► pp. 206 ff.

Herman, Luc & Bart Vervaeck
A Theory of Narrative in Culture.
Poetics Today 38:4
► pp. 605 ff.

Salmela, Mari & Satu Uusiautti
How to implement the narrative approach in different phases of a positive psychological research? A four-dimensional analysis.
International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 6:1

Issakainen, Mervi & Vilma Hänninen
Young people's narratives of depression.
Journal of Youth Studies 19:2
► pp. 237 ff.

Eerola, Petteri & Johanna Mykkänen
Paternal Masculinities in Early Fatherhood.
Journal of Family Issues 36:12
► pp. 1674 ff.

Enck, Suzanne Marie & Blake A. McDaniel
“I Want Something Better for My Life”: Personal Narratives of Incarcerated Women and Performances of Agency.
Text and Performance Quarterly 35:1
► pp. 43 ff.

Sallinen, Merja & Marja Leena Kukkurainen
‘I've Been Walking on Eggshells All My Life’: Fibromyalgia Patients' Narratives About Experienced Violence and Abuse.
Musculoskeletal Care 13:3
► pp. 160 ff.

Smith, Robert
Seeing the Light.
Family Business Review 28:1
► pp. 76 ff.

Sunderland, Naomi, Lesley Chenoweth, Nicole Matthews & Kathleen Ellem
1000 Voices: Reflective online multimodal narrative inquiry as a research methodology for disability research.
Qualitative Social Work 14:1
► pp. 48 ff.

Taylor, Jackie & Stephen Kay
The Construction of Identities in Narratives about Serious Leisure Occupations.
Journal of Occupational Science 22:3
► pp. 260 ff.

Chan, Moon Fai, Katherine S.P. Leong, Boon Ling Heng, Blessy Koottappal Mathew, Sher Banu A.L. Khan, Sumathi Sagayamary Lourdusamy, Mina Nagapan, Sook Fan Woo, Wai Yan Chee, Roger C.M. Ho & Beverley Joan Taylor
Reducing depression among community-dwelling older adults using life-story review: A pilot study.
Geriatric Nursing 35:2
► pp. 105 ff.

Eerola, Petteri
Nurturing, breadwinning, and upbringing: paternal responsibilities by Finnish men in early fatherhood.
Community, Work & Family 17:3
► pp. 308 ff.

Gibson, Kerry & Claire Cartwright
Young clients' narratives of the purpose and outcome of counselling.
British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 42:5
► pp. 511 ff.

Karlsson, Liisa
Storycrafting Method–To Share, Participate, Tell And Listen In Practice And Research.
The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences 6:3
► pp. 497 ff.

Puusa, Anu, Kaarina Mönkkönen & Antti Varis
Mission lost? Dilemmatic dual nature of co-operatives.
Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 1:1
► pp. 6 ff.

Turtiainen, Kati Maaria
Social esteem in the narratives of refugees living in Finland.
Nordic Social Work Research 3:1
► pp. 20 ff.

Valkonen, Jukka & Vilma Hänninen
Narratives of Masculinity and Depression.
Men and Masculinities 16:2
► pp. 160 ff.

Hájek, Martin, Martin Havlík & Jiří Nekvapil
Narrative Analysis in Sociological Research: Main Approaches and a Unifying Frame.
Czech Sociological Review 48:2
► pp. 199 ff.

Sallinen, Merja, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Liisa Peltokallio, Marja Mikkelsson & Ulla Maria Anderberg
Fatigue, Worry, and Fear—Life Events in the Narratives of Women With Fibromyalgia.
Health Care for Women International 33:5
► pp. 473 ff.

Eerola, J. Petteri & Huttunen, Jouko
Metanarrative of the "New Father" and Narratives of Young Finnish First-Time Fathers.
Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers 9:3
► pp. 211 ff.

Sallinen, Merja, Marja Leena Kukkurainen, Liisa Peltokallio & Marja Mikkelsson
“I'm tired of being tired” – Fatigue as experienced by women with fibromyalgia.
Advances in Physiotherapy 13:1
► pp. 11 ff.

Valkonen, Jukka, Vilma Hänninen & Olavi Lindfors
Outcomes of psychotherapy from the perspective of the users.
Psychotherapy Research 21:2
► pp. 227 ff.

Vähäsantanen, Katja & Anneli Eteläpelto
Vocational teachers in the face of a major educational reform: individual ways of negotiating professional identities.
Journal of Education and Work 22:1
► pp. 15 ff.

Smith, Brett & Andrew C. Sparkes
Contrasting perspectives on narrating selves and identities: an invitation to dialogue.
Qualitative Research 8:1
► pp. 5 ff.

Rácz, Jozsef
Questions on the Interpretation of Drug Users' Autobiographies in a Country in the “Early” Phase of Drug Use.
Contemporary Drug Problems 33:1
► pp. 99 ff.

Ylijoki, Oili-Helena
Academic nostalgia: A narrative approach to academic work.
Human Relations 58:5
► pp. 555 ff.

[no author supplied]
References. In
Narrative Research in Nursing,
► pp. 158 ff.

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