Article published In:
Narrative Inquiry
Vol. 21:2 (2011) ► pp.295302
Cited by (24)

Cited by 24 other publications

Androutsopoulou, Athena & Christos Korovilas
2024.  The Greek photographer Nelly’s : the interplay of personal and socio-cultural theme of ‘rebirth’ . International Review of Psychiatry 36:1-2  pp. 104 ff. DOI logo
Martin, Anne & Emma Kostiainen
2024. Narrating Teachers’ Professional Development: Arts-Based Creative Expression in Educational Research. In Narratives in Educational Research,  pp. 137 ff. DOI logo
Viljamaa, Elina, Satu Karjalainen & Anna-Maija Puroila
2024. Studying the Embodied Nature of Children’s Narration. In Narratives in Educational Research,  pp. 103 ff. DOI logo
Francisco Mora, Carmen T., Alba Ibáñez-García & Anna Balcells-Balcells
2023. Participants’ Bias in Disability Research on Family Quality of Life during the 0–6 Years Stage. Behavioral Sciences 13:9  pp. 753 ff. DOI logo
Llanes-Díaz, Nathaly, Olga Odgers-Ortiz, Ietza Bojórquez-Chapela & José Francisco Valenzuela-Barreras
2023. Narrative strategies to re-signify sexual violence among gender and sexuality diverse Central American migrants in Tijuana. Culture, Health & Sexuality 25:12  pp. 1612 ff. DOI logo
Fivush, Robyn & Azriel Grysman
2022. Narrative and gender as mutually constituted meaning-making systems. Memory, Mind & Media 1 DOI logo
Mangone, Emiliana
2022. Background and Theoretical Framework. In Narratives and Social Change [Culture in Policy Making: The Symbolic Universes of Social Action, ],  pp. 19 ff. DOI logo
Struweg, Ilse & Marius Wait
2022. University brand personality: a student-focused anthropomorphic storytelling perspective. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education  pp. 1 ff. DOI logo
Wei, Ge
2022. Children's Perezhivaniya and Agency During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Narrative Research from China. SSRN Electronic Journal DOI logo
Wei, Ge
2023. Children's perezhivaniya and agency during the COVID-19 pandemic: Narrative research from China. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 38  pp. 100683 ff. DOI logo
Wei, Ge
2023. Children’s Agency during the COVID-19 Pandemic in China. In Agency and Transformation,  pp. 336 ff. DOI logo
Yamagata-Lynch, Lisa C., Erin R. Garty, Stephanie Teague Hostetter & Makhosazana L. Lunga
2022. Grappling with professional ethics in instructional technology by participating in an online service-learning course. Journal of Computing in Higher Education 34:1  pp. 189 ff. DOI logo
Lander, Daniel & Angela T Ragusa
2021. ‘A rational solution to a different problem’; understanding the verisimilitude of anti-vaccination communication. Communication Research and Practice 7:1  pp. 89 ff. DOI logo
Lombardo, Florian & Mathéo Daly
2021. Analyzing suicide life stories on Wikipedia with Highway_star and other textual visualization tools. SN Social Sciences 1:11 DOI logo
Perlin, Joshua D. & Robyn Fivush
2021. Revisiting Redemption: A Life Span Developmental Account of the Functions of Narrative Redemption. Human Development 65:1  pp. 23 ff. DOI logo
Hale, Rachel
2020. Good Intentions: Women’s Narratives of Post-Release Anticipatory Desistance in the Context of Historical and Contemporary Disadvantage and Trauma. Feminist Criminology 15:5  pp. 519 ff. DOI logo
Hazel R. Wright & Marianne Høyen
2020. Discourses We Live By, DOI logo
Androutsopoulou, Athena, Evgenia Dima, Sofia Papageorgiou & Theodora Papanikolaou
2019. Constructing “Georgia”: Love, Play, Work as a Central Theme in O’Keefee’s Early and Late Memories. In New Trends in Psychobiography,  pp. 325 ff. DOI logo
Xu, Shuangshuang
2019. Revisiting Bruner’s Legacy from the Perspective of Historical Materialism. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science 53:4  pp. 590 ff. DOI logo
Larison, Karen D.
2018. Taking the Scientist’s Perspective. Science & Education 27:1-2  pp. 133 ff. DOI logo
Puroila, Anna-Maija & Eva Johansson
2018. Sharing, Retelling, and Performing Narratives: Challenging and Supporting Educators’ Work with Values in Nordic Preschools. In Values Education in Early Childhood Settings [International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development, 23],  pp. 145 ff. DOI logo
Yamagata-Lynch, Lisa C., Jaewoo Do, Deepa Deshpande, Anne L. Skutnik, Brenda K. Murphy & Erin Garty
2017. Narrative Inquiry With Activity Systems. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 16:1 DOI logo
Dahlstrom, Michael F.
2014. Using narratives and storytelling to communicate science with nonexpert audiences. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111:supplement_4  pp. 13614 ff. DOI logo
Androutsopoulou, Athena
2013. The use of early recollections as a narrative aid in psychotherapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly 26:3-4  pp. 313 ff. DOI logo

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