Eriksson, Anna & Paul Horton
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Cabib, Ignacio, Martina Yopo Díaz, Andrés Biehl, Trinidad Cereceda, Juan Pablo Ormeño & Francisca Ortiz
Biographies of uncertainty regulation in the labor market and extension of working life in Chile.
Work, Aging and Retirement
Kelchtermans, Geert
Narratives in Educational Research and Practice: A Thoughtful Embrace and Critical Nurturing. In
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Qadhi, Saba, Xiangyun Du, Youmen Chaaban, Hessa Al-Thani & Alan Floyd
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van Lummel, Eline V T J, Larissa Ietswaard, Marloes Rigter, Dave H T Tjan, Johannes J M van Delden & Megan Milota
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Fragile minds, porous selves: Shining a light on autoethnography of mental illness.
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You Can Do It! A narrative inquiry into children’s experiences of a social-emotional and academic learning programme.
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What can we learn from the science identity narratives of first-generation college students?.
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A Marxist approach on the movie Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
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Paradigmatic variation in hedging and boosting: A comparative study of discussions in narrative inquiry and grounded theory research.
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Sylvie, Grosjean, Jordi Farré Coma, Gal Ota, Laffan Aoife, Sendra Anna, Stuempel Johanne & Mestre Tiago
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van Sambeek, Nienke, Andries Baart, Gaston Franssen, Stefan van Geelen & Floortje Scheepers
Recovering Context in Psychiatry: What Contextual Analysis of Service Users' Narratives Can Teach About Recovery Support.
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A Conceptual System of Antecedents and Processes in Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity Identification.
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Review: LEARNS: A creative approach to analysing and representing narrative data incorporating photo-elicitation techniques.
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Godden, Naomi Joy
A co-operative inquiry about love using narrative, performative and visual methods.
Qualitative Research 17:1
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Resisting Erasure: Bisexual Female Identity in South Africa.
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A narrative approach in evaluation: “Narratives of Change” method.
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What to Do with Stories?.
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Do We Really Want a Future as Qualitative Psychologists?.
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Goldstein, Diane
Vernacular Turns: Narrative, Local Knowledge, and the Changed Context of Folklore.
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Macías-Gómez-Estern, Beatriz
Narrative as a Sense-making Tool in the Construction of Migrants’ Identities. Apprehending Emotions.
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Parsons, Janet A., Virginia A. Bond, Stephanie A. Nixon & Janet Anne Seeley
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Watts, Michael F.
1.7 Life History Research and the Interpretation of Working Class Success in Higher Education in the United Kingdom. In
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Yardley, Elizabeth, David Wilson, Diane Kemp & Michael Brookes
Narrative Beyond Prison Gates.
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Public Discourses and Migrant Stories of Integration and Inequality: Language and Power in Biographical Narratives.
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The narrative turn in practical theology: A discussion of Julian M�ller�s narrative approach.
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Griffin, Meridith & Cassandra Phoenix
Learning to Run From Narrative Foreclosure: One Woman’s Story of Aging and Physical Activity.
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Housley, William
Book review: James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium (eds), Varieties of Narrative Analysis.
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Khirfan, Luna & Zahra Jaffer
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Pilcher, Nick, Martin Cortazzi & Lixian Jin
Da capo: A musical technique to evoke narrative recall.
Psychology of Music 42:4
► pp. 483 ff.
Prior, Matthew T.
Re-Examining Alignment in a “Failed” L2 Autobiographic Research Interview.
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Sandhu, Priti
The Interactional and Narrative Construction of Normative and Resistant Discourses about Hindi and English.
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Vindrola-Padros, Cecilia & Ginger A. Johnson
The Narrated, Nonnarrated, and the Disnarrated.
Qualitative Health Research 24:11
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Zulfikar, Teuku
Researching my own backyard: inquiries into an ethnographic study.
Ethnography and Education 9:3
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Broadbent, Robyn & Theo Papadopoulos
Bridging the digital divide – an Australian story.
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Unpacking the narrative of non-positional leadership in academia: Hero and/or victim?.
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Leong, Paul T.M. & Felix B. Tan
Narrative Interviews: An Alternative Method to the Study of Mentoring Adoption by Information Systems Project Managers.
Procedia Technology 9
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Martin, Rosemary
Alienation and transformation: an international education in contemporary dance.
Research in Dance Education 14:3
► pp. 201 ff.
Mazanderani, Fadhila, Louise Locock & John Powell
Biographical value: towards a conceptualisation of the commodification of illness narratives in contemporary healthcare.
Sociology of Health & Illness 35:6
► pp. 891 ff.
Pitre, Nicole Y., Kaysi E. Kushner, Kim D. Raine & Kathy M. Hegadoren
Critical Feminist Narrative Inquiry.
Advances in Nursing Science 36:2
► pp. 118 ff.
Remmik, Marvi, Mari Karm & Liina Lepp
Learning and Developing as a University Teacher: Narratives of Early Career Academics in Estonia.
European Educational Research Journal 12:3
► pp. 330 ff.
Taber, Nancy
A composite life history of a mother in the military: Storying gendered experiences.
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Taber, Nancy
Critiquing War in the Classroom: Professor Positionality, Vulnerability, and Possibility.
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Taber, Nancy
Le cochon, a washed up mermaid, and soldier’s bread: three generations of Acadian women at the intersection of museums and fiction.
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Frohlich, Dennis Owen
Self-disclosing My Ostomy to the Dominant Culture.
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Gilgun, Jane F.
Enduring Themes of Qualitative Family Research.
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► pp. 80 ff.
Hájek, Martin, Martin Havlík & Jiří Nekvapil
Narrative Analysis in Sociological Research: Main Approaches and a Unifying Frame.
Czech Sociological Review 48:2
► pp. 199 ff.
Jennings, George
Learning, mastery and ageing: Alternative narratives among British practitioners of traditionalist Chinese martial arts.
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Discourse & Society 23:2
► pp. 163 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Jonathan Clifton
Enacting Power Asymmetries in Reported Exchanges in the Narratives of Former Slaves.
Discourse Processes 50:1
► pp. 52 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Jonathan Clifton
Narrative Knowledging in TESOL.
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► pp. 391 ff.
Bishop, Emily C. & Marie L. Shepherd
Ethical Reflections.
Qualitative Health Research 21:9
► pp. 1283 ff.
Gilleard, Chris & Paul Higgs
Frailty, disability and old age: A re-appraisal.
Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 15:5
► pp. 475 ff.
Phoenix, C. & B. Smith
Telling a (Good?) Counterstory of Aging: Natural Bodybuilding Meets the Narrative of Decline.
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 66B:5
► pp. 628 ff.
Sandelowski, Margarete
When a cigar is not just a cigar: Alternative takes on data and data analysis.
Research in Nursing & Health 34:4
► pp. 342 ff.
Sutton, Barbara
Playful cards, serious talk: a qualitative research technique to elicit women’s embodied experiences.
Qualitative Research 11:2
► pp. 177 ff.
Wahlström, Mattias
Taking Control or Losing Control? Activist Narratives of Provocation and Collective Violence.
Social Movement Studies 10:4
► pp. 367 ff.
Woods, Angela
The limits of narrative: provocations for the medical humanities.
Medical Humanities 37:2
► pp. 73 ff.
Case, Jennifer M., Delia Marshall & Cedric J. Linder
Being a student again: a narrative study of a teacher's experience.
Teaching in Higher Education 15:4
► pp. 423 ff.
Endo, Hidehiro, Paul Chamness Reece-Miller & Nicholas Santavicca
Surviving in the trenches: A narrative inquiry into queer teachers’ experiences and identity.
Teaching and Teacher Education 26:4
► pp. 1023 ff.
Housley, William & Robin James Smith
Innovation and Reduction in Contemporary Qualitative Methods: The Case of Conceptual Coupling, Activity-Type Pairs and Auto-Ethnography.
Sociological Research Online 15:4
► pp. 36 ff.
Jensen-Hart, Staci & D J Williams
Blending Voices: Autoethnography as a Vehicle for Critical Reflection in Social Work.
Journal of Teaching in Social Work 30:4
► pp. 450 ff.
Lucius-Hoene, Gabriele
Narrative Identitätsarbeit im Interview. In
Subjekt – Identität – Person?,
► pp. 149 ff.
Marshall, Delia & Jennifer Case
Rethinking ‘disadvantage’ in higher education: a paradigmatic case study using narrative analysis.
Studies in Higher Education 35:5
► pp. 491 ff.
Phoenix, Cassandra, Brett Smith & Andrew C. Sparkes
Narrative analysis in aging studies: A typology for consideration.
Journal of Aging Studies 24:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Thomas, Carol
Negotiating the contested terrain of narrative methods in illness contexts.
Sociology of Health & Illness 32:4
► pp. 647 ff.
Walby, Kevin
Interviews as encounters: issues of sexuality and reflexivity when men interview men about commercial same sex relations.
Qualitative Research 10:6
► pp. 639 ff.
Atkinson, Paul
Illness Narratives Revisited: The Failure of Narrative Reductionism.
Sociological Research Online 14:5
► pp. 196 ff.
Atkinson, Paul
The contested terrain of narrative analysis – an appreciative response.
Sociology of Health & Illness 32:4
► pp. 661 ff.
Atkinson, Paul
An Accidental Anthropologist, a Sceptical Sociologist, a Reluctant Methodologist. In
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► pp. 33 ff.
Delgado, Fernando
Reflections on Being/Performing Latino Identity in the Academy.
Text and Performance Quarterly 29:2
► pp. 149 ff.
Galman, Sally A.C.
The truthful messenger: visual methods and representation in qualitative research in education.
Qualitative Research 9:2
► pp. 197 ff.
Lee, Josephine
Second Language Identities by David Block.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:1
► pp. 118 ff.
Petitt, Becky
Borrowed Power.
Advances in Developing Human Resources 11:5
► pp. 633 ff.
Tullis Owen, Jillian A., Chris McRae, Tony E. Adams & Alisha Vitale
truth Troubles.
Qualitative Inquiry 15:1
► pp. 178 ff.
Van de Mieroop, Dorien
A rehearsed self in repeated narratives? The case of two interviews with a former hooligan.
Discourse Studies 11:6
► pp. 721 ff.
Van De Mieroop, Dorien & Kris Bruyninckx
The influence of the interviewing style and the historical context on positioning shifts in the narrative of a Second World War Resistance member1.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:2
► pp. 169 ff.
Yeadon-Lee, Tracey
Doing extra-ordinariness: trans-men's accomplishment of `authenticity' in the research interview.
Qualitative Research 9:3
► pp. 243 ff.
Bamberg, Michael & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Small stories as a new perspective in narrative and identity analysis.
Text & Talk 28:3
Cova, Carù, Antonella & Bernard Cova
Small versus big stories in framing consumption experiences.
Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal 11:2
► pp. 166 ff.
De Fina, Anna & Alexandra Georgakopoulou
Analysing narratives as practices.
Qualitative Research 8:3
► pp. 379 ff.
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
‘On MSN with buff boys’: Self‐ and other‐identity claims in the context of small stories1.
Journal of Sociolinguistics 12:5
► pp. 597 ff.
Georgakopoulou, Alexandra
Small Stories Research. In
The Handbook of Narrative Analysis,
► pp. 255 ff.
Shojima, Sachiko
A Qualitative Study of the Re-organization Process of Self Narrative of a Person with Gender Identity Disorder.
The Japanese Journal of Personality 16:3
► pp. 265 ff.
Smith, Brett & Andrew C. Sparkes
Narrative and its potential contribution to disability studies.
Disability & Society 23:1
► pp. 17 ff.
Smith, Brett & Andrew C. Sparkes
Narrative inquiry in sport and exercise psychology: What can it mean, and why might we do it?.
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10:1
► pp. 1 ff.
Trahar, Sheila
It starts with once upon a time….
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 38:3
► pp. 259 ff.
Ng, S.
D. Block: Second Language Identities..
Applied Linguistics 30:1
► pp. 150 ff.
[no author supplied]
Theoretical Frameworks. In
Foundational Theories and Practical Applications of Qualitative Research Methodology [
Advances in Library and Information Science, ],
► pp. 18 ff.
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